※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-07-24 10:48:24
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 學生反黑箱課綱行動已投上 CNN ireport!
時間 Fri Jul 24 02:23:58 2015
已經投上 CNN ireport!
請大家一起幫高調 讓國際一起關注!
留言點選 <this belongs to CNN>
會讓CNN認真看待 將ireport正式交給 CNN報導
有關 723學生進入教育部 抗議黑箱課綱
Student against illegal educational adjustment breaking into Education Ministry in Taiwan - CNN iReport
Student against illegal educational adjustment breaking into Education Ministry in Taiwan Jul-23 11:50PM The leading party KMT has a pro-China policy and determined to apply an illegal educational a... ...
Student against illegal educational adjustment
breaking into Education Ministry in Taiwan
Student against illegal educational adjustment breaking into Education Ministry
in Taiwan Jul-23 11:50PM
The leading party KMT has a pro-China policy and determined to apply an illegal
educational adjustment on student education. This adjustment includes modifing
the histroy telling and erasing the "white terror period" when KMT invaded in
Taiwan and took over the control of this island, so called Formosa after World
War II.
This was the third movement since "318 Sun flower " in Taiwan and
"926 Umbrella Revolution"in Hong Kong. All of them showing the will of people
in both side demanding democracy against the influence of China.
However, these un-armed students, about 20 in number, were forced to give up
their cell phones under the threat of the outnumbered anti-terror squart.
Their safety is a major concern. (Due to a lot people in Taipei getting hurt
on Mar 24, 2014 when breaking into Executive Yuan against the illegal
"Cross-Strait Agreement" KMT is notorious for their violent act.
After a long struggle for an opening review of illegal educational adjustment,
the minister Sehwa Wu still decided not to face students' propose taking back
the adjustment on education material, even after the court declared the
adjustment of educational history is illegal.
The speech freedom fighter , Cheng Nan-Jung, who set himself on fire to protest
the enforcement of martial law on Apr, 7, 1989 was also erased from the history
text book in the adjustment.
It revealed that the leading party KMT is stubborn and ignore the will of
people in Taiwan.
More attention is needed for these students as they crying out for
" Taking back illegal educational adjustment"
" We want to see the minister Wu Sehwa".
The demoracy seed is surely growing in the young generation of Taiwan.
They need your attention and sharing this information.
Thank you!
Live SNG was on
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LiJ536k (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1437675843.A.1AE.html
→ : Chulilun5566祝我平安喜樂1F 07/24 02:24
→ : 好像要多推還啥?2F 07/24 02:24
→ : 讚3F 07/24 02:24
→ : 歷史來看 跟洋鬼子告狀沒啥用的4F 07/24 02:25
噓 : 党工會噓5F 07/24 02:25
推 : 推6F 07/24 02:25
→ : 爽拉 這個圾垃KMT在下台前還要更改 幹0娘勒7F 07/24 02:25
推 : 底下有綠黃紅三個 要登入按綠的8F 07/24 02:25
推 : 推9F 07/24 02:25
噓 : 投這有三小用10F 07/24 02:25
→ : 《KMT不倒,台灣不會好》11F 07/24 02:26
推 : 推12F 07/24 02:26
推 : 推13F 07/24 02:26
推 : 還沒上,但先推14F 07/24 02:26
推 : 推阿讓全世界看看垃圾黨沒下限15F 07/24 02:27
推 : 台灣之光阿16F 07/24 02:27
推 : 這任務就是要這樣解阿...318都示範過了17F 07/24 02:27
噓 : 狗屁不通,不知道的還以為是CNN記者寫的咧18F 07/24 02:27
推 : 推 寫的還可以19F 07/24 02:28
→ : push20F 07/24 02:29
推 : 幫你投了21F 07/24 02:29
推 : 推推!22F 07/24 02:30
推 : 哇靠 這麼多人23F 07/24 02:30
推 : 推24F 07/24 02:31
推 : 高25F 07/24 02:31
推 : 只能推了26F 07/24 02:31
推 : ireport 其實就只是一般人自己寫吧27F 07/24 02:32
→ : 推28F 07/24 02:32
推 : 推29F 07/24 02:32
推 : 推30F 07/24 02:33
推 : 推31F 07/24 02:33
推 : 推32F 07/24 02:33
→ : 好像要推還啥到一定數量才會被關注?33F 07/24 02:34
→ : ===========>麻煩住台北的鄉民,有空過去支援<=========34F 07/24 02:34
推 : 推35F 07/24 02:34
推 : 記者被抓也要投一下啊36F 07/24 02:35
推 : 推37F 07/24 02:35
推 : 謝謝38F 07/24 02:35
推 : 教育有關的老美不知道會不會比較有興趣39F 07/24 02:36
推 : 猛40F 07/24 02:36
推 : 推41F 07/24 02:36
推 : 高調42F 07/24 02:36
推 : 其實這很少人會看43F 07/24 02:36
推 :44F 07/24 02:39
推 : 推45F 07/24 02:39
推 : 台神啦46F 07/24 02:40
推 : ireport大家都可以寫47F 07/24 02:41
推 : 推48F 07/24 02:41
→ : ireport你平常會看? 是在爽啥49F 07/24 02:42
→ : 推50F 07/24 02:42
推 : 幫51F 07/24 02:42
推 : 推52F 07/24 02:43
推 : 推53F 07/24 02:47
推 : 推54F 07/24 02:47
→ : 中共那邊也投一下啊55F 07/24 02:48
推 : 水母很怕丟臉丟到國外56F 07/24 02:50
推 : Ma the Bump....57F 07/24 02:54
推 : 高調58F 07/24 02:54
→ : 水母很愛面子59F 07/24 02:56
推 : 樓下自拍裸照,投稿ireport60F 07/24 03:11
噓 : 這比維基百科還沒用61F 07/24 03:20
推 : 不錯了啦..有投有上62F 07/24 03:21
推 : 高調63F 07/24 03:25
推 :64F 07/24 03:29
推 : 沒看錯的話看來有一千多人看過且轉發 11人留言了65F 07/24 03:30
推 : 可以登入留言按"This belongs to CNN"看能不能上CNN
→ : 美國本土現在是下午 大家加油!
推 : 可以登入留言按"This belongs to CNN"看能不能上CNN
→ : 美國本土現在是下午 大家加油!
推 :68F 07/24 03:38
推 : PUSH69F 07/24 03:44
→ : ===========>麻煩住台北的鄉民,有空過去支援<=========70F 07/24 03:46
※ 編輯: sdfzxc (, 07/24/2015 03:52:11推 : 推 感謝行動派!! 希望有效71F 07/24 03:51
→ : 請大家幫高調~72F 07/24 04:14
推 : 推73F 07/24 04:21
推 : 再推!!!!!!74F 07/24 04:21
推 : 推75F 07/24 04:23
→ : 推!!!!76F 07/24 04:27
推 : 推77F 07/24 05:30
推 : 加油78F 07/24 05:40
推 : 高調79F 07/24 05:56
→ : 高調80F 07/24 06:01
噓 : 先去搞清楚教育部英文翻譯81F 07/24 06:21
推 : 高調82F 07/24 07:02
推 : 推83F 07/24 07:13
推 : 高調84F 07/24 07:24
推 : 高調85F 07/24 07:24
→ : cnn標題下的猛86F 07/24 07:27
推 : kmt快跟共產黨沒兩樣87F 07/24 07:31
→ : ...88F 07/24 07:32
噓 : 手滑了89F 07/24 07:33
推 : 推90F 07/24 07:42
推 : 推!91F 07/24 07:43
推 : 高調!92F 07/24 07:49
→ qqq0103 …
推 : 推94F 07/24 08:17
推 : 推95F 07/24 08:31
推 : 讚96F 07/24 08:39
推 :97F 07/24 08:53
推 : 推98F 07/24 09:09
推 : 高調99F 07/24 09:18
推 : 學生加油!100F 07/24 09:25
推 :101F 07/24 09:26
推 : 推102F 07/24 09:36
噓 : 每次只會想利用國外媒體製造國際關注壓力 老外誰鳥你103F 07/24 09:38
噓 : 你家吵架每次都跑去找隔壁老王哭訴嗎? 老外屌就大?
噓 : 你家吵架每次都跑去找隔壁老王哭訴嗎? 老外屌就大?
推 : 推105F 07/24 09:46
推 : 文句有點怪怪的 原來是ireport。 加油!!!106F 07/24 09:48
→ : ...107F 07/24 09:58
推 :108F 07/24 10:00
推 : 党工又崩潰了~109F 07/24 10:05
推 : 推110F 07/24 10:12
推 : 推111F 07/24 10:21
推 : 推112F 07/24 10:38
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1147