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看板 Gossiping
作者 Pony5566 (Luna Akbar)
標題 [新聞] 墨西哥毒梟: IS你敢再炸我的船試看看
時間 Fri Dec 11 12:41:16 2015

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Fox News Latino

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Cartel leader Chapo Guzmán threatens war on ISIS after terrorists destroy
drug shipment

※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者劣退,貼廣告會被劣喔!
Mexican drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzman has a lot of enemies: the
Mexican government, the Drug Enforcement Administration, Donald Trump.

But now the world's most powerful drug trafficker is taking one what is
arguably the world's most feared organization, ISIS.

Chapo's anger toward the radical jihadist group does not stem from some sense
of altruism for the victims of the recent attacks in Paris or San Bernardino,
but instead from concerns about his bottom line after ISIS destroyed several
of his Sinaloa Cartel's drug shipments moving through the Middle East.

In a harshly worded email to ISIS, which was leaked by the website Cartel
Blog, Guzmán sent a stark warning to ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi about
messing with the cartel's business.

"You [ISIS] are not soldiers," Guzmán purportedly wrote. "You are nothing
but lowly p**. Your god cannot save you from the true terror that my men will
levy at you if you continue to impact my operation."

Guzmán added: "My men will destroy you. The world is not yours to dictate. I
pity the next son of a whore that tries to interfere with the business of the
Sinaloa Cartel. I will have their heart and tongue torn from them. It looks
like it's on."

The Sinaloa Cartel is considered the world's largest drug trafficking
organization, with operations running throughout the Americas, Europe,
Africa, Australia and Asia. In the Middle East, the cartel has become a major
provider of cocaine, ecstasy and other so-called party drugs to oil-rich
princes and businessmen throughout the region.

Islamic State fighters, however, abhor the use of drugs and have systemically
been destroying any cartel shipments they get their hands on.

While the group is prolific on social media and in their video output, ISIS
has so far not responded to the threats from Guzmán.

In his letter, Guzmán also hints that if he succeeds in destroying the
terrorist group then he should be given immunity from prosecution. Guzmán
made a highly-publicized escape earlier this year from a maximum security
prison in Mexico, where he was awaiting trial on drug trafficking charges.

"It would be ironic that the group who ends up taking out ISIS is El Chapo's
drug cartel!" Guzmán reportedly wrote. "They seem up to the task and it
could be worth giving immunity to this guy in exchange for him and his boys
taking out ISIS once and for all!"

簡單來說呢 就是目前中美洲最大販毒集團之一Sinaloa的首領Guzman不爽他有太多在
中東的運毒船被IS炸掉 所以他寫email警告IS的首領al-Baghdadi"你們的神保護不了你們
要是你們敢再干擾我在中東的事業 我的人會把你們的心臟跟舌頭都扯出來"

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Cartel leader Chapo Guzmán threatens war on ISIS after terrorists destroy drug shipment | Fox News Latino
In a harshly worded email to ISIS, which was leaked by the website Cartel Blog, Sinaloa Cartel boss Joaquín El ChapoGuzmán ...

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IS把俄羅斯的飛機炸下來 俄羅斯派兵攻打IS
IS在巴黎殺害法國人 法國派兵攻打IS
IS在中東攻擊運毒船 毒梟派兵攻打IS
IS在美國發動恐怖攻擊 歐巴馬想要限縮美國人民自衛的權利

11/02/2014 00:11:07 iPad3 暫停 obov 發言,期限為 60 天
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obov: 臭肛甲幹拎量11/01 23:25

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COOLTARO: 開戰惹XDDDDDDD1F 12/11 12:41
Leeng: XDDD 只有恐怖份子能對付恐怖份子2F 12/11 12:42
axzs1111: 賣毒讓他們吸  吸到腦殘就不會炸了3F 12/11 12:42
yankeehater: 說真的   兩邊誰比較狠啊?4F 12/11 12:42
kawazakiz2: 毒梟的私人軍隊應該可以組個一連5F 12/11 12:42
jerrys0580: 靠北 到底要支持誰呢? XDDDDD6F 12/11 12:42
tenninetall: 這麼簡單就可以直接跟首領email喔?7F 12/11 12:42
holyseraph: IS表示:炸你船你又怎樣???8F 12/11 12:42
yannicklatte: 讓他們去打啊9F 12/11 12:42
nomorepipe: 召喚maxmaster10F 12/11 12:42
gino0717: 開戰啦11F 12/11 12:42
takuminauki: 穆斯林可以吸毒嗎?12F 12/11 12:42
usebbs: IS應該也有跟毒梟進毒品唄~感覺想黑吃黑13F 12/11 12:42
LiveInNow: 相煎何太急咧..14F 12/11 12:42
GKKR: 幹…想笑15F 12/11 12:43
Tiphareth: XDDDDD靠夭 16F 12/11 12:43
stu88019: 猛欸17F 12/11 12:43
Howard61313: IS: 估辣可18F 12/11 12:43
kawazakiz2: 墨西哥都是把仇家浸水桶(物理),然後放到仇家門口19F 12/11 12:43
sigit: 動漫的情節吧20F 12/11 12:43
goldseed: IS在.....馬英九辦徵文比賽21F 12/11 12:43
teremy: 一個狂人 一個瘋子 我看瘋子樂勝22F 12/11 12:43
honey0417: 哇 這兩方對抗誰會贏23F 12/11 12:43
LULU5566: 好難預測誰會贏XDDDDDDDDDDDD24F 12/11 12:44
idlewolf: 笑死我了..25F 12/11 12:44
rockocean: 跨國大毒梟的武力可比isis26F 12/11 12:44
seemoon2000: 頂級黑幫的戰爭27F 12/11 12:44
narutodante: IS:打我啊 笨蛋28F 12/11 12:44
yzkeroro: 支持啊 快殺光is29F 12/11 12:44
omanorboyo: IS強多了好嗎 你這毒梟要怎打他們30F 12/11 12:44

maxmaster: 毒梟國的領土 人民 資金 目前是大於IS31F 12/11 12:44

suck9527: 北七  墨西哥毒梟哪根蔥? 跟軍隊打過仗嗎?32F 12/11 12:44
frommr: 喔喔?買雞排看戲囉!33F 12/11 12:44
omanorboyo: X國聯軍要打 IS都照嗆了 墨西哥毒梟能幹啥34F 12/11 12:44
CharleneTsai: XDDDDD 世界第一極惡集團大賽 開始了嗎?35F 12/11 12:44
oxq987456: XDDDDDDDDDD36F 12/11 12:44
error123: 這場我下....ISIS?37F 12/11 12:44
maxmaster: 究竟美國以南是屬於"政府"還是毒梟的 需要再討論38F 12/11 12:45
arnold3: 聖戰士跟毒梟本來就要對抗的39F 12/11 12:45
yao60301: SAY MY NAME40F 12/11 12:45
joesoul: 靠 這超屌41F 12/11 12:45
rockocean: 墨西哥毒梟的對手是美帝42F 12/11 12:45
NCKUbuddha: 這場比賽 哪邊贏都不意外43F 12/11 12:45
o07608: maxmaster大出現啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!44F 12/11 12:45
cacoethes: ISIS反毒不遺餘力啊45F 12/11 12:45
antiall: 說真的IS強多了46F 12/11 12:45
Page122: 我的貨十次有八次被這個IS劫走 斷了一條腿47F 12/11 12:45
seemoon2000: max突然出現在推文48F 12/11 12:45
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 12/11/2015 12:47:32
omanorboyo: 人家靠著信仰 連人肉炸彈都能用了 怕死的毒梟想贏?49F 12/11 12:45
dryadg27724: 這根本可以出漫畫了50F 12/11 12:46
sleepyuan: 塊打  拜託51F 12/11 12:46
Kapersky: 大家真的太看得起毒梟了 .........52F 12/11 12:46
lianhua: 開戰阿53F 12/11 12:46
maxmaster: 美國以南的地方,看起來屬於"政府"但政府屬於誰54F 12/11 12:46
OyAlbert: 支持毒梟55F 12/11 12:46
yao60301: maxmaster居然還活著56F 12/11 12:46
a1091100075: 墨西哥毒梟看起來強是因為大量滲透政府及警察 沒這樣57F 12/11 12:46
Kapersky: 墨西哥讀西會這麼囂張 跟政府有關係的58F 12/11 12:46
valenci: 寄email嗆聲,已經輸了。59F 12/11 12:46
tonyy801101: 黑道打仗啦60F 12/11 12:46
q0000hcc: 毒梟=墨西哥吧61F 12/11 12:46
fluterway: IS比較強  但是毒梟可以專門鎖定IS的頭62F 12/11 12:46
jcto04: maxmaster好久沒出現啦~~~~63F 12/11 12:46
d9637568: 強怕兇,兇怕狠,狠怕沒天良64F 12/11 12:47
dropboss: 打了啦65F 12/11 12:47
valenci: 敵人包括Donald Trump。呵。66F 12/11 12:47
Kapersky: 我還真的不知道哪個國家的一個組織 可以強到滅不了67F 12/11 12:47
Ives20130: XDDDDDD霸氣  流氓VS瘋子68F 12/11 12:47
YamagiN: 毒梟的實戰部隊本來就是軍隊出身 人家還能延攬退役官兵69F 12/11 12:47
sparta40: 兩國距離那麼遠 別鬧了70F 12/11 12:47
a1091100075: 開圖打政府軍隊及警察 能打成現在這樣其實值得商確71F 12/11 12:47
YamagiN: 來訓練自己的部隊72F 12/11 12:47
maxmaster: 就很難討論 只是兩者離太遠 要能對決機率低73F 12/11 12:47
BREAKING BAD: THE FIFTH SEASON - Say My Name - On Blu-ray and DVD now - YouTube Walter White's transformation from high school chemistry teacher to full-blown, ruthless drug lord continues in Sony Pictures Television's critically acclaim...

suck9527: 墨西哥毒梟連寄錄影帶嗆聲都不會.....是要笑死誰75F 12/11 12:47
wildkidy: 溫娘公減讓好嗎? 請去IS總部前面拉布條表示抗議76F 12/11 12:47
Peak: IS 真的是黑道白道通通得罪了77F 12/11 12:48
ooxxman: IS意外的反毒 搶油炸毒 果然捍衛世道78F 12/11 12:48
vergilmir: 一連? 你會不回太小看毒梟了 才派出個一百個人???79F 12/11 12:48
d9637568: 墨西哥黑道都信奉天主教其實也算宗教戰爭80F 12/11 12:48
Nravir: 打了又怎麼樣!?難不成要派毒窟小弟去攻打IS?81F 12/11 12:48
wiydluck: 聖戰士:你哪位阿?擋路討打!  毒梟:敢惹我?恐嚇你!82F 12/11 12:48
wiydluck: 一個不廢話直接打 一個嘴砲半天沒動作 高下立判
vergilmir: 墨西哥毒梟不就是很多實戰經驗的墨西哥軍隊嗎?84F 12/11 12:49
oicecnir: 炸運毒船...這超大功哎..ISIS真的是無差別流的搞法85F 12/11 12:49
peterdida: mac大大還平安活著,太好了86F 12/11 12:49
Leoreo: 這邊也是沒事就砍頭分屍的87F 12/11 12:49
frankego: maxmaster大大阿阿阿阿阿88F 12/11 12:49
qq320: Nravir: 打了又怎麼樣!?難不成要派毒窟小弟去攻打IS?89F 12/11 12:49
uhmeiouramu: XDDDDDDDDDDD90F 12/11 12:49
a1091100075: 就算是實戰經驗的軍隊 至今能掘起都靠情報襲殺好嗎91F 12/11 12:50
g3sg1: 這越來越精采了  真是要組地球防衛軍了嗎?92F 12/11 12:50
Mirow: 好久沒看到maxmaster大大發文了 讓我朝聖好嗎?93F 12/11 12:50
r1t1r: max大竟然被釣上來了94F 12/11 12:50
rotusea: 真的是狗咬狗一嘴毛了95F 12/11 12:50
hxhjerry: 讓他們打96F 12/11 12:50
qq320: 難道很多人不知道墨毒梟都是真有私人軍隊甚至特種部隊的嗎97F 12/11 12:50
omanorboyo: 一個已經在炸你的船 一個還在寄EMAIL嘴砲 還用比嗎98F 12/11 12:50
ericinttu:   墨西哥毒梟火力應該比ISIS強大一些吧99F 12/11 12:50
devilfruit: 要在IS的地盤挑戰他們 未免太不自量力100F 12/11 12:50
mahoro: 墨西哥販毒八嘎窘要跟is打 笑死人101F 12/11 12:50
HowieH: 兩邊都很威XD102F 12/11 12:51
LULU5566: 世紀壞人對決太難預料了103F 12/11 12:51
valenci: 但IS應該有重武器,之前看新聞接收伊拉克軍隊武器。104F 12/11 12:51
kop5236: 讚喔105F 12/11 12:51
anidiot: 卡位 這篇會爆106F 12/11 12:51
oicecnir: 還是看好ISIS啦..ISIS走宗教系..範圍廣又機動107F 12/11 12:51
zien0223: 幹好想看他們打起來108F 12/11 12:51
rotusea: 到最後連黑手黨 3k黨 共產黨(?)都加入109F 12/11 12:51
Page122: LIVELEAK上應該還有 IS秀軍武再大街上的影片110F 12/11 12:51
qq320: 很多當地政府前特種部隊成員退役都會被挖去 甚至有整個軍隊111F 12/11 12:51
qq320: 直接自己變得毒梟的
ian90911: maxmaster!!113F 12/11 12:52
Shayton: 推maxmaster114F 12/11 12:52
tp950016: 毒梟在當地是很強啦 但跑去IS還能強的起來嗎?115F 12/11 12:52
abxtpml56: 以暴治暴>////<116F 12/11 12:52
xwingxwing: 沒重武器 沒開宗教狂熱 毒梟gg117F 12/11 12:52
calvinhs: 兩邊都沒有投射軍力的能力  那就人肉炸彈互炸吧118F 12/11 12:52
CloseFeather: 到底多少人看不起毒梟啊 墨國毒梟沒這麼不堪好嗎119F 12/11 12:53
terry955048: maxmaster大!!還有待在墨西哥嗎?120F 12/11 12:53
s655131: 不要阿大哥121F 12/11 12:53
id: 如果毒梟是有組織的部隊,那ISIS可能會輸吧122F 12/11 12:53
Moratti: 覺得還是IS強123F 12/11 12:53
d9637568: IS:有種過來!墨西哥毒梟:為什麼不是你過來?124F 12/11 12:53
d9637568: 黑幫要是能投射軍隊早升天了,又不是中國共產黨
rotusea: 不用跑去中東 只要把墨西哥和美洲裡的孤狼抓出來幹掉126F 12/11 12:54
eterbless: IS惹到最不該惹的一群人了127F 12/11 12:54
arnold3: 中共才是黑道骰子128F 12/11 12:54
oprengar: max大還活著!!129F 12/11 12:54
rbull: 墨西哥毒梟應該沒閒到要去IS那邊打仗130F 12/11 12:54
FIRZEN45: 釣到神人啦!!!131F 12/11 12:54
eterbless: 墨西哥毒梟的武力可是在跟特種部隊幹架的咧132F 12/11 12:55
oicecnir: 這應該要看後續..ISIS繼續炸毒品運輸船擋人財路..133F 12/11 12:55
Moratti: 不會只是去殘殺墨西哥內的穆斯林吧134F 12/11 12:55
omanorboyo: 在自己國內耍流氓 跟要出人跑去打IS是兩回事135F 12/11 12:55
labulato: 買爆米花看戲136F 12/11 12:55
JoeyChen: 好久沒看到maxmaster大了!! 之前有說會回台灣的樣子137F 12/11 12:55
oicecnir: 是有可能啦..只是成本太高..感覺就在中東的毒品收入給138F 12/11 12:56
kaworu0612: Maxmaster好久沒發文139F 12/11 12:56
cloudin: 快打起來啊140F 12/11 12:56
RachelMcAdam: 我也想要IS首腦的email,想寫垃圾信給他141F 12/11 12:56
mushpupu: 墨西哥毒梟都把斷頭放烏龜上炸的142F 12/11 12:56
pitbull0123: 我下墨西哥143F 12/11 12:56
oicecnir: ISIS幾成..搞成合夥生意就可以了..144F 12/11 12:56
d9637568: 不過網路嗆聲比較方便,應該會繼續下去 不過IS應該看不145F 12/11 12:56
no4: Maxmaster 知道你還活著真好146F 12/11 12:56
calvinhs: 人家IS炸你船  毒梟是拿甚麼去威脅IS  斷貨嗎147F 12/11 12:56
d9637568: 懂西班牙文,墨西哥黑幫看不懂阿拉伯文148F 12/11 12:57
gfneo: 惹到最強NGO了嗎?! (笑誤)149F 12/11 12:57
asdf70044: 朝聖Maxmaster大150F 12/11 12:57
a1091100075: is那麼國際化怎麼可能看不懂西班牙文151F 12/11 12:57
dnzteeqrq: maxmaster 說點八卦 = =152F 12/11 12:58
aiweisen: 幹 居然能招喚maxmaster153F 12/11 12:58
JudgmentLin: IS都沒把普丁放眼裡了 會怕毒梟?154F 12/11 12:58
momoco0619: ISIS黑白兩道都惹到155F 12/11 12:58
netking0915: 快打快打,好想看156F 12/11 13:00
lingahong: YO 快點打157F 12/11 13:00
yjlee0829: max大大!!158F 12/11 13:00
zxc8424: 小弟:九哥 這個月我們收入少上個月一半  九哥:為什麼?159F 12/11 13:00
WLR: 是說毒梟頂多拿轄下的穆斯林報復而已,拿IS沒輒160F 12/11 13:00
zxc8424: 小弟:IS一直炸我們的船161F 12/11 13:00
rotusea: 毒梟:信不信我在你們的草裡面加點“好料的”?162F 12/11 13:01
soga0309: Max還活著真是萬幸163F 12/11 13:01
eiw123: 這啥鬼164F 12/11 13:01
dioib: 想幹兩邊互幹165F 12/11 13:01
ivyclover: maxmaster大大好久不見XD166F 12/11 13:01
d147258: 毒梟的手段比IS殘忍很多167F 12/11 13:02
bill0205: XDDDDDDDDDD   不要惹到毒梟168F 12/11 13:02
woodycarlos: 毒梟大戰恐怖分子169F 12/11 13:02
aswq17558: 幹架囉171F 12/11 13:03
reaturn: 不過毒梟不可能全軍光明正大出去is的土地上硬幹阿172F 12/11 13:03
Moratti: 賣毒品給IS有用嗎173F 12/11 13:03
rave760422: 要比狠了嗎174F 12/11 13:04

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1樓 時間: 2015-12-11 13:39:49 (台灣)
  12-11 13:39 TW
2樓 時間: 2015-12-11 13:43:33 (台灣)
+1 12-11 13:43 TW
中南美那邊的毒梟軍隊 說不定還比國家正規軍還猛....
3樓 時間: 2015-12-11 13:54:53 (台灣)
  12-11 13:54 TW
4樓 時間: 2015-12-11 14:14:13 (台灣)
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5樓 時間: 2015-12-11 15:43:10 (美國)
  12-11 15:43 US
6樓 時間: 2015-12-11 15:53:16 (台灣)
  12-11 15:53 TW
7樓 時間: 2015-12-11 16:01:44 (澳大利亞)
  12-11 16:01 AU
伊是懶覺最恨毒品 最愛蘿莉
8樓 時間: 2015-12-11 16:07:38 (台灣)
  12-11 16:07 TW
9樓 時間: 2015-12-11 17:25:28 (台灣)
  12-11 17:25 TW
結果最後國際新聞是  墨西哥黑幫先派出特種部隊發動地面戰!!
10樓 時間: 2015-12-11 22:35:41 (台灣)
  12-11 22:35 TW
11樓 時間: 2015-12-13 02:58:07 (台灣)
  12-13 02:58 TW
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