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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-11-20 10:27:47
看板 Gossiping
作者 curtismaniac (CTSC)
標題 [問卦] 最強的吉他solo是哪一首?
時間 Thu Nov 19 23:15:47 2015




sweet child o mine,hotel California,stranglehold等一堆經典的吉他手都有自己很厲

像是我個人很愛usher - u got it bad的吉他solo


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icm1201: 我難過1F 11/19 23:16
Israfil: 大黃蜂2F 11/19 23:16
iamcute: 汪東城那首3F 11/19 23:16
johnwu: 我的甜小孩4F 11/19 23:16
yoyodiy: 我都用口琴吹陽明春曉5F 11/19 23:16
ttff: 汪東成6F 11/19 23:16
headcase: 我都用口哨吹閃靈的吉他solo7F 11/19 23:16
axzs1111: 望春風  真心不騙8F 11/19 23:17
a5120265: Crazy train9F 11/19 23:17
leoleovip: Comfortably Numb 我聽到SOLO高潮過 真的不虎10F 11/19 23:17
KYOROD: 天堂之梯 jimmy嗑藥後更有接近天堂的感覺11F 11/19 23:17
noname78531: 問吉他之神汪東城12F 11/19 23:18
volcom: 心愛的再會啦13F 11/19 23:18
edward13: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD14F 11/19 23:18
a001223: 怎麼可以忘記汪東城的神鬼撲克臉15F 11/19 23:18
NEET5566: 李維16F 11/19 23:18
Wilson0319: poker face?17F 11/19 23:18
typekid: Galneryus18F 11/19 23:19
kanzerbee: 吉他之神汪大東啊19F 11/19 23:19
KittyDog: 唯一支持大東20F 11/19 23:19
liao18: 汪東城彈的那首21F 11/19 23:19
Lheavens: Stair way to heaven22F 11/19 23:20
wth47152001: 只推汪東城了23F 11/19 23:20
mvpdirk712: 史萊許的Estranged24F 11/19 23:20
EthelHan: 我蠻喜歡Enter sandman25F 11/19 23:20
curves: 加州旅館啦 夜半無聲時聽 會起雞皮疙瘩的神曲26F 11/19 23:20
[Backup] 20130525 娛樂百分百 汪東城電吉他solo Poker Face - YouTube 由於原片變了私人影片的關係 , 我怕我再也不能在 YouTube 觀看我最愛的Rocker , 所以小弟自行 UPLOAD 了 上來 ROCKER!!!!!! YOU ROCK !!!!!!!!

ab32110: 意圖使人推吉他之神28F 11/19 23:22
Bagwell: 當然是大東啊29F 11/19 23:22
Jiannwoei: Rainbow-Temple of the king30F 11/19 23:22
Jin63916: God knows31F 11/19 23:22
tetsuya0310: 加州旅館32F 11/19 23:23
EX37: Galneryus - whisper in the red sky33F 11/19 23:23
event1408472: 靠 當然是大東啊 北七喔34F 11/19 23:23
gs5106: the final countdown?35F 11/19 23:24
ibanez193: paul gilbert一堆,還有kiko也不錯36F 11/19 23:25
slimak: November Rain37F 11/19 23:26
edward13: cover汪大東神之solo失敗 https://youtu.be/I95pJcCL-HM38F 11/19 23:27
汪東城 - Poker Face 電吉他 cover 特殊調弦法分享 - YouTube
昨天晚上聽了鬼龍哥彈的Poker Face 一整晚腦海裡都是那個旋律 所以今天花了點時間練了一下 想學的朋友 影片後面有分享 特殊調弦法 供參考 PS:這次的cover純屬反諷娛樂,笑笑就好 我也曾經彈的比汪東城還差過,希望大家還是以正面角度 追求更好的技巧及進步,大家共勉之

chu630: 見仁見智啦 Top 10 Guitar solo 幾乎都不相上下39F 11/19 23:28
road5566: Stairway to Heaven40F 11/19 23:28
wingosad: poker face cover by 汪東城41F 11/19 23:29
noname78531: 不可質疑鬼龍哥42F 11/19 23:31
chihchin0112: 看到標題就想到汪東城!43F 11/19 23:31
sspeaceout: 汪東城poker face 沒有之一44F 11/19 23:32
ArcTangent: 擁抱45F 11/19 23:35
chenluyang: building the church, 沒有之一46F 11/19 23:38
luciffar: https://goo.gl/LlWmGH 超高速大黃蜂 輕鬆彈 350BPM47F 11/19 23:38
sellgd: Stairway to heaven 和 Temple of the King48F 11/19 23:39
sellgd: Eye in the sky 有吉他嗎
precipitate: estranged   聽到哭過50F 11/19 23:42
OAOA5566: poker face 沒有之一51F 11/19 23:43
shanyaochung: https://goo.gl/8nQOeC 這個最強52F 11/19 23:46
ljsnonocat2: 千本櫻XD53F 11/19 23:47
industrialld: 五月天的呀54F 11/19 23:48
ppo7741: 汪東東的撲克臉啊55F 11/19 23:52
xvnm4752: through the fire and flames56F 11/19 23:53
yzfr6: prisoners in paradise57F 11/19 23:53
nuggets: 汪東城-Poker Face58F 11/19 23:53
yoyonigo: Stairway to Heaven 各大吉他SOLO榜永遠的第一名59F 11/19 23:57
icou: Can - oh yeah60F 11/19 23:59
xbox1: Beyond 冷雨夜61F 11/20 00:04
yeh0416: 不可質疑你的大東62F 11/20 00:05
stu00184: Through the fire and flames63F 11/20 00:07
汪東城 - Poker Face Otamatone solo Cover - YouTube
當小弟看完了汪東城大大彈電結他之後 , 小弟熱血沸驣,但在下對樂器一竅不通 .... 又太窮,只擁有一隻 Otamatone .... 所以只能用該樂器對台灣 Rocker 大東哥 致敬 ....

yeahhhhh: 聽了會雞皮疙瘩的就算啊66F 11/20 00:11
waeting: 靠杯腳那個真的很靠杯!!!67F 11/20 00:12
zxvf: Galneryus-Shriek of the vegeneace68F 11/20 00:18
Notte: 前面分享的影片太好笑了69F 11/20 00:20
josh24311: 汪東城  Poker face  去google就知道  沒人能超越70F 11/20 00:20
gcobs0834: 認真推Alter Bridge - Blackbird LIVE:https://youtu.be/uv-EZx-qI_871F 11/20 00:22
gcobs0834: https://youtu.be/uv-EZx-qI_8
gcobs0834: 還有這首74F 11/20 00:24
gcobs0834: https://youtu.be/Hj1twtsb574
Bozzio Levin Stevens - Tragic - YouTube
Album : Situation Dangerous Year : 2000 Bozzio Levin Stevens

skeric: 押尾さん 沒有之一76F 11/20 00:31
jcto04: 認真推 Free bird77F 11/20 00:42
dogmodogmo: Free bird http://youtu.be/hMHjjvLjtAM78F 11/20 00:42
Lynyrd Skynyrd "Free Bird" Live BBC 1975. - YouTube
 Get your free diet pills today and lose weight fast. Lynyrd Skynyrd "Free Bird" Live BBC 1975.

Lynyrd Skynyrd-Free bird - YouTube
Awesome guitar solo at the end If I leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me? For I must be travelling on, now, cause theres too many places Ive got t...

chad60711: November Rain不錯啊80F 11/20 00:44
Guns 'n Roses - Sweet Child O Mine - COVER - YouTube
A very bad cover of the song Sweet Child O Mine from the Guns 'n Roses.

x9060000456: 唯一支持吉他之神82F 11/20 01:00
michael2341: Robert Fripp83F 11/20 01:01
cielcrosss: 四分衛 -項鍊 , 包你聽到高潮84F 11/20 01:08
kizajan: 汪東城poker face 還要用特殊調音加上獨門技巧才有辦法85F 11/20 01:17
mokke: 沒想到會在八卦版看到有人推Alter bridge 遇到同好!86F 11/20 01:17
jjrdk: Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower87F 11/20 01:42
samurai101: 汪東城那首88F 11/20 01:47
IsSecond: 龍之動力啊!89F 11/20 02:46
MoneyDay5566: 汪東城 Poker face90F 11/20 03:04
jengeddie: November Rain91F 11/20 03:26
zoe159487: avenged sevenfold的afterlife92F 11/20 03:52
cloud520: November rain93F 11/20 04:08
jerry140147: 伍佰-愛你一萬年94F 11/20 04:42
flyway: 愛情的盡頭95F 11/20 05:03
bagacow: Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb Pulse版96F 11/20 05:04
flyway: Enternal loop97F 11/20 05:04
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb Pulse HD - 125kbps, 44KHz Audio - YouTube The Division Bell Tour 1994 Live at London's Earls Court / PPV The Miracle Of 432Hz, Most music worldwide has been tuned to A=440 Hz since the International ...

y30048: 很意外 Steve via 怎麼沒什麼人提,tender surrender 大99F 11/20 07:26
That's how i got to Memphis - The Newsroom cast - YouTube
The song played in memory of Charlie Skinner in the last episode of The Newsroom from HBO. I don't own any rights about it, but i think it was a really great...

gn02118620: Free bird101F 11/20 07:50
danielpupu20: 汪東城 pocker face102F 11/20 08:27
deathlove: 汪大東啊103F 11/20 09:07
JasonX5566: 微熱からMystery104F 11/20 09:21
vinsh: 伍佰 秋風夜雨105F 11/20 09:24
Blackened:                 Tornado Of Souls106F 11/20 09:37

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Free Bird
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吉他神汪大東 沒有之一
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