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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] ltop 10 safest countries in the world
時間 Sun Dec 13 17:10:37 2015
Top 10 safest countries in the world 2014-2015
Every single person has a dream to live in a safest country. The government is
also making strict laws to reduce crime rate, which is considered as main fac
tor to determine whether a country is safe or not. Other than crime we should
look into various elements like natural disaster, corruption, terrorism, econo
mical crisis, culture and more.
Further the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) is issuing Global Peace In
dex (GPI) each year since 2007 which is a measurement tool to measure nation’
s peacefulness. Based on this index and above criteria, we framed a list of to
p 10 safest countries in the world 2015 in the following section.
List of top 10 safest countries in the world 2015
10 # Singapore
safest countries1
Singapore is one of the cleanest places in the world which attracts millions o
f tourists. It has free market liberalism which leads to the success of capita
lism. It is a strong welfare country that have great trading model and serves
its citizens well. The crime and corruption rate is under tolerance which made
it as one of the safest countries in the world and also has higher per capita
income. It is one among the major commercial hubs that have biggest financial
centre and busiest ports. Their economy mainly depends on trade and manufactu
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9 # Norway
safest countries2
This nation can be a best option to start peaceful life as it does not have th
e threat of terrorism. It is an excellent, safe and wealthy nation that respec
ts personal freedom and human rights. The police officers do not carry guns wh
ich can be an evidence for the lowest crime rate. This country has recorded on
ly 34 murders in the year 2008 and it has extensive reserves of natural gas, s
ea food, fresh water, lumber, petroleum, minerals, etc.
8 # Japan
safest countries3
Even though Japan has recorded many natural disasters, it is considered as eig
hth safest country in the world 2015 for rare criminal activity. This country
is famous for strict laws, culture, discipline and more. There is low level of
violent and non existence of robberies when compared to other industrial nati
ons. Japan has the tenth largest population in the world with around 126 milli
on people who are enjoying the highest life expectancy and lowest infant morta
lity rate.
7 # Canada
safest countries4
The multiculturalism policy is followed in Canada that encourages citizens to
retain their own way of life and traditional value which is considered to be t
he high esteem freedom. It is an urban nation which respects has high score in
human rights when compared to other countries in the list. The country sent i
ts army to poke in the problem of other countries but even has the record of l
owest violence.
6 # Georgia
safest countries5
Georgia can be considered as one of the safest countries in the world to live
because people can have safe walk alone during night and day in its capital. T
his cannot be possible in most of other countries. It has the lowest rate of t
heft, terrorism, murder, etc which made it to take part in the index of safety
It can be the best place for tourism where you can visit Black sea Coastline
, Caucasus mountain range, UNESCO heritage sites, national parks and more.
5 # New Zealand
safest countries6
According to a report, the crime rate has declined in this country than the pr
evious year although the population has increased. This can be the reason why
New Zealand ranked as one of the safest countries in the world 2015. It is bui
lt with stable economy, good political system, better environment and great fo
reign policies. All these factors enable the nation to provide satisfied and p
eaceful atmosphere to its people.
4 # Austria
safest countries7
Austria is located in central Europe which is covered with snow and maintains
its place as one of the safest country in Europe as well as around world. Ther
e is not much violence prevailing in this country due to strict laws but you c
an see some petty thieves and pickpockets. It holds many beautiful places and
historic cities that make you feel awesome.
3 # Denmark
safest countries8
Denmark is officially called as Kingdom of Denmark which joined in our list fo
r its low rate of crime. There is no tolerance for violations to human rights
and people are maintaining equality in gender which cannot be achieved by othe
r countries. People belongs to this country are friendly and they concentrate
on economic development instead of involving themselves in violence. It is th
e best and exciting destination to enjoy a peaceful life.
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2 # Taiwan
taiwan safest country
Taiwan ranked second in the list of safest countries in the world with low exp
osure to robbery, crime and violence. People in this country are kind hearted,
friendly and help you before you approach them. Tourists were never faced any
violence or got worried in Taiwan. It is the perfect place with many beautifu
l spots to lead a safer life which is an advanced industrial economy that expe
rience rapid economic growth and industrialization. This country ranked highly
in terms of health care, economic freedom, education, human development, etc.
1 # which is the safest country in the world 2015 – Iceland
safest countries10
It is the beautiful place to settle down and well known for its glacier, hot s
pring, frosty climate and geothermal power. It placed first in the Global Peac
e Index for its low crime rate and maximum guaranteed security. It has higher
per capita income that enables the people to lead a wealthy life. The importan
t factor to be considered is it has no standing army, which most of the countr
ies in the world fail to achieve and it made Iceland as safest country in the
We hope you enjoyed this article and please share your valuable thoughts about
the safest countries in the following comments section which will be useful f
or other readers.
台灣 NO.2
灑花 擊敗超多國家的
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MRJOFeJ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1449997839.A.A13.html
※ 編輯: Eangel (, 12/13/2015 17:11:22
→ : 安逸到死?1F 12/13 17:11
推 : 字數夠嗎2F 12/13 17:11
推 : 推 台灣 可惜不是 No.13F 12/13 17:11
→ : tw#14F 12/13 17:11
推 : 翻譯翻譯5F 12/13 17:11
→ : 台灣治安跟世界比的確不錯阿6F 12/13 17:12
推 : 記得補滿20繁中 以防萬一7F 12/13 17:12
→ : 不過內文講的也太好了8F 12/13 17:12
推 : 如果食安跟某黨排除,說不定就第一了!9F 12/13 17:12
推 : 通常我們都將國家比擬為女性或者是母親10F 12/13 17:12
→ : 只輸冰島耶11F 12/13 17:12
→ : 而通常當我們說某女性很安全就表示她.....12F 12/13 17:12
※ 編輯: Eangel (, 12/13/2015 17:14:58推 : Taiwan No.....2!13F 12/13 17:12
推 : 幹 他是想寫Tailadn啦14F 12/13 17:13
推 : 台灣真的很安全 除了在捷運上遇到仇女肥宅15F 12/13 17:13
推 : 本來治安就很好 半夜兩點女生可以在外面閒晃的國家16F 12/13 17:13
推 : 台灣 難波兔 fuck you baby~~~(9.2:Taiwan不是國家,崩)17F 12/13 17:13
推 : 因為河蟹生太多了??18F 12/13 17:13
推 : 冰島:Taiwan NO.2!!!!!!19F 12/13 17:13
推 : 中國No.1920F 12/13 17:13
推 : 台灣人好乖唷21F 12/13 17:13
→ : 居然不是日本 這是不是買的22F 12/13 17:13
推 : Taiwan 難波萬23F 12/13 17:13
→ : 丹麥往年好像是最適合住人NO.124F 12/13 17:13
推 : 秦國連按個讚被抓(?25F 12/13 17:14
推 : 看來島國比較安全26F 12/13 17:14
推 : 僅次於冰島。27F 12/13 17:14
→ : ...28F 12/13 17:14
→ : 沒想到台灣還勝過一堆北歐國家 很安全是真的29F 12/13 17:14
推 : People in this country are kind hearted最美的風景30F 12/13 17:15
→ : 中國人崩潰31F 12/13 17:15
推 : 這個英文…感覺不是母語者寫的32F 12/13 17:15
→ : 台灣沒鍵盤就戰不起來了阿 當然安全33F 12/13 17:15
推 : Taiwan number one!!!!!!!!34F 12/13 17:15
推 : 把KMT趕出臺灣 第一名指日可待35F 12/13 17:15
→ : 還好沒 台灣 No.1 不然大陸網友又崩潰!36F 12/13 17:15
推 : 台灣真的超安全 治安很好 大部分的人又善良37F 12/13 17:15
推 : 咦?這是不是有什麼誤會38F 12/13 17:15
→ : 鬼倒都住鬼 壞人怕死39F 12/13 17:16
→ : 太瞎了 沒買榜?40F 12/13 17:16
推 : 竟然不是南八萬41F 12/13 17:16
推 : 讚42F 12/13 17:16
推 : 台灣的治安真的算好的43F 12/13 17:16
推 : Taiwan No2 日本 No8 新加坡只有1044F 12/13 17:16
推 : 南坡萬45F 12/13 17:16
推 : Taiwan is safe, as long as u don't eat here.46F 12/13 17:16
→ : 只有笨蛋才會把偷竊 導向治安不好47F 12/13 17:16
推 : 台灣治安真的是可以說嘴的,不過會被KMT拿來沾光48F 12/13 17:16
推 : ISIS表示49F 12/13 17:17
→ : 去國外看看 哪國偷竊少的50F 12/13 17:17
推 : 鬼島都河蟹 當然第二名51F 12/13 17:17
推 : 芒果才是lambo 152F 12/13 17:17
→ : 沒槍枝氾濫就屌打很多國家了啦53F 12/13 17:17
→ : Taiwan is a country?54F 12/13 17:17
→ : 就算把偷竊那些東西也算進去 台灣安全程度一樣秒殺歐洲55F 12/13 17:17
→ : 不過三個國家都很安全就是了56F 12/13 17:17
→ : 偷竊根本不是甚麼重大治安事件57F 12/13 17:17
推 : 匚匚尺表示欣慰58F 12/13 17:17
推 : 第二有點豪洨 感覺世界前20吧59F 12/13 17:17
推 : 光是一堆店家把東西放外面都不怕被偷就屌打一大堆了60F 12/13 17:18
推 : 我竟然不用查字典就能看懂61F 12/13 17:18
→ : 甚至很多歐洲一線國家偷搶拐騙的案例都高到嚇人...62F 12/13 17:18
推 : 強國人: 哼,台灣才不是懶伯萬....63F 12/13 17:18
推 : 國民黨落選就不一樣了,國民黨徒開始鬧64F 12/13 17:18
推 : Taiwan NO.265F 12/13 17:18
推 : 台灣 難波兔66F 12/13 17:18
推 : 2.0又有東西能說嘴了67F 12/13 17:18
推 : 台灣治安真的比國外好很多68F 12/13 17:19
推 : 應該是奴性太強 都不敢反抗...69F 12/13 17:19
推 : 馬英九又要拿當政績囉70F 12/13 17:19
推 : 所以這種治安不包含政府壓迫跟財團犯法對吧?71F 12/13 17:19
推 : 治安好沒得說 不過真的一群順民 被宰了還不反抗72F 12/13 17:20
推 : 國外晚上出門都有點危險73F 12/13 17:20
推 : Taiwan No.2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!74F 12/13 17:20
→ : 之前去過南非 就知道台灣治安真的很好 南非的店家都會75F 12/13 17:20
噓 : 有包含食安嗎?76F 12/13 17:20
推 : 看到頂新還有一堆人護航 就知道台灣人都很善良77F 12/13 17:20
→ : 台灣人把日本人統治遺毒發揚光大78F 12/13 17:20
→ : 把KMT趕出去後就能世界第一了80F 12/13 17:21
推 : 作者應該沒去過台中81F 12/13 17:21
→ : 層層保護 銀行更是外面直接有拿步槍的警衛跟兩道安全門82F 12/13 17:21
推 : 把台中扣掉就世界第一了83F 12/13 17:21
推 : 感謝執政黨84F 12/13 17:21
推 : 強國人先知啊 呆灣納撥吐85F 12/13 17:21
推 : 出去走一圈 台灣比很多地方好太多了 請知福惜福86F 12/13 17:21
推 : 去過國外就知道連台灣的搶匪都算溫和的87F 12/13 17:21
→ : 可是我們有KMT88F 12/13 17:21
推 : 天龍國限定 其他蠻夷之地還不是慶記亂飛89F 12/13 17:21
推 : 胎丸~拿八萬~~~90F 12/13 17:21
推 : 九成不是英語母語的寫的。第一句a safest應該是the safest91F 12/13 17:22
推 : 可惡沒有 #192F 12/13 17:22
→ : 台灣南坡吐93F 12/13 17:22
→ : PS not including new taipei city94F 12/13 17:22
推 : 台灣人過太爽 不知道地球很危險95F 12/13 17:22
推 : 馬英九的政績96F 12/13 17:22
→ : 還一堆人嫌台灣治安差要把小孩送美加的,日子過太爽97F 12/13 17:22
推 : 台灣得治安真的好!98F 12/13 17:22
推 : 台灣真的超安全,真心不騙99F 12/13 17:22
→ : 就錯。第二句as要改成a,而a country is safe or not也很100F 12/13 17:22
推 : 台灣治安本來就不錯..101F 12/13 17:23
噓 : 9.2:唉 現在台灣一堆年輕人在那亂 治安越來越差了102F 12/13 17:23
→ : 9.2:唉 現在台灣一堆年輕人在那亂 治安越來越差了
→ : 9.2:唉 現在台灣一堆年輕人在那亂 治安越來越差了
→ : 累贅 一般一定會寫safety之類的104F 12/13 17:23
推 : 他們是認真的??105F 12/13 17:23
推 : taiwan #2106F 12/13 17:23
推 : 排除頂新跟國民黨之後應該就可以第一名了!107F 12/13 17:23
推 : 胎萬難八兔!!!!!108F 12/13 17:23
推 : 是說學匪也不算進治安問題嗎 準革命了耶 根據九點二的說法109F 12/13 17:23
噓 : 幹一堆原文你就翻這樣???110F 12/13 17:24
推 : 冰島第一111F 12/13 17:24
→ : 9.2:請證明中華民國112F 12/13 17:24
推 : 跟其它前10名比,我們的照片最難看…113F 12/13 17:24
推 : Taiwan NO.2!! 我悲憤...T_T 怎麼不是No.1!!114F 12/13 17:24
推 : 很少殺人犯罪啊115F 12/13 17:24
推 : 台灣晚上本來就很安全…國外深夜一堆搶匪和吸毒的到處亂晃。116F 12/13 17:24
→ : 台灣深夜在路上應該只要注意不要被飆車的撞死就好。
→ : 台灣深夜在路上應該只要注意不要被飆車的撞死就好。
推 : 鄭捷表示欣慰118F 12/13 17:25
→ : 台灣覽趴萬119F 12/13 17:25
推 : 死於安樂120F 12/13 17:26
噓 : 食品安全 = 倒數第二121F 12/13 17:27
→ : 殺爆支那共匪賤畜就no1122F 12/13 17:27
推 : 不包括食安吧123F 12/13 17:27
→ : 倒數第一是中國124F 12/13 17:27
推 : 這是對於觀光客來說 標提請寫清楚125F 12/13 17:28
→ : 原文都以旅客觀點來看...有種來買這房子看到126F 12/13 17:29
→ : 台灣警察24小時巡邏值班 感謝警察!127F 12/13 17:29
→ : 也就表示最想去居住的外國安全國家128F 12/13 17:29
推 : 臺灣會吃到黑心食品...很危險啊129F 12/13 17:29
噓 : 要不是一堆猴子早就第一名130F 12/13 17:29
→ : ???131F 12/13 17:29
推 : 師爺,你給翻譯翻譯什麼叫country132F 12/13 17:29
推 : 加拿大? 不是有台灣人開車被攔下來,結果搞得像攔強盜?133F 12/13 17:30
→ : 來住了 可能會變倒數 西人血 吃人肉的妖魔 太多134F 12/13 17:30
推 : 台灣本來就很安全,工資雖不高,但醫療、治安是吸引135F 12/13 17:30
→ : 很多外籍人士來工作的原因啊
→ : 很多外籍人士來工作的原因啊
推 : 房價炒作也世界第一嗎?137F 12/13 17:30
推 : 有些國家警察半夜都門關起來睡覺的 台灣警察半夜還會巡邏138F 12/13 17:30
推 : 旅遊而言139F 12/13 17:31
→ : 胎灣南波萬!140F 12/13 17:31
推 : taiwan #2141F 12/13 17:31
→ : 胎灣 lanbo one 有些人喜歡、有些人不喜歡142F 12/13 17:31
推 : 胎灣南波吐143F 12/13 17:31
推 : Taiwan no.2144F 12/13 17:31
噓 : 麻煩先看看交通事件數再來評估安全性好嗎?145F 12/13 17:32
推 : 幹 明明就是Taiwan No.1 !!146F 12/13 17:32
推 : 操泥馬 Taiwan #1147F 12/13 17:32
推 : 真的很安全阿 背包亂放都不會掉東西也不會被扒148F 12/13 17:32
推 : 老實說台灣真的很安全...149F 12/13 17:32
推 : 胎灣南坡吐150F 12/13 17:33
推 : 台灣超危險好嗎 常常有陸客在山上被落石砸死耶151F 12/13 17:33
推 : 想知道中國是不是世界上最危險的國家第一152F 12/13 22:12
推 : 台灣被承認是國家了...153F 12/13 22:14
推 : 推154F 12/13 22:16
推 : 落石是老兵顯靈155F 12/13 22:16
推 : 科科156F 12/13 22:16
→ : 台灣比起來是真的很安全 我相信比日本好157F 12/13 22:17
推 : 保證馬英九高潮,過幾天就會拿來說嘴了哈哈158F 12/13 22:17
→ leo424yy …
推 : 台灣真的算很好的 可能跟國民過孬有關160F 12/13 22:18
推 : 哪國車禍不多的啊161F 12/13 22:19
推 : 我猜一個禮拜內 馬狗拿出來吹噓162F 12/13 22:19
推 : 台灣治安本來就很好 上榜不意外 但是第二名有點意外163F 12/13 22:21
推 : 本來可以第一,但KMT帶壞太多...164F 12/13 22:21
推 : 水啦 哈哈165F 12/13 22:23
推 : 認真的嗎?166F 12/13 22:23
推 : 2紅明顯。這篇根本不是母語英文人士會寫的文章。已經過167F 12/13 22:24
推 : 沒有隔壁那個就是世界第一168F 12/13 22:24
推 : 推老兵顯靈!169F 12/13 22:24
噓 : catnip77真可悲 難不成是你全家政績嗎?170F 12/13 22:24
→ : (紅明顯)母語認士認證。這篇根本是中式英文。171F 12/13 22:25
推 : 這篇台灣被承認是國家的意義搞不好大於內容172F 12/13 22:27
推 : 強國人心又碎了173F 12/13 22:28
推 : 國際認證是個國家174F 12/13 22:28
推 : 台灣順民真的多到不可思議 一堆智障勞工被壓榨175F 12/13 22:28
推 : 冰島XD176F 12/13 22:30
推 : 出過國再回來,台灣真的超安全無誤177F 12/13 22:31
噓 : 這篇不是英文母語人士寫的,是台式英文。根本是某台灣178F 12/13 22:31
→ : 人寫來自爽的吧!
→ : 人寫來自爽的吧!
推 : 這是幻覺180F 12/13 22:32
推 : 好像很安全 但一不小心就突然被炸了181F 12/13 22:33
推 : 臺灣確實是個治安很好的國家~182F 12/13 22:36
推 : China No幾?183F 12/13 22:38
噓 : 這個網站看起來怪怪的 不知道作者是?184F 12/13 22:38
作者 Eangel 的最新發文:
- 台灣電商網站售價約NT 9,900 現在美國只要139.99美金 換成新台幣不用五千 分享給喜歡聽音樂的朋友們!!49F 20推 1噓
- 17F 5推 4噓
- 10F 5推 1噓
- 12F 7推 1噓