※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-09-11 19:03:19
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 三星手機運輸中爆炸,造成三死
時間 Sun Sep 11 16:24:50 2016
※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞
※ 標題沒有寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章
※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者退文,貼廣告也會被退文喔!
A semi-trailer truck exploded this morning in Florida,
after the Samsung phones it was carrying began exploding,
killing 3 people and injuring 11 others.
According to witnesses, a series of explosion took place in the truck’s
cargo trailer, setting it ablaze. Within a few seconds, blazing smarpthones
were flying in the air in all directions, hitting nearby vehicles at
extremely high speeds.
“It was totally crazy! There were hundreds of flaming phones coming out of
the trailer at bullet speed,”says Jamal Anderson, whose car was hit by three
phones. “It looked like a huge firework with flames and explosions
everywhere.”Seven nearby vehicles were hit by the flaming projectiles,
leading to a dramatic car crash involving 17 vehicles. samsung 17 vehicles
were implicated in a violent accident after blazing smartphones started
flying everywhere, causing 3 deaths. Samsung Electronics has already
recognized many security issues with it’s new smartphone model.
Several people posted images and videos of charred Galaxy Note 7s online
and said their phones had caught on fire or that their phone battery had
exploded. Samsung Electronics finally delayed shipments of its premium Note 7
smartphone, wiping almost $7 billion off its market value. The phones that
exploded were models that had been recalled until further tests have been
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Shipment of Samsung smartphones explodes during transport, 3 dead – World News Daily Report
A semi-trailer truck exploded this morning in Florida, after the Samsung phones it was carrying began exploding, killing 3 people and injuring 11 othe ...
A semi-trailer truck exploded this morning in Florida, after the Samsung phones it was carrying began exploding, killing 3 people and injuring 11 othe ...
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1473582292.A.FE0.html
推 : !!1F 09/11 16:25
推 : ......2F 09/11 16:25
推 : 如果是真的就太猛了-.-3F 09/11 16:25
→ : 好猛啊4F 09/11 16:25
推 : 本來要起飛的 被搞成這樣....也太慘5F 09/11 16:25
推 : 外電不用附上簡單翻譯嗎6F 09/11 16:26
推 : 我懷疑ISIS有入股三星電子公司 扯7F 09/11 16:26
推 : HTC有辦法趁三星掛點重返榮耀嗎?8F 09/11 16:26
※ 編輯: wheels (, 09/11/2016 16:27:11推 : HTC也爆炸了阿 XD9F 09/11 16:26
推 : ...太扯10F 09/11 16:27
推 : 幹!沒開機也爆11F 09/11 16:27
推 : 哇靠真的殺人啦13F 09/11 16:27
→ G41271 …
推 : 突然覺得子龍機可靠太多了15F 09/11 16:28
推 : 如果真的。三星這次麻煩大了16F 09/11 16:28
推 : 這下所有航空都要下禁令了17F 09/11 16:28
推 : 最新也一代恐怖功擊利器18F 09/11 16:28
推 : 現在什麼壞事都是三星害的19F 09/11 16:28
→ : 今天有人貼過又自刪了, 似乎跟手機無關20F 09/11 16:28
推 : 太惠了吧21F 09/11 16:28
推 : 感覺是假新聞22F 09/11 16:28
→ : 美國.. 賠不完了23F 09/11 16:28
推 : 幹太扯24F 09/11 16:28
推 : 這是炸彈吧?!25F 09/11 16:28
※ 編輯: wheels (, 09/11/2016 16:29:32推 : 如果是空運中就...26F 09/11 16:28
→ : ....這真的可以當軍火賣了27F 09/11 16:28
※ hsujerry:轉錄至看板 Tech_Job 09/11 16:29
噓 : 假新聞 圖片都以前的阿28F 09/11 16:29
推 : 假新聞啦...= = 大家真容易高潮29F 09/11 16:29
→ : ㄟ('v')o 三星偷偷跟惠惠合作?30F 09/11 16:29
→ : 這不是假新聞嗎?31F 09/11 16:29
→ : 誰轉去手機板啊32F 09/11 16:29
→ : 假新聞33F 09/11 16:29
推 : 太狂了34F 09/11 16:29
→ : "幾百隻著火手機像子彈一樣從卡車中射出"35F 09/11 16:29
推 : 幹XDDD36F 09/11 16:29
噓 : 假新聞,這種大新聞怎麼可能其他各大美媒都沒報37F 09/11 16:29
→ : 太狂38F 09/11 16:29
噓 : 假新聞 圖片是舊的39F 09/11 16:29
→ : 三星94狂40F 09/11 16:29
→ : 原來是假的窩 難過都沒看到新聞41F 09/11 16:29
推 : 太瞎了42F 09/11 16:30
噓 : 說好的過濾資訊的能力呢43F 09/11 16:30
→ : 丟臉丟到國外44F 09/11 16:30
→ : 還好是假的 嚇死人了45F 09/11 16:30
推 : ..............太誇張了46F 09/11 16:30
噓 : 假的拉QAQ47F 09/11 16:30
推 : asus手機不錯48F 09/11 16:30
→ : 等記者抄完再刪49F 09/11 16:30
噓 : ㄟ('v')o 假的50F 09/11 16:31
推 : 先留著給記者抄51F 09/11 16:31
推 : 阿拉花瓜52F 09/11 16:31
推 : 我懷疑北韓的試爆 其實是跟南韓合作的53F 09/11 16:32
※ 編輯: wheels (, 09/11/2016 16:33:08→ : 炸到空中? 威力大成這樣?54F 09/11 16:32
→ : 靠杯 假的 我還看這麼認真55F 09/11 16:33
推 : 假的,都是業障的錯56F 09/11 16:33
推 : 太扯了....57F 09/11 16:33
推 : Bang bang bang !三星共和國新武器!58F 09/11 16:33
噓 : 什麼八卦小報也敢專貼59F 09/11 16:33
噓 : 好扯60F 09/11 16:33
推 : 三星要在中東 歐美 國家要熱賣了61F 09/11 16:33
推 : 應該要倒閉了...62F 09/11 16:33
Photos of the Day: Nov. 9 - Photo Journal - WSJ
In today’s pictures, a woman floated in the Dead Sea, a stranded traveler sleeps at an Alaska airport, Christmas tree season gets under way in Germany ...
In today’s pictures, a woman floated in the Dead Sea, a stranded traveler sleeps at an Alaska airport, Christmas tree season gets under way in Germany ...
噓 : 假的就要怒噓64F 09/11 16:34
→ : 還好我有看動畫 知道EXPLODE意思 ㄎㄎ65F 09/11 16:35
推 : 上百隻著火的手機以子彈般的速度飆出貨櫃,哈哈哈66F 09/11 16:35
噓 : 幹我用破英文勉強看完了然後你們跟我睡是假的???67F 09/11 16:35
→ : ?
→ : ?
噓 : 我英文超爛都看得出來是假的..69F 09/11 16:35
→ : 說70F 09/11 16:35
52 hurt in multiple-vehicle pileup on I-75 in Florida - CNN.com
Fifty-two people were hurt Friday in a pileup involving dozens of vehicles on an interstate highway on Florida's Gulf Coast, police said. ...
Fifty-two people were hurt Friday in a pileup involving dozens of vehicles on an interstate highway on Florida's Gulf Coast, police said. ...
→ : 可以做國防武器了,如果是真的話,太扯蛋72F 09/11 16:36
推 : 到底是不是反串73F 09/11 16:36
→ : 我猜會有媒體把這篇未經查證的文當新聞發74F 09/11 16:36
推 : 假的 業障重75F 09/11 16:37
推 : 鋰電池本來就要小心了76F 09/11 16:38
噓 : 假的...樓上連結的照片有日期 2012年77F 09/11 16:39
推 : HTC要翻身,圖案要先變ㄧ顆蘋果78F 09/11 16:42
→ : 原來是手榴彈我還以為是手機XD79F 09/11 16:44
推 : 原來是手榴彈,嚇屎偶惹,還以為是手機80F 09/11 16:49
推 : 外送民主!外送三星!81F 09/11 16:49
→ : 三星C4威力不可小覷82F 09/11 16:56
推 : 恐怖炸彈手機,isis快買來送大家83F 09/11 16:56
推 : 造謠會被三星告吧84F 09/11 16:56
推 : 三星律師現在很忙,沒空啦85F 09/11 16:57
推 : 這是假的86F 09/11 16:59
噓 : 果然吱民都好操弄87F 09/11 17:01
→ : 幫你備份給三星公關看看,看你會不會被吉88F 09/11 17:07
推 : 手機亂噴的情節都出來了你還不懷疑是假的89F 09/11 17:10
→ : 這網站就是一些惡搞搞笑新聞,竟有人當真Orz。90F 09/11 17:12
推 : 果粉就愛掰假新聞91F 09/11 17:13
推 : 太扯啦92F 09/11 17:17
推 : 三星股價要慘跌了93F 09/11 17:18
→ : 原文下面有人寫了,是車禍94F 09/11 17:18
推 : 記者很笨,不會查證95F 09/11 17:19
推 : 我朋友說是假新聞,查證中96F 09/11 17:32
推 : 腦殘記者快抄97F 09/11 17:47
噓 : 假的!98F 09/11 17:50
→ : 假新聞 照片以前的99F 09/11 17:58
推 : 哇!100F 09/11 18:16
噓 : .101F 09/11 18:18
噓 : 假新聞也可以讓星黑這麼高潮102F 09/11 18:31