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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-12-30 18:28:39
看板 Gossiping
作者 baaken (baaken)
標題 [問卦] 提到美劇 第一個想到的美劇經典台詞是?
時間 Thu Dec 24 20:20:39 2015

美劇對台灣人影響很深 很多人是從小看到大


第一個會想到的就是 帥阿~老皮!

各位心中第一時間想到的美劇經典台詞又是哪句呢? 八卦

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MU-CPOP (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1450959641.A.619.html
r66: 烱屎諾 你什麼都不懂!!!!!1F 12/24 20:21
Atwo: winter is comming2F 12/24 20:21
TBBT5566: say my name3F 12/24 20:21
bj45566: same here XDDD4F 12/24 20:21
savetheworld: 霹靂遊俠李麥克..5F 12/24 20:21
ArSaBuLu: 有我就搞定了6F 12/24 20:22
goldseed: 帥啊!老皮7F 12/24 20:22
sean12345678: 傑克 這真是太神奇了!8F 12/24 20:22
eqmblcor: wow~ya~嘶9F 12/24 20:22
BlueBird5566: oh~oh~oh come baby jo song10F 12/24 20:23
winduanckc: Penny penny penny11F 12/24 20:23
Chieen: I'm the one who knocks 超帥12F 12/24 20:23
besthsnu: bazinga13F 12/24 20:23
newz91142: 六人行,喬伊的口頭禪:how you doing14F 12/24 20:23
st11: aquaman suck15F 12/24 20:24
flywhale: Penny!! Penny!! Penny!!16F 12/24 20:24
x090512319: 凜冬將至17F 12/24 20:24
Guren8000: omg they kill Kenny! U Bastard18F 12/24 20:24
bob780605: Fuck♂You19F 12/24 20:24
Ironstick: TBBT的台詞20F 12/24 20:25
quicknick: 帥啊老皮21F 12/24 20:25
money1992922: yo bitch22F 12/24 20:25
frf2pujols17: say my name23F 12/24 20:25
twchhmcs36: 你懂個屁24F 12/24 20:25
richjohn: i 'm Danny crane25F 12/24 20:25
stick000: u know nothing26F 12/24 20:26
pkmu8426: Save the cheerleader, Save the world27F 12/24 20:26
loving20: how u doing~28F 12/24 20:26
cshu0520: Friends: seven seven seven seven seven seven seven29F 12/24 20:26
Cervelo1995: 槍在手  跟我走!30F 12/24 20:26
pkmu8426: 乾 我並沒有很喜歡這一部阿31F 12/24 20:26
scottayu: SUIT UP32F 12/24 20:26
ll95566: Everybody lies33F 12/24 20:26
d8888872002: Better you die than i34F 12/24 20:27
minlochen: U know nothing35F 12/24 20:27
kerorofrog: Penny Penny Penny36F 12/24 20:27
doglun: 他的手可以穿過我的八八37F 12/24 20:27
ji3cp32u2ul4: Everybody lies38F 12/24 20:28
Titro0: shame shame shame.........39F 12/24 20:28
f130097955: you know nothing40F 12/24 20:28
maylin57: 凜冬將至41F 12/24 20:29
Jason0813: how you doing42F 12/24 20:29
nakayamayyt: wiener is cumming43F 12/24 20:30
tp950016: shame ding ding shame ding ding shame ding ding44F 12/24 20:31
GimO: Legend...dary45F 12/24 20:31
wwttyy: Say my name46F 12/24 20:32
kungen: We need to cook47F 12/24 20:32
HermesKing: Miranda rights....48F 12/24 20:32
Butcherdon: Jupiter's cock49F 12/24 20:33
LiveInNow: that's what she said50F 12/24 20:34
snaketsai: "Welcome to Washington ." - - House of Cards51F 12/24 20:34
reaper8046: why are you recording?52F 12/24 20:34
Carrarese: Valar Morghulis53F 12/24 20:35
LOVEEE5566: YO BITCH!54F 12/24 20:35
MW1220: winter is comming +155F 12/24 20:35
jm711234: bazinga56F 12/24 20:36
andyyiu: 狗狗睪丸被割57F 12/24 20:36
cloudalice: Legend...wait for it...dary58F 12/24 20:36
st110261: winter is coming59F 12/24 20:36
crimsonall: valar dohaeris60F 12/24 20:37
pomelozu: say my name61F 12/24 20:37
yahooman: 六人行62F 12/24 20:38
bomei: Free men63F 12/24 20:38
crimsonall: winter都已經五季了還沒coming…64F 12/24 20:38
solidmiss: say hello to my little. friends65F 12/24 20:39
PhySeraph: we were on a break!!!66F 12/24 20:40
PriestesseS: Surprise Motherfucka https://youtu.be/_bSEfx6D8mA67F 12/24 20:41
Dexter: Surprise Motherfucker - YouTube
SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKER:  SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKER:  Dexter 7x12 Promo/Preview "Surprise, Motherfucker!" Dexter Season 7 Episo...

joeyben: you have no idea68F 12/24 20:42
snsdakb48: bazinga69F 12/24 20:42
HinataME: hey my nigro!70F 12/24 20:42
KobeEatShit: Lannister always pays his debts71F 12/24 20:42
HinataME: I want to play a game72F 12/24 20:42
ePaper:  i am your father73F 12/24 20:44
love90620: Winter is coming !!!!!!!!!!!!74F 12/24 20:45
eric20: Run~75F 12/24 20:47
agong: have my word76F 12/24 20:47
peng978: zombies!!!!!!    You Are Fired!77F 12/24 20:53
arnold3: who am i78F 12/24 20:53
ElrosHsun: say my name79F 12/24 20:56
isbw1208: For the watch!!80F 12/24 20:56
yinchun: Say my name81F 12/24 20:57
simonneko: local mom needs cock82F 12/24 20:57
kabaism: Previously on lost/24/amc the walking dead...83F 12/24 21:00
freewash: We are on a BREAK!84F 12/24 21:02
bluenicole: Space , the final frontier.85F 12/24 21:08
RrEpic: It's gonna be legendary!86F 12/24 21:08
crimson11: Winter is coming87F 12/24 21:09
hsiehhsing: 帥啊老皮88F 12/24 21:12
Faoitohins: suit up89F 12/24 21:19
diamondex: Joey never share food!!!!!90F 12/24 21:20
paulerica: Jesse,we need to cook91F 12/24 21:24
maik7023: suit up92F 12/24 21:27
edward13: FOR THE WATCH!(捅)93F 12/24 21:30
gogogogo: 洗個痛快澡94F 12/24 21:30
bonjacquline: how you doing(挑眉95F 12/24 21:31
nepenthes7: Suit up96F 12/24 21:32
kevgeo: Penny Penny Penny97F 12/24 21:34
nxdwx: bazinga、bit~~~~~~ch98F 12/24 21:37
kevin0515: son of a bitch99F 12/24 21:40
jackietom: 快跑吧!小女孩~~哈~~~100F 12/24 21:42
andersonn: You know nothing101F 12/24 21:42
nobuwei: suit up!102F 12/24 21:44
Visual52: Say my name +1103F 12/24 21:48
blusky3027: Joey doesn't share food!!!104F 12/24 21:54
miq: save the cheer leader save the world105F 12/24 21:56
gamut0202: u know nothing106F 12/24 21:57
KirinP: valar morghulis107F 12/24 22:03
dnkofe: to be continued...108F 12/24 22:05
smile0120: You should no pass~~~~109F 12/24 22:14
lagya: say my name110F 12/24 22:15
mester75486: Jesse , we need to cool !111F 12/24 22:18
iverson88: say my name112F 12/24 22:22
a31415926: yee113F 12/24 22:24
a29025376: How u doing114F 12/24 22:24
otld: I am the flash~~115F 12/24 22:24
debris: jesse we have to cook116F 12/24 22:26
parkblack: new is always better117F 12/24 22:27
indietaiwan:  3樓明顯叛變!118F 12/24 22:27
Davil0130: How you doing~119F 12/24 22:30
foxs9: Save the cheerleader save the world120F 12/24 22:31
eas06u4: SAY MY NAME121F 12/24 22:32
kiba226: Wait for it122F 12/24 22:33
barkleyc: winter is coming~123F 12/24 22:35
barkleyc: Say my name!!!!!!
lalateam: winter is comming125F 12/24 22:36
mlbjeter: Mr.Reese126F 12/24 22:36
TBBT5566: 被發現ㄖ Q_O127F 12/24 22:41
dorabmon923: U son of bitch.....QQ128F 12/24 22:46
jakalG: shame 噹噹 shame 噹噹 跟 say my name129F 12/24 22:48
pp31630: For the watch130F 12/24 22:50
Raistlin0510: It's Lupus.131F 12/24 22:57
momopipi: im not insane, my mom had me tested132F 12/24 23:01
sw3939889: there is a only way can find it out! 出自:星際之門-133F 12/24 23:06
sw3939889: 亞特蘭提斯
millia62219: Warm kitty sleepy kitty pur pur pur135F 12/24 23:15
bee0316: War is never changes136F 12/24 23:19
rockyegg: O~~YA YA YAS....137F 12/24 23:19
Schnell: Say my name !138F 12/24 23:25
amego2017: 狗狗睪丸被割~~~~~139F 12/24 23:26
tw00527876: Winter is coming140F 12/24 23:31
whovegone: You are being watched...141F 12/24 23:35
cool911234: who is your daddy142F 12/24 23:40
MisterMr: You're being watched+1143F 12/24 23:50
Beetch: Save the cheerleader, save the world.144F 12/25 00:05
richwhat: Have u met Ted145F 12/25 00:08
vl1box: have you met ted146F 12/25 00:23
blmp1234: Save the cheerleader, Save the world147F 12/25 00:26
taiwanson: How u doing148F 12/25 00:27
dummydoll: Jesse149F 12/25 00:31
lancerjet: I'm the one who knocks.150F 12/25 00:45
jasonpop: 推二樓151F 12/25 00:46
KillLakers: Rose:My sister and my best friendx2 (那語調轉超快)152F 12/25 00:56
phantom666: Trust No One153F 12/25 02:19
fatyi: say my name154F 12/25 02:20
OwO1103: winter is coming155F 12/25 02:40
daniel0204: 梅毒驢子156F 12/25 02:44
dasokuria: So pick me, choose me, love me157F 12/25 03:10
foryou168: say my name完勝158F 12/25 03:16
woula: say my name159F 12/25 03:46
ashura1234: Say my name160F 12/25 06:44
kevin6677: 推im the one who knocks161F 12/25 07:12
HanaIro: 瓊恩雪諾 你懂個屁162F 12/25 07:57
annag: I'm the danger.I'm the one who knocks.163F 12/25 08:28
McHamburger: the truth is out there164F 12/25 08:49
RoShin222: Heissenberg. "You're goddamn right"165F 12/25 09:08
su3dj184i: tight tight tight!166F 12/25 09:34
su3dj184i: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPfxMIhEUrQ
Breaking Bad - Tuco "Tight, tight, tight" - YouTube
Lovely scene where Tuco the druglord tries out the blue meth, as you can see, he really likes it.

wolfganghsu: Say my name168F 12/25 11:08
miwa870421: you know nothing, Jon snow169F 12/25 12:49
a84024b: Now say my name 完爆170F 12/25 13:12
moomins: Penny! Penny! Penny!171F 12/25 16:25
a870209tw: Oh yeah give me more172F 12/25 19:34
sssssunny: bazinga173F 12/25 20:03
coppuccino: How are you doing?174F 12/25 21:50
myth0422: 反恐24小時 Jack:DAMN!!!!175F 12/25 22:48
kamiya7: Where is the bomb/detonator?? (開始揍人踹人)176F 12/26 04:17

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2610 
作者 baaken 的最新發文:
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2015-12-24 23:26:48 (台灣)
  12-24 23:26 TW
winter is comming+1 say my name 應該是絕命毒師的台詞
2樓 時間: 2015-12-25 01:43:15 (台灣)
  12-25 01:43 TW
I'm your father.
3樓 時間: 2015-12-25 01:49:29 (台灣)
  12-25 01:49 TW
4樓 時間: 2015-12-25 04:25:23 (加拿大)
  12-25 04:25 CA
How YOU doin'?
5樓 時間: 2015-12-25 04:51:42 (台灣)
  12-25 04:51 TW
no one can take commander!!!
6樓 時間: 2015-12-25 09:23:00 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
帥啊 老皮...
7樓 時間: 2015-12-25 09:27:11 (台灣)
  12-25 09:27 TW
歡迎收看 百戰天龍 ...
8樓 時間: 2015-12-25 11:34:01 (台灣)
  12-25 11:34 TW
winter is coming +1
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