※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-12-28 18:05:34
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 金屬樂手林昶佐在自由廣場開選舉晚會
時間 Sun Dec 27 17:34:33 2015
Taiwan’s heavy metal star rallies fans to run for parliament on anti-China
For many in the city of Taipei and across Taiwan, it was the most hotly
awaited event of the year. Tens of thousands of music fans gathered in
Liberty Square on Saturday night for an extraordinary free concert which
marked the 20th anniversary of Chthonic, the country’s most famous heavy
metal band.
2015年台灣重金屬樂迷最期待的年度盛事 - 閃靈樂團成軍20周年演唱會在昨天展開
Wearing combat boots, lead singer Freddy Lim held the stage with the brand of
music that has seen the Taiwanese “black metal” band dubbed the Black
Sabbath of Asia.
But this was not just any gig: it was also a political rally ahead of a
crucial year for Taiwan. Described as a “concert to calm the soul and defend
the nation”, the event was intended to energise Taiwanese youth and gain
political support for Lim’s new role – as a parliamentary candidate for the
New Power party (NPP).
The party, which was formed earlier this year, emerged out of Taiwan’s 2004
Sunflower student movement and represents, said Lim, a means “to channel the
energy and frustration of young activists and frustrated Taiwanese” ahead of
the parliamentary elections on 16 January.
Last year, student demonstrators occupied government offices and the
parliament in Taipei in protest over a new trade pact with China. The
demonstrators adopted a sunflower as the symbol of their movement and this
month’s elections will be a significant test of its strength.
“For the past three years, we have been playing around Europe, the US and
Japan and we have only met our Taiwanese fans on protests. We felt it was now
time, at this key moment in Taiwan’s politics, that we join together with
our fans and get the energy going again,” said Lim. “It’s a show of how we
support freedom of speech and to encourage our fans to all try their best
over the coming year to change Taiwan for the better. There is a new
political space and it will allow more and more young people to bring about
real change in Taiwan.”
After two decades of touring the world with Chthonic – pronounced “thonic”
– and several years as a human rights campaigner and chair of Taiwan’s
Amnesty International, Lim now ties back his rocker’s long hair during
daylight hours and wears an elegant suit. “This is the hard part,” he said
of his new role, “getting really involved and committing to that. But I have
been very encouraged by fans and I felt I should do more than just protest,
that I should enter the political process. The band have been supportive –
perhaps less supportive when they realised the songwriting was drying up a
bit, but supportive again when they felt that I might actually win!”
Already the NPP has become the third party in the country, which is now
facing a crucial moment over its future as an independent state. For years,
Taiwan has been locked in a two-party rivalry between the pro-China ruling
Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive party (DPP), which is pushing
to maintain de facto independence. Since coming to power in 2008, the KMT
under Ma Ying-Jeou has steered Taiwan ever closer to Beijing, to the dismay
of many Taiwanese – particularly the younger generation, who fear increased
restrictions on their freedoms.
“We are a free market, a free country. There is no censorship on our music:
you can promote any act in Taiwan,” said Lim, whose own band is one of many
acts banned from playing in China.
“But there is a strong feeling of alienation, and people feel that the
political decisions which are being made haven’t been through any sort of
democratic review process. Its not just students but a lot of citizens who
feel politics have nothing to do with them. It is being decided by the
president that China and Taiwan will come closer together – against people’
s will.
“They don’t necessarily want to be estranged from China, but they do want
to exist as different entities. Four years ago, president Ma Ying-Jeou said
he would never meet with the president of China, then he is there, shaking
his hand, and without any consideration of the people’s feelings. The people
of Taiwan feel let down.”
Lim’s band have gained popularity through interweaving Taiwanese classical
music and traditional instruments, as well as language, into their music and
through lyrics which often incorporate national folklore.
China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan since the end of the Chinese civil
war in 1949 when, as the Communists swept to power, the defeated Nationalist
government fled to the island.
China insists that other nations cannot have official relations with both
countries at once, which has led to the diplomatic isolation of Taiwan.
However, Taiwan has firm links with the US, from which it buys a great deal
of its arms.
Despite China’s efforts to blackball the country, Taiwan has become one of
Asia’s big success stories as one of the world’s top producers of computer
Whether Lim wins his seart in the election or not next month, he may need to
hang on to the suit: in order to crowdfund this weekend’s free concert,
Chthonic have already auctioned off their stage costumes, which will be sent
out – unwashed – to the keenest of their fans.
Taiwan’s heavy metal star rallies fans to run for parliament on anti-China platform | World news | The Guardian
Freddy Lim, singer with black metal group Chthonic, is standing for a fast-growing pro-democracy party ...
Taiwan’s heavy metal star rallies fans to run for parliament on anti-China platform | World news | The Guardian
Freddy Lim, singer with black metal group Chthonic, is standing for a fast-growing pro-democracy party ...
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※ DeathEraser:轉錄至看板 ChthoniC 12/27 17:35
※ 編輯: DeathEraser (, 12/27/2015 17:43:14
推 : anti-China platform XDD1F 12/27 17:35
噓 : 時代力量唯一支持黃國昌2F 12/27 17:35
推 : 東方黑色安息日 XD3F 12/27 17:35
→ : 已被blaz刪除4F 12/27 17:36
推 : 等黃國昌黨部配票中......5F 12/27 17:36
→ : 沒阿嬤就輸了6F 12/27 17:36
→ : 外媒都這樣比喻 說閃靈不紅的..好吧他們不知道黑色安息日7F 12/27 17:36
→ : guardian是衛報嗎8F 12/27 17:36
推 : Rock9F 12/27 17:37
推 : 是衛報10F 12/27 17:37
→ : platform查字典還有政綱或宣言的意思11F 12/27 17:38
推 : 推 希望他能選上12F 12/27 17:38
推 : 黑色安息日耶13F 12/27 17:38
推 : 衛報也知道他要選 衛報知道林郁方嗎?14F 12/27 17:38
推 : style有點不同15F 12/27 17:38
推 : 英國大報耶16F 12/27 17:40
推 : 加油 希望他選上17F 12/27 17:40
推 : 反中政綱18F 12/27 17:41
→ : anti china platform 指的不是中正廟 是政治光譜19F 12/27 17:41
感謝喔※ 編輯: DeathEraser (, 12/27/2015 17:43:14
推 : rocker進國會一定很多外媒會報導20F 12/27 17:42
推 : anti-China platform \m/21F 12/27 17:42
推 : 衛報?22F 12/27 17:43
※ 編輯: DeathEraser (, 12/27/2015 17:44:01推 : 推23F 12/27 17:43
推 : 遜啦,阿嬤當道24F 12/27 17:43
推 : 推25F 12/27 17:45
推 : 林的sp值頗高26F 12/27 17:46
※ DeathEraser:轉錄至看板 HatePolitics 12/27 17:48推 : 閃靈真的超紅27F 12/27 17:50
推 : 推28F 12/27 17:51
推 : 只有台灣人不覺得他們紅阿29F 12/27 17:52
推 : 推福瑞迪!30F 12/27 17:52
推 : 很凶31F 12/27 17:53
推 : 推32F 12/27 17:54
推 : 他在國外這麼紅喔 都不知道33F 12/27 17:54
→ : 血在滴(台語)
→ : 血在滴(台語)
推 : 東方黑色安息日..捧好高⊙_⊙35F 12/27 17:56
推 : 看到沒有...這才叫做新聞報導..36F 12/27 17:56
→ : 9.2智障:”黑色安息日,誰?”37F 12/27 17:57
推 : 「現在的時代力量幾乎已經是台灣第三大黨」灑花~~38F 12/27 17:58
推 : 你阿嬤勒39F 12/27 17:58
推 : 推40F 12/27 17:58
推 : 推41F 12/27 17:59
推 : 國際化42F 12/27 18:00
推 : 還是輸阿嬤一點43F 12/27 18:00
推 : 推44F 12/27 18:00
→ : 閃靈國外超紅 外國人一堆不知道台灣 都幾?45F 12/27 18:01
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb2ZV1uwF1ICHTHONIC - We are Taiwan, not Chinese fucking Taipei. Bloodstock 2012 - YouTube 閃靈在英國Bloodstock音樂祭主舞台演出。向樂迷解釋台灣不該是中華台北的緣由,還沒解釋完,台下觀眾就狂喊TAIWAN! TAIWAN! TAIWAN!。 Freddy spoke on Ronnie James Dio Stage of Bloodstock 2012.

推 : 推46F 12/27 18:01
※ 編輯: DeathEraser (, 12/27/2015 18:02:41推 : 蛆蛆:我只聽五月天 懂?47F 12/27 18:02
推 : 閃靈去歐美開演唱會都不知道開幾次了48F 12/27 18:02
推 : 這太強了,金屬樂手進國會,台灣的多元,感覺很有力量49F 12/27 18:03
推 : 推50F 12/27 18:03
→ : 一樣都是台灣出生的樂團 一個是在國外宣揚台灣 一個卻是51F 12/27 18:03
→ : 捧中國LP
→ : 捧中國LP
噓 : 黨工又來貼新聞了53F 12/27 18:04
推 : 推54F 12/27 18:05
推 : 党工崩潰?( ̄▽ ̄)55F 12/27 18:06
推 : 只有黨工不知道 XDDDDD 五月天開演唱會 南鳥?56F 12/27 18:07
推 : 外媒報導馬英九也不少次,那馬英九在國外也跟閃靈一57F 12/27 18:07
→ : 樣紅嗎
→ : 樣紅嗎
推 : 黑色安息日...好高喔59F 12/27 18:10
推 :60F 12/27 18:11
推 : 加油!61F 12/27 18:13
推 : 獲獎事蹟不少跟英國有關 在英國很紅吧62F 12/27 18:14
推 : 推弗萊迪63F 12/27 18:15
推 : 外國知道閃靈的可能比2300w還多64F 12/27 18:15
推 : 推65F 12/27 18:17
推 : 東方黑色安息日 猛66F 12/27 18:18
→ : 氣到彈出來的年輕人...翻譯的真傳神XDDD67F 12/27 18:21
推 : 我覺得衛報是綠的68F 12/27 18:23
推 : 推69F 12/27 18:24
推 : 推70F 12/27 18:25
推 : 強71F 12/27 18:28
推 : 推freddy72F 12/27 18:28
推 : 推73F 12/27 18:29
→ : 蛆蛆崩潰◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰▃▄▅▇◣74F 12/27 18:31
推 : 推75F 12/27 18:31
推 : 衛報當年也是反主流起家~76F 12/27 18:32
推 : 衛報耶 很屌77F 12/27 18:36
→ : 衛報可不是台媒最愛抄的Daily Mail
→ : 衛報可不是台媒最愛抄的Daily Mail
推 : 推79F 12/27 18:40
推 : 推80F 12/27 18:45
推 : 幹我昨晚去不了啊81F 12/27 18:45
推 : 推82F 12/27 18:45
推 : 推83F 12/27 18:49
推 :84F 12/27 18:50
推 : 東方的黑色安息日 太屌了85F 12/27 18:56
推 :86F 12/27 18:59
推 : 加油87F 12/27 18:59
推 : 推衛報 推閃靈88F 12/27 18:59
推 : 對台灣的現況講解很清楚89F 12/27 18:59
推 : 屌90F 12/27 19:00
推 : 是衛報耶!91F 12/27 19:04
推 : 幹,閃靈真屌92F 12/27 19:07
推 : 你這樣42689.2又要崩潰了93F 12/27 19:09
推 : 推94F 12/27 19:10
推 : 智障党工:“黑色安息日?沒聽過,一定不紅”95F 12/27 19:11
推 : 是guardian耶96F 12/27 19:11
推 : 英國環球啊97F 12/27 19:30
推 : 柯勞薩大人:幹 都沒提到我(戰神場預備中98F 12/27 19:40
推 :99F 12/27 19:48
推 : 推 比想像中的成功100F 12/27 19:54
推 : 閃靈讚101F 12/27 19:56
推 : 推102F 12/27 19:57
推 : 重金屬創世三大神之一的黑色安息日,這殊榮很高啊103F 12/27 20:02
推 : 加油啊!104F 12/27 20:11
推 :105F 12/27 20:14
推 : 中正萬華一定要投6號林昶佐! 玩樂團玩到國際知名,我相信他可106F 12/27 20:27
→ : 已改變台灣腐敗的政治,就是因為政治髒才要把它掃乾淨!給年經
→ : 人一個機會!!!
→ : 已改變台灣腐敗的政治,就是因為政治髒才要把它掃乾淨!給年經
→ : 人一個機會!!!
推 : !!!!109F 12/27 20:54
推 : 閃靈 林昶佐加油 時代力量也加油 !110F 12/27 21:12
推 : 好希望林昶佐選上喔!!111F 12/27 21:20
→ : 推112F 12/27 21:22
推 : 推113F 12/27 21:27
推 : 推氣到彈出來114F 12/27 21:30
推 : 推!115F 12/27 21:50
推 : 推116F 12/27 22:09
推 : 一定要投票阿!!117F 12/27 22:15
推 :118F 12/27 22:23
推 : 臺灣第一的樂團119F 12/27 22:25
噓 : ...120F 12/27 22:25
推 : 推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!121F 12/27 22:33
推 : 氣到彈出來的年輕人 XDXDD122F 12/27 22:52
推 : 推123F 12/27 23:33
推 : push124F 12/27 23:58
推 : 推翻譯!拜託林昶佐選上啊啊125F 12/28 00:37
→ : 快幫忙拉票126F 12/28 00:59
推 : 推127F 12/28 01:26
推 : 推128F 12/28 02:08
推 :129F 12/28 02:49
推 : 照片超帥130F 12/28 03:00
→ : 人要勇敢做夢而且做的像點131F 12/28 03:57
推 : 哇132F 12/28 04:26
推 : 推133F 12/28 07:18
推 : 閃靈加油!林昶佐加油!時代力量加油!134F 12/28 10:18
1樓 時間: 2015-12-27 20:27:28 (台灣)
12-27 20:27 TW
【三立新聞】台灣亮起來-閃靈登上瓦肯主舞台 專題報導 - CHTHONIC x W:O:A 2014 Special Report / SET TV - YouTube 台灣第一次,閃靈登上德國瓦肯主舞台! CHTHONIC x W:O:A 2014 Special Report / SET TV 經過多年深耕歐陸市場,閃靈今年將登上德國瓦肯(Wacken Open Air)音樂祭主舞台演出。為了這場重大演出,閃靈與傳統樂團「采風樂坊」結合二胡、阮、古箏、琵琶、揚琴、笛子、笙等多...
2樓 時間: 2015-12-27 20:30:36 (台灣)
12-27 20:30 TW
CHTHONIC W:O:A 2014 with Oriental Orchestra 閃靈德國瓦肯音樂祭 - YouTube Two songs from CHTHONIC's W:O:A set with Oriental Orchestra. 台灣第一次,閃靈登上德國瓦肯25週年主舞台,閃靈x采風十五人大陣仗!精選兩曲影片流出:暮沉武德殿、皇軍。 Aug.1 2014 | Black Stage | Wacken Open Air ...