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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-11-30 22:42:18
看板 Gossiping
作者 Gazooli (Gazooli)
標題 [問卦] 世紀帝國2跑車
時間 Mon Nov 30 15:48:42 2015



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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MM_zY8u (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1448869730.A.238.html
seigzion: BMW1F 11/30 15:49
jhbgybj123: GT5002F 11/30 15:49
gn01642884: 保時捷啊...3F 11/30 15:49
hawaii987: BWS4F 11/30 15:49
i7851: shelby cobra5F 11/30 15:49
v7q4: 密技我記得! 是"show me the money"6F 11/30 15:49
Ives20130: 福特7F 11/30 15:49
YaPTT: 350z8F 11/30 15:49
dacapo: howdoyouturnthioson9F 11/30 15:49
smalltwo: 就眼鏡蛇跑車呀10F 11/30 15:49
iamhitter: How do you turn this on11F 11/30 15:50
moy5566: 法拉利12F 11/30 15:50
tga123: WHO IS YOU DADDY13F 11/30 15:50
dacapo: howdoyouturnthison14F 11/30 15:50
yellowbrush: luxgen15F 11/30 15:50
dacapo: iseedeadpeople16F 11/30 15:50
hawaii987: 明明就rock on17F 11/30 15:50
lohaloha: show me the money 不是一代星海嗎…= =18F 11/30 15:50
rossikao: show me the money是星海1的.........19F 11/30 15:50
Rockivy4222: HOWAREYOUIAMFINETHANKYOU20F 11/30 15:51
leftwalk: BLAKC SHEEP WALL21F 11/30 15:51
pitbull0123: 你好 肉腳22F 11/30 15:51
v7q4: 星海明明就是"iddqd"跟"idkfa"23F 11/30 15:52
diding: 看來我該讓腎了24F 11/30 15:52
eastbrook: BLACK DEATH25F 11/30 15:53
outofdate: 1126F 11/30 15:54
LATTICE: AIGES27F 11/30 15:54
henry9: show me the money 是一代星海 XDDD  一萬礦跟一萬瓦斯28F 11/30 15:55
david79522: Howdoyouturnthisav29F 11/30 15:55
LATTICE: AEGIS30F 11/30 15:55
amphiprion: Gogoro31F 11/30 15:56
gm2867: 糧糧糧糧糧糧糧糧糧糧糧糧糧糧肏徵收人32F 11/30 15:58
a76597659: 推文釣到兩隻新警察33F 11/30 15:58
a76597659: 哦是三隻
askaleroux: how do you fuck this on35F 11/30 16:00
randolph80: How do you turn this off36F 11/30 16:00
tupacshkur: how do you turn this on你怎麼打開37F 11/30 16:01
featherable: v7q4壞壞38F 11/30 16:01
wssxxx: Greedisgood 9999999939F 11/30 16:02
dkchronos: operationcow40F 11/30 16:02
amokk76267: dnkroz41F 11/30 16:03
playperfloor: 當年打戰役只喜歡打馬可波羅開地圖XD42F 11/30 16:04
Cervelo1995: kmtbudao,taiwanbuhueihao,gunlinnianmaIn943F 11/30 16:05
chx64: blacksheepwall44F 11/30 16:05
holybless: whosurdaddy45F 11/30 16:06
walter0914: 就眼鏡蛇吧46F 11/30 16:06
s2846: 替個替個替個替個替個替個替個替個替個替個替個替個47F 11/30 16:06
john950614: 認真 就是 Cobra48F 11/30 16:07
fdd545: 車門開開關關就能射op49F 11/30 16:08
tarzanboy: VIPER50F 11/30 16:08
walter0914: 我家巷口停一輛,塗裝還跟世紀帝國一模一樣51F 11/30 16:08
ricklay1225: marco52F 11/30 16:09
littlenew: It is a good day to die53F 11/30 16:09
mikania: aegis, polo, marco54F 11/30 16:10
tarjan33167: AIDS55F 11/30 16:10
kaworu0612: How do you turn this on 霹靂車56F 11/30 16:11
mikania: 不就這一台 http://i.imgur.com/BfGRiC9.jpg57F 11/30 16:12
honochung: whosyourdaddy58F 11/30 16:13
yourmom5566: lf2.net59F 11/30 16:17
ccufcc: 為什麼跑車會射啊?這有什麼道理60F 11/30 16:22
typekid: thereisnospoon61F 11/30 16:23
md3q6e: Ikea62F 11/30 16:26
alwayskid: allyourbasearebelongtous63F 11/30 16:29
bill6613: How do you turn this on64F 11/30 16:30
XDGEE:65F 11/30 16:30
RachelMcAdam: marco polo66F 11/30 16:42
tw88: 懷念阿...可惡,想玩!!67F 11/30 16:46
charliemx: greedisgood68F 11/30 16:51
joesai:  E=mc2 trooper69F 11/30 16:56
PhySeraph: 哇靠!有人知道iddqd idkfa,年紀一定不小70F 11/30 16:56
Neps: 樓上doom嗎71F 11/30 17:15
jyhfang: 村民會維修跑車 厲害吧72F 11/30 17:15
popo2006po: who is your daddy73F 11/30 17:19
rvg11539: 不就doom嗎?我老爸跟我說的啦74F 11/30 17:59
lloop: 是 bigdaddy75F 11/30 18:01
maymaywooed: greedisgood76F 11/30 18:08
gungrandpa: Shelby Cobra 啊77F 11/30 18:41
Hotaruinori: how do you turn this on78F 11/30 19:42
Lukewear: TONYPARKER79F 11/30 19:57
ikemen0214: aegis80F 11/30 20:06
oClArKo: Taiwan No.181F 11/30 20:08
applerunning: BIGDADDY BIG MOMMA82F 11/30 20:49
tyai: 明明就是howdoyouturnthison83F 11/30 21:34
qqwe1017: I R Winner84F 11/30 22:00

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 5303 
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1樓 時間: 2015-12-01 07:05:35 (加拿大)
  12-01 07:05 CA
明明就是 Black Death
2樓 時間: 2015-12-01 07:09:27 (加拿大)
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Age of Empires 2 Car Attack - YouTube - if you sub me I'll sub YOU! - my blog - my games
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