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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-09-07 19:51:04
看板 Gossiping
作者 unique681 (tw)
標題 [問卦] 火車座位被外國人坐走 怎麼請他離開?
時間 Tue Sep  6 23:02:18 2016


火車對號座位被坐走 如果是遇到台灣人那好辦事



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Npjf-RE (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1473174142.A.6CE.html
shevchen: 肛1F 09/06 23:02
uke3458: 妹2F 09/06 23:02
shiriri: get out of my seat3F 09/06 23:02
twPenn: May sure gun more4F 09/06 23:02


f17690815: ma5F 09/06 23:02
ejeanstone: 肛五樓的馬眼嚇他走6F 09/06 23:02
LBJay: note7拿出來?7F 09/06 23:02
gracefeather: make sure gang more8F 09/06 23:03
kairi5217: Fuxk off9F 09/06 23:03
meredith001: 滾10F 09/06 23:03
※ 編輯: unique681 (, 09/06/2016 23:04:20
beartsubaki: 外國人台灣人有差嗎 都是搶走你座位的人 = =11F 09/06 23:03
noname78531: ccr:就給他坐啊12F 09/06 23:03
hu6111: Get out!Fuck you!13F 09/06 23:03
huangmingwei: GO AWAY14F 09/06 23:03
kerkercheng: FUCK OFF15F 09/06 23:03
dioradio: 肛16F 09/06 23:04
f51: get out the here17F 09/06 23:04
a81255316: Fuck my ass pls18F 09/06 23:04
soria: 直接了當跟他說這是我的位子19F 09/06 23:04
JFNfrog: hold the door!!20F 09/06 23:04
IronWolf: 牛沒奶21F 09/06 23:05
vesia: 拿車票給他看啊22F 09/06 23:05
amandasdream: excuse me, this is my seat.23F 09/06 23:05
f51: GET OUT OF HERE AND KISS MY ASS24F 09/06 23:05
idunhav1: bend over25F 09/06 23:05
freshbanana: 比車票再比自己26F 09/06 23:05
a1121255: move your fucking ass out27F 09/06 23:05
BDG: 請列車長28F 09/06 23:05
waynecode: Sup, bro? You think you got swags?29F 09/06 23:06
SuperUp: 講中文叫他滾丫 講英文的都潛在ccr30F 09/06 23:06
Loitry: Geu the fuck out31F 09/06 23:06
f51: GET OUT OF HERE AND KICK MY ASS32F 09/06 23:06
Xhocer: 罵他幹你娘他絕對聽得懂33F 09/06 23:06
Batterygod: fuck off mate !34F 09/06 23:06
sealdoom: excause me, this is my seat.  May I ask you to leave35F 09/06 23:06
Batterygod: -gradeaundera , 201636F 09/06 23:07
Scion: Please penetrate my butthole, I am serious, please.37F 09/06 23:07
Scion: My butthole is itching for your penis.
proletariat: May show gun more?39F 09/06 23:09
zzxcasd: 簽生死狀打擂台40F 09/06 23:09
lonelysin: 拿出NOTE7大喊阿拉花瓜阿!整節車廂都可以座喔~41F 09/06 23:09
hipmyhop: assfucker will kill you. A hole42F 09/06 23:09
justadog: 說中文 聽不懂他家的事43F 09/06 23:09
BigHotDog: may show gun more44F 09/06 23:09
haw561676: 樓上...45F 09/06 23:09
ace4: 露出刺青說 幹46F 09/06 23:10
sealdoom: 滅休幹魔47F 09/06 23:10
magic1104: 坐他大腿48F 09/06 23:10
Nishikino252: fuck him49F 09/06 23:10
shadowdio: 用廣東話罵他50F 09/06 23:11
koim: 你,海灘的太陽!用英文說即可51F 09/06 23:11
victoryman: this is my seat52F 09/06 23:12
nomad888: fxxk my seat53F 09/06 23:12
kevinlike: May I sit on ur legs54F 09/06 23:12
f51: GET OUT OF HERE AND KICK MY ASS55F 09/06 23:13
sealdoom: 樓上自爆56F 09/06 23:13
Asce: be gone57F 09/06 23:14
sealdoom: 像這種要求我沒聽過58F 09/06 23:14
dean1990: 問他要不要買瓜59F 09/06 23:14
SKyDRoPer: fuck off60F 09/06 23:14
sealdoom: Get lost!61F 09/06 23:15
owenx: 坐他大腿上啊62F 09/06 23:16
gg4inder: g g is in der63F 09/06 23:16
KMTlikesshit: Get out of my sight before I demolish you64F 09/06 23:19
reality6699: Coffee?Tea?or me?65F 09/06 23:20
kps1247: get out BAMF66F 09/06 23:20
shadowpower: This is my spot67F 09/06 23:22
johnniewu: Get out my jungle!68F 09/06 23:23
wewe266: make sure gun more69F 09/06 23:24
Chieen: Fuck off! Bittttttttch! Or you will suck my dick!70F 09/06 23:25
alog: 你:you! out! out! out!  老外表示:你學狗叫?71F 09/06 23:27
dageegee: Get the fuck away72F 09/06 23:31
yugo740416: this is my fucking seat73F 09/06 23:34
DuMon: 舔他耳朵74F 09/06 23:35
eflove43: suck my dick75F 09/06 23:36
error123: 比蓮花指坐下去           結果遇到老外gay76F 09/06 23:39
minami77: how r u77F 09/06 23:41
khsa3200: 把你的包包丟到他腿上喊阿拉花瓜,另外要記得把臉包起78F 09/06 23:42
khsa3200: 來
Leaflock: got your ads out of here,motherfucker80F 09/06 23:45
Leaflock: ass
wuliou: fuck off82F 09/06 23:46
mouz: Ixcuse me ,this is my sit83F 09/06 23:49
TECHMONSTER: 今日我們既分高下 也決生死84F 09/06 23:50
j900414: get out from my seat85F 09/06 23:50
hau0324: Get out of my territory. Say my name.86F 09/06 23:52
htaedamay: This is book.87F 09/06 23:55
XseraphimX: I will kick your ass88F 09/06 23:55
Rabarc: 看是白色 黑色 還是棕色的 各有應對89F 09/06 23:56
VincentKung: Fuck off90F 09/06 23:58
j68345517: 用臺語叫他起來91F 09/07 00:00
kenlin0105: 幹滾喇92F 09/07 00:03
hayashi0728: 幹你娘起來釘孤支93F 09/07 00:05
fancydick501: fuck off, pussy bitch94F 09/07 00:05
hayashi0728: how do you turn this on95F 09/07 00:06
tsungg: fuck off you faggot96F 09/07 00:06
fish5123: have a seat,and I will suck your dick97F 09/07 00:09
masala: A for Apple, B for boy98F 09/07 00:23
welkin0219: Jung Liou Dan Tiou99F 09/07 00:27
justtakethat: 講中文請他離開100F 09/07 00:51
masala: 講中文,叫他滾101F 09/07 00:57
sunn0414: Sorry, you sat my seat,please find another seat to s102F 09/07 01:05
sunn0414: it ..
fit8590: 法q 你閣104F 09/07 01:08
karnoel: 台奴105F 09/07 01:09
dixieland999: 義大利?106F 09/07 01:19
JQK2: 坐在他腿上啊107F 09/07 01:22
JQK2: 之前遇到一個跟湯姆克魯斯有87成像的外國人,一整個心花怒
JQK2: 放
aniki9mmd: fire.in the hole110F 09/07 01:27
kevin95257: 怎麼沒有大喊  阿拉花瓜111F 09/07 04:49
dixongossip: Sheldon: This is my spot!!!!112F 09/07 08:13
Erict: 四樓  XDDDD113F 09/07 08:24
raku: Get the fuck out of my seat, [    ] !114F 09/07 08:53
nova06091: CY@115F 09/07 09:08
RachelMay: 有印象不要隨便對歪國人說sorry,因為會變成你是弱勢沒116F 09/07 09:14
RachelMay: 有主權,如果要他讓位還是直接講,不要搞什麼客套
Housetobe: fuck off and fuck yourself118F 09/07 09:21
astro1217: ccr直接坐上去爽119F 09/07 09:54
gyamwoo: may you move ur god damn fucking ass out of my seat??120F 09/07 10:18
oabcbenkco: 就直接講中文叫他起來………這有什麼困難,不用對外121F 09/07 10:25
nekoares: 拿車票給他看,這一句話都不用說吧,頂多說個sorry122F 09/07 10:38
jym962370: 是黑人跟他說 "那個"是我的位子123F 09/07 10:44
sabreur: 直接說中文啊  這麼自卑喔124F 09/07 11:19
CelicaGT: 列車長125F 09/07 12:14
Fly17: 遇到無恥佔座 找列車長就對了 自強號車長室在七車126F 09/07 12:21
kcl0801: fuck off 這是很有禮貌的用法哦^^127F 09/07 13:01
eric28749: 講英文就自卑 是有多玻璃心啊128F 09/07 13:25
william10319: fire in the hole129F 09/07 14:01
mido: May sure gun more130F 09/07 14:21

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1878 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2016-09-07 10:21:58 (台灣)
  09-07 10:21 TW
2樓 時間: 2016-09-07 14:39:46 (台灣)
  09-07 14:39 TW
get out!! motherfucker
3樓 時間: 2016-09-09 17:08:45 (新加坡)
  09-09 17:08 SG
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