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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-10-12 13:25:07
看板 Gossiping
作者 bravo233295 (Dr. Tsai)
標題 [問卦] 悲慘世界哪首最經典?
時間 Wed Oct 12 02:51:19 2016

經典音樂劇 悲慘世界

劇情延宕起伏 配樂也是超好聽


是尚萬強慘兮兮的Look down

婷芳要哭哭的I dreamed a dream

浪漫的A heart full of love


還是大合唱Do u hear the people sing

Sent from JPTT on my Sony E2363.

 標題  [問卦] 地名+食物的霸主是誰?
b86070800: 洋屌                                                 10/21 08:52

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gino0717: 我難過1F 10/12 02:51
srmember: 最後一首2F 10/12 02:52
ADHD: on my own3F 10/12 02:52
DarkKnight:  羅 素  克 洛4F 10/12 02:52
adrienJPFR: One day more~~~~5F 10/12 02:52
GGrunrundela: 我難過6F 10/12 02:52
IronWolf: 馬里歐看到柯賽特升旗的那首歌7F 10/12 02:52
忘記是Red&Black還是 One day more
plusonezero: The Phantom of the Opera8F 10/12 02:53
neyash: Sing my angel9F 10/12 02:53
fish612: 2~4~6~0~1~~~~10F 10/12 02:54
Elsmos: who am i11F 10/12 02:54
ms0487468: One day more  on my own12F 10/12 02:55
virnux: 最後一首13F 10/12 02:57
※ 編輯: bravo233295 (, 10/12/2016 02:59:45
LineFriends: the diva dance14F 10/12 02:59
jamesadobe: 你敢有聽着咱的歌15F 10/12 03:00
momocom: one day more16F 10/12 03:03
snowcat: the music of the night17F 10/12 03:03
PTTLawyer: I dream a dream18F 10/12 03:04
ghostl40809: let him live19F 10/12 03:06
expertsaid: 千本櫻20F 10/12 03:06

Waitaha: on my own21F 10/12 03:06
※ 編輯: bravo233295 (, 10/12/2016 03:10:40
orze04: who am i22F 10/12 03:07
c93203wj4: castle on the cloud居然沒在名單上?23F 10/12 03:10
※ 編輯: bravo233295 (, 10/12/2016 03:12:18
orze04: 柯塞特24F 10/12 03:13
Elsmos: 雲端城堡 科塞特唱的25F 10/12 03:13
bravo233295: 蘿莉音<326F 10/12 03:17
stantheman: 當然是大教堂的時代啊27F 10/12 03:23
s2061222: look down 第一次看的時候  一開場整個震撼  do u hear28F 10/12 03:24
s2061222: the people sing 也超經典
mashi0101: I dream a dream 雖然說沒有國哪有家 但當自己的一切被30F 10/12 03:27
mashi0101: 毀滅後真的顧不得其他事情
LonyIce: On my own32F 10/12 03:28
orze04: 我只推十週年版(1995)33F 10/12 03:28
www1025: 唯一支持who am i34F 10/12 03:29
orze04: 二十五週年版實在普普35F 10/12 03:29
iWatch2: 當然是Do u hear the people sing啊 高中教唱完老師要派36F 10/12 03:31
iWatch2: 作業要小考 我們全班就合唱這首跟老師抗議
rudy30832: on my own and one day more剛好兩首一起的:)38F 10/12 03:34
PolarWood: on my own +139F 10/12 03:39
Edge5566: I dreamed a dream +140F 10/12 03:45
ckay: 推 Star41F 10/12 03:46
weus: Master of the house 算是挺歡樂的插曲42F 10/12 03:59
zx126126987: 大合唱啊 跟我們有密切關係43F 10/12 04:00
bam5566: 看不懂英文啦 記得都很好聽 但最有趣的一首是海盜家庭那44F 10/12 04:01
HyperPoro: 看過百老匯現場的 真的讚45F 10/12 04:03
DORAQMON: 臺灣抄襲的那首46F 10/12 04:03
zyzzyzx: bring him home, castle on cloud ,master in the house47F 10/12 04:24
a255234: who am i48F 10/12 04:26
bleedwolf: one day more49F 10/12 04:31
Les Miserables - On My Own (2012) full version - YouTube
Les Miserables - On My Own (2012) full version

WindowsApple: 單身狗QQ51F 10/12 04:42
lavern1001: star52F 10/12 04:57
lmign: Lea的on my own53F 10/12 05:08
Pilipaul: Bring him home跟Empty chair at empty table54F 10/12 05:16
nothungry: everyday  https://youtu.be/edlNTPFvACg55F 10/12 05:52
Les Miserables 10th Anniversary - Every Day/A Heart Full of Love (Reprise) (37/41) - YouTube Les Misérables: The Dream Cast in Concert 10th Anniversary at the Royal Albert Hall Playlist

wiloveyou: Tomorrow come~56F 10/12 05:55
nothungry: 不到50秒,卻很喜歡57F 10/12 05:55
abyss5566: ONE DAY MORE58F 10/12 06:02
weipoyen: 天空之城59F 10/12 06:12
w62796854w: Valjean's Soliloquy 唱出尚萬強的心境掙扎、轉換,60F 10/12 06:13
w62796854w: 非常喜歡
c8xji: 芳婷啦XD62F 10/12 06:52
oaoa0123: The confrontation 對位重唱63F 10/12 07:09
shallreturn: star64F 10/12 07:27
benothing: On my own65F 10/12 07:27
leinru: 馬英九fuck my ass那首66F 10/12 07:38
cerberi: on my own!最適合肥宅我了67F 10/12 07:44
PSDC1997: Star68F 10/12 07:47
Amira Willighagen & André Rieu : 10 000 people : Standing ovation - YouTube Amira Willighagen performs 'O mio babbino caro' together with André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra during a concert held in Maastricht, The Netherland...

joe199277: one day more70F 10/12 08:06
tmyu: 我心充滿愛71F 10/12 08:14
roseva: I dreamed a dream 超催淚72F 10/12 08:21
j90206: look down!!73F 10/12 08:23
fantacliff: 當然是最後那一首74F 10/12 08:32
summer0621: 當然是 On my own 啊!工具人QQ75F 10/12 08:32
mdkn35: Bring him home76F 10/12 08:34
MimoPile: 最喜歡尚萬強跟警察對峙那首77F 10/12 08:45
nuclearforce: 覺得每一首都好經典78F 10/12 08:50
jennyperi: Do u hear the people sing79F 10/12 08:51
feliz5566: Castle on the cloud 音樂課本有80F 10/12 08:53
piliwu: 居然沒有one day more81F 10/12 08:59
halala: 幹 為何沒master in the house.  我覺得神曲啊82F 10/12 09:01
fraser0136: 兩~四~六~洞~么~~~83F 10/12 09:06
Lumial020: 那一年默默無言只能選擇離開84F 10/12 09:11
ccjj8: On my own 沒有之一85F 10/12 09:15
IcePhoenix: master in the house 是很喜感,但我比較喜歡star86F 10/12 09:15
notissue: on my own聽到哭 one day more很好聽87F 10/12 09:21
martinshih: 整部全都是經典  太難選了88F 10/12 09:33
rock0916: On my own 電影版的歌手不夠好聽,很多百老匯唱的真的89F 10/12 09:37
rock0916: 很棒
cwind07: one day more+1,那段眾人交錯唱展現各人內在心境創作很91F 10/12 09:39
wawa1109: STAR92F 10/12 09:39
cwind07: 棒93F 10/12 09:40
CandyIsALie: 24601!!!!!!!94F 10/12 09:59
kolala: bring him home如果遇到很會唱的Jean Valjean是會流淚的95F 10/12 10:01
zoevla: 為什麼24601的0要唱歐 不唱zero??96F 10/12 10:06
d84898631: on my own 唯一自己會哼的歌97F 10/12 10:15
alvis000: One day more  然後居然沒標on my own98F 10/12 10:29
Garfield4ni: 不是芳婷嗎99F 10/12 10:31
lin961213: 鐘樓怪人比較好聽100F 10/12 10:38
penguin01: 是芳婷吧XDDDD101F 10/12 10:41
BeibeiCo2: 打怪獸~打怪獸~102F 10/12 10:45
a1000353zz: Star103F 10/12 10:45
hagane39: 最後一首吧104F 10/12 11:20
kirino825481: 沒有之一105F 10/12 11:24
kirino825481: https://youtu.be/VjfmP7h3gBw
Lea Salonga - On My Own (Les Misérables) [720p] - YouTube
Les Misérables 10th Anniversary Concert at the Royal Albert Hall Lea Salonga (Éponine) Conductor: David Charles Abell Orchestra: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

fantasy2600: 雲端城堡+1107F 10/12 11:26
qpqp: one day more +1108F 10/12 11:34
lovetoshinya: i dreamed a dream109F 10/12 11:52
FridayYu: On my own +1110F 10/12 11:54
kikujiro: 中配版的片尾曲:我難過111F 10/12 12:21
b81314: on my own112F 10/12 12:25
dinodinotw: Castle on the cloud 蘿莉加成113F 10/12 12:29
mytholin: the people sing哭爆114F 10/12 12:59
billabcddog: Master of the house115F 10/12 13:17
alanzerg0357: 1. Star  2. Bring him home116F 10/12 13:17
bl3649765: 最喜歡 star117F 10/12 13:18
coolsemis: 全部118F 10/12 13:20

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