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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-07-22 14:17:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 superhan78 (superhan)
標題 [新聞] 用英文與奎爾對談?洪:簡單幾句當然可以
時間 Tue Jul 21 19:13:59 2015

用英文與奎爾對談?洪:簡單幾句當然可以 | 新頭殼 newtalk
國民黨總統候選人洪秀柱前陣子引發學歷風波,事後她也提出證書證實,自己確實有唸數個月的課程,並拿到美國碩士學位。洪秀柱21日下午接見美國前副總統奎爾時,還特別用英文跟奎爾聊了幾句。對此,她受訪時強調,「簡單的幾句當然可以嘛!」 名嘴周玉蔻6月份時質疑洪秀柱的美國「密蘇里州立東北大學」(今杜魯門州立大學)教育碩士的學歷造假,只是「暑期專修學分班」,但洪秀柱澄清表示,這項寒暑假進修取得的碩士學位不被教育部認可用作公職晉用、升等及證照考試,但是證書是真的。洪秀柱辦公室也出示有台灣駐外辦事處驗證的證書澄清學歷真實性,同時教育部亦出面說明,該校學歷在認可名單中,但修業時間太短,不符合法規規定,無法作為在國 ...








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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LhYbxDc (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1437477243.A.366.html
honey0417: XDDD別秀下限了1F 07/21 19:14
ash9911911: 因為就只會簡單的那幾句吧2F 07/21 19:14
Skeleton7: ABCDEFG....3F 07/21 19:15
robinyu85: This is a book4F 07/21 19:15
kisaku1980: How are you?Fine,thank you,and you?5F 07/21 19:15
kosuke: 簡單的幾句 例如:how are you? fine,thank you,and you?6F 07/21 19:15
somefatguy: 簡單幾句:Yo bitch! Fuck U.7F 07/21 19:15
sscck5: how … how is you?8F 07/21 19:15
ininder5566: 請翻譯???9F 07/21 19:15
CKmoon: This is a pen.10F 07/21 19:15
AirWinters: HOLA COMO ESTA11F 07/21 19:15
EinArthur: THIS IS A PEN12F 07/21 19:15
tim1112: I am woman13F 07/21 19:15
sharb: I is a woman.14F 07/21 19:15
iWatch5566: This is a pen.15F 07/21 19:16
chister: Hi, how are you?16F 07/21 19:16
silentence: I am your grandmother17F 07/21 19:16
WeGoYuSheng: I AM A WITCH.18F 07/21 19:16
c4peR: 葉匡時表示19F 07/21 19:16
grandwar: 這又不重要20F 07/21 19:17
championtsai: I am fine, and you?21F 07/21 19:17
kenndy: Can you speak china?22F 07/21 19:17
Vincent8026: He~~~ And She~~~And they!!! This is a book!!23F 07/21 19:17
c5onb: I is a letter in the alphabet.24F 07/21 19:17
tim1112: Today is Tuesday.25F 07/21 19:17
same60710: 洪: This is a apple26F 07/21 19:17
KNVSEOC: 彼德奎爾?27F 07/21 19:17
urmysoso: 滿重要的啊,畢竟她有拿美國學位XDD28F 07/21 19:18
championtsai: kenndy: Can you speak china?  XD29F 07/21 19:18
signm: 豪度油度30F 07/21 19:18
waynek: sis pillar!31F 07/21 19:18
jaysuzuki: 靠杯啊XDDDD  上面推文快笑死我了32F 07/21 19:18
NEWOLD: 有人英文老師要哭了33F 07/21 19:18
somefatguy: 居然還沒有 Ikea Costco34F 07/21 19:18
MEVIUS: 義大利~35F 07/21 19:18
AngelMAyCry: me, too36F 07/21 19:18
dotZu: 葉前部長匡時表示崩潰37F 07/21 19:18
benben70442: Hisap kote38F 07/21 19:19
tim1112: May I go to the bedroom ?39F 07/21 19:19
legendrl: 去美國還請翻譯的下場40F 07/21 19:19
lelingzi: KNVSEOC 星際異攻隊在本板不紅啦41F 07/21 19:19
deatheo: may show gun more42F 07/21 19:19
truthmask: 不是有碩士?43F 07/21 19:19
woolmo: may show ..44F 07/21 19:19
Charleston: I are fine, you is fine, and he am fine.45F 07/21 19:19
yanli2: 接見?46F 07/21 19:19
odsan: I is an women.47F 07/21 19:19
kosuke: 結果開頭真的用you is就好笑了48F 07/21 19:20
gyboy74: goodnight goodbye49F 07/21 19:20
liehen: 好可憐50F 07/21 19:20
yellowones: 噓會英文就以為有國際觀,一堆英文好的朋友都68951F 07/21 19:20
shinshong: 接見? 洪秀柱以為她是誰啊?52F 07/21 19:20
gaduoray: el psy conguroo53F 07/21 19:20
langeo: This is a pen54F 07/21 19:20
js6661212: 有錢真的拿碩士容易啊55F 07/21 19:20
tim1112: Good morning  Good affternoon  Good night56F 07/21 19:20
yadogdog: 哈哈哈哈哈57F 07/21 19:21
yadogdog: 真的是菜英文
shintz: "How are you?"    "I am five."59F 07/21 19:21
c93cj3: 林鄒罵 is I I is 林鄒罵60F 07/21 19:22
signm: I am R 福 mother61F 07/21 19:22
sheepxo: 誠實給推XDDDDDDDD62F 07/21 19:22
yoNELLY84: Suck my dick63F 07/21 19:22
ym010273: I is hot girl , and you ?64F 07/21 19:22
IDfor2010: I'm a Chinese. Could you speak Chinese?65F 07/21 19:22
c93cj3: "I am sorry" "I am sorry too" "I am sorry three"66F 07/21 19:23
smtp: 看推文快笑死 XDDDDDD67F 07/21 19:23
c93cj3: "What are you sorry for?" "I am sorry five"68F 07/21 19:23
momocom: This is a pen.69F 07/21 19:24
otaku5566: 可以請李全教指導柱柱姊如何講英文阿 Why?Tell me why?70F 07/21 19:24
l00011799z: 維 大 力~71F 07/21 19:24
c93cj3: A man with many many pen72F 07/21 19:24
pegasusatlan: show me the money73F 07/21 19:24
soulja28: You are big74F 07/21 19:24
herababy047: I'm find thank you and you?75F 07/21 19:25
ash9911911: Hi,I'm a woma,are you a man?76F 07/21 19:25
FIRZEN45: 換句話說就是沒有深入討論選舉相關議題對吧...sigh77F 07/21 19:25
mramos6796: xddd78F 07/21 19:25
DALUGI: How are you? I'm fine,thank you. And you?79F 07/21 19:26
BaGaJohn: a for apple b for ball80F 07/21 19:26
randolph80: 西班牙文都出來了81F 07/21 19:26
hkd2: ARE U SERIOUS? 'no I'm kidding  你是喜瑞兒嗎?不我是凱帝82F 07/21 19:26
g8330330: 接見?  姿態這麼高83F 07/21 19:26
momogo628: this is a pen84F 07/21 19:26
ArgusX: pen is long, test is hard85F 07/21 19:27
tim1112: People die if they are killed !86F 07/21 19:27
BaGaJohn: your great grandma two tits bigger than you87F 07/21 19:27
newstarisme: Hi , My name is 秀柱 洪. Nice to meet you88F 07/21 19:27
dnek: 五樓完全說出我腦中的想法,專業五樓XDDD89F 07/21 19:27
Henry: how do you do90F 07/21 19:27
Bigheadyao: I like watermelons ,what do you like91F 07/21 19:28
dostey: Hii,i were an bitch, is you,america witch?92F 07/21 19:28
BS1017: 洪:This is a potatoe 奎:跟我一樣拼錯的ㄏㄏㄏ93F 07/21 19:28
pili820204: Hello94F 07/21 19:28
hw1: How old are you? Fine, thank you95F 07/21 19:28
donotggyy: Can you speak chinese?96F 07/21 19:29
DUSTWAVE: hi! your pen is big!!97F 07/21 19:29
m821014: 美國碩士結果只能幾句? 還好我沒去98F 07/21 19:29
bee12: How do you turn this on?99F 07/21 19:29
tim1112: My How is stronger than Curry .100F 07/21 19:30
Carrarese: Is this an apple, Mr. Quayle?101F 07/21 19:30
Kage2005: My name is China one102F 07/21 19:30
dskdlkj: Show me your baby.103F 07/21 19:30
night0204: 看樣子大家的英文都比洪好  感到欣慰104F 07/21 19:30
JGatsby: sit down Please105F 07/21 19:31
evagreendye: It's really cool!!106F 07/21 19:31
teremy: NICE TO MEET U~107F 07/21 19:31
SHIU0315: 太好笑了XD108F 07/21 19:31
egg781: I am hung ma~~~~~ We are hung ma~~~109F 07/21 19:31
wasd2936076: 已哭,柱柱姐加油...110F 07/21 19:32
FFFFFFFF: Please open the book.111F 07/21 19:32
golttt: 這三小候選人112F 07/21 19:32
gundam0613: Fuck sister113F 07/21 19:32
onlythecomet: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlohaaaaaa Desho?114F 07/21 19:32
prkfcpr: IKEA Costco115F 07/21 19:33
jack28001400:  a for apple,b for ball116F 07/21 19:33
otaku5566: Hello, I am pillars-sister. How do you turn this on117F 07/21 19:33
muscleless: My name is Home Show Zoo!118F 07/21 19:33
ogoSogo: 反正柯也講得很爛119F 07/21 19:33
TrenchCoat: this is a pen120F 07/21 19:34
poco0960: pollo pavone121F 07/21 19:34
yang0623: You is good  i welcome you122F 07/21 19:34
BaGaJohn: how do you do?度西林老木123F 07/21 19:34
Wall62: I I I I I......  KMT KMT KMT KMT KMT You Know?124F 07/21 19:34
poco0960: you is pollo. I are pavone.125F 07/21 19:34
dostey: oh baby oh oh oh...oh baby come on oh oh oh oh ,,,126F 07/21 19:35
xengoku: one clock same watch127F 07/21 19:35
q123527135: ya baby ya~128F 07/21 19:35
BaGaJohn: one clock same watch XDDDD本日最強129F 07/21 19:35
hw1: hasta la vista, baby130F 07/21 19:35
muscleless: Yo~Man~131F 07/21 19:36
cul287: Valar Mughlis Valar Dohaeris132F 07/21 19:36
DWR: Hello, how are you? I'm find thank you and you? I'm find133F 07/21 19:36
tokyoto: You can call me Little Chili.134F 07/21 19:36
victoryman: gan ni ma lao niang shuo ying wun?135F 07/21 19:36
msj2287: How are you? I  am fine136F 07/21 19:36
DWR: too thank you. 人人都可以簡單幾句喔137F 07/21 19:36
godpiger5566: one clock same watch138F 07/21 19:37
ponten: 奈死吐咪啾139F 07/21 19:37
silentence: Don't talk  about ROC.140F 07/21 19:37
zarono1: 為何要閉門==?141F 07/21 19:37
tokyoto: You can call him Horse Eagle Dog.142F 07/21 19:38
bom114352: china numba one143F 07/21 19:38
victoryman: one clock same watch  本日最大推144F 07/21 19:38
judyjim: 她只能跟朴英奎談吧...145F 07/21 19:38
kipi91718: How are you? I am fine thank you.146F 07/21 19:38
chu3: 超智障的147F 07/21 19:38
otld: 有國中程度就能簡單幾句了148F 07/21 19:38
cul287: Hail Hydra!149F 07/21 19:39
lovelebron24: 下限秀惹沒???150F 07/21 19:39
abramtw: this is a penis151F 07/21 19:39
donotggyy: baby baby baby oh~ baby baby baby oh~152F 07/21 19:39
dinex: This is a pen153F 07/21 19:40
tantamount: 小夫媽: how r u? Im fine, 3Q!154F 07/21 19:40
za9865: How is you? I are fine, thanks you.155F 07/21 19:40
MrZipper: you on9156F 07/21 19:41
Crazyfire: Hi~~Hello~~Good bye157F 07/21 19:41
ndd2: Nice to meet you... you know.. yeah.. right...you know..158F 07/21 19:41
shem: can you speak chinese? 我叫昂秀條 你好兒159F 07/21 19:41
BigBananaBoy: How long are u?160F 07/21 19:41
hinesika: 蠢翻哈哈161F 07/21 19:41
aimgel: A apple B banana C car D die162F 07/21 19:42
deepvoice13: You happy, I happy.163F 07/21 19:42
krousxchen: 她去美國讀書不是帶翻譯??164F 07/21 19:42
ping870224: May show gun mo?165F 07/21 19:43
giggstw: WTF166F 07/21 19:43
leevarchu: my name is 挑阿紀.167F 07/21 19:43
za9865: Over my dead body168F 07/21 19:43
kaitokid1214: how do you turn this on169F 07/21 19:43
kria5304: adios amigo170F 07/21 19:43
fcuhua: Hello, IKEA, I love NEW YORK171F 07/21 19:43
zipizza: is it good to drink?172F 07/21 19:44
ScepioRome: He love I, weren't you?173F 07/21 19:44
victoryman: bro yo yo bro! what up?174F 07/21 19:44
EFPTT: YO!175F 07/21 19:44
revive25: This is a book.176F 07/21 19:44
Luluemiko: head shoulders knees and toes ~ knees and toes177F 07/21 19:44
nwtk: me so sorry?178F 07/21 19:44
Luluemiko: It is good to drink?179F 07/21 19:45
sonota: HOW ARE YOU FINE THANK YOU180F 07/21 19:45
kudoboy: How do you turn this on181F 07/21 19:46
kps1247: How do you turn this on?182F 07/21 19:46
tasogare: May show gun more?183F 07/21 19:46
GriefSeed: 狗頭貓臉184F 07/21 19:46
aoiaoi: How r u ? im five five six six185F 07/21 19:48
kis28519: This is a pen.186F 07/21 19:48
OHCA5566: This is  a pencil.187F 07/21 19:48
l2l: Pavone o Pollo?188F 07/21 19:48
Arminius: Gan! Bao ler...189F 07/21 19:48
butterboy: hello world190F 07/21 19:49
BlackBass: YO! Bro191F 07/21 19:49
g9911731: May show gun more192F 07/21 19:49
bobhouse: UCCU193F 07/21 19:49
UniversalGod: how are you?194F 07/21 19:50
jeff200465: look three small ?195F 07/21 19:50
austin69: What the rock is cooking!!196F 07/21 19:51
itachi0609: how aru you之類的嗎197F 07/21 19:51
neara0511: How old are you 怎麼老是你?198F 07/21 19:51
fang314: 大概就是推文這些句子講一輪吧199F 07/21 19:51
sujima56: A 啊 apple,B ㄅ bird,C ㄎ cat200F 07/21 19:52
uku: 洪沒找扁維拉,阿扁可的我都可以201F 07/21 19:52
wingcake: 唸碩士班可以帶翻譯的...有夠丟臉..202F 07/21 19:52
querencia: This is a pen.203F 07/21 19:53
linkuni17: Hi!I am JooJoo!204F 07/21 19:53
ake1234: People die if they are killed!205F 07/21 19:54
Lydia66: 未看先猜推文會有各種初等英文句型(?)206F 07/21 19:55
mizuki7: I has penis207F 07/21 19:55
Wall62: One clock same watch XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD208F 07/21 19:55
ironkyoater: 3q3q209F 07/21 19:56
Eloye: 洪: Hey u motherfucker piece of  trash210F 07/21 19:56
loneballer: u mother fucker211F 07/21 19:57
ace4: no q.   no q212F 07/21 19:57
jieen0604: full clean ten big cool punishment213F 07/21 19:57
cz999888: I am the bone of my sword214F 07/21 19:57
LargeLanPa: 幹 麥來亂215F 07/21 19:57
s860382: I'm Groot216F 07/21 19:59
matrix4096: 沒國際觀217F 07/21 20:00
beavis77: 遇到歐巴馬記得說 hey niger218F 07/21 20:00
wingl: 樓上諸位XD219F 07/21 20:00
NotUniqueSol:             我只看到「英奎」而已220F 07/21 20:01
andylin8707: Today is July twenty one221F 07/21 20:02
Marzzze: My father are MAin9222F 07/21 20:02
criesinvain: XD223F 07/21 20:02
Nyarlathotep: may show gun more224F 07/21 20:02
taffy128s: I have penis.225F 07/21 20:02
Lydia66: 推 xengoku: one clock same watch 看了三遍才懂該讓腎了226F 07/21 20:03
taffy128s: one clock same watch強!227F 07/21 20:04
acer758219: 推 xengoku: one clock same watch XDDDD228F 07/21 20:04
ioulkts: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈229F 07/21 20:05
smt3457: i'm 洪230F 07/21 20:06
lbc740602: This is a book231F 07/21 20:06
mingander: can you speaking Chinese?232F 07/21 20:07
potota92000: 念美國碩士班還有請翻譯  超好笑233F 07/21 20:09
allencyh: I ....can't speak English234F 07/21 20:10
isolawei: Costco235F 07/21 20:11
fgh81113: 義大利?236F 07/21 20:11
kiwi1980: Well..  I am fine..well.. This is a book..well..it i237F 07/21 20:12
kiwi1980: s a good book...
bloodyaugust: My tits are bigger than yours239F 07/21 20:15
love1221: I don't speak English240F 07/21 20:15
Renaud: ninety two same look241F 07/21 20:16
arcanite: 噓 kenndy: Can you speak china?   XDDDDDDDDDDDD242F 07/21 20:18
hankhui3175: Nice to meet you243F 07/21 20:18
shockben: hello world244F 07/21 20:18
l1l1l1l1: This a penis.245F 07/21 20:19
neara0511: 洪:hi。246F 07/21 20:19
hankhui3175: Welcome to Taiwan247F 07/21 20:20
r90009: U Ok?248F 07/21 20:21
j9145: Because I am batman249F 07/21 20:21
hankhui3175:  Could you speak Chinese?      XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD250F 07/21 20:21
etudiant: 秀下限251F 07/21 20:22
dragon2000: good morning students252F 07/21 20:22
hankhui3175: Tea? Coffee?253F 07/21 20:22
yu0117: Ni how, wo shi hon.255F 07/21 20:22
dragoneminem: Nice to meet you! Thank you! Bye Bye!256F 07/21 20:23
aries5420: 我都唸costco257F 07/21 20:23
miseru: 史上程度最差的侯選人258F 07/21 20:23
wanyi40: 秀下限,無極限259F 07/21 20:24
hankhui3175: BaGaJohn: one clock same watch XDDDD本日最強+1260F 07/21 20:25
mmc109815038: Godamnmotherfuck uloser bend your sister"s ass261F 07/21 20:25
jet113102: Hi Cano..Hi Cano.. ☜(〞︶〝*)262F 07/21 20:26
kidd232: one clock same watch263F 07/21 20:26
hankhui3175: one clock same watch   XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD264F 07/21 20:27
alibuda2014: 大家的英文都好好,我的English 真是no good no good265F 07/21 20:28
CTHsieh:  豪度淤督 ?266F 07/21 20:28
bermudawaw: Bye Bye....Bye Bye...267F 07/21 20:29
Cubelia: Ikea costco268F 07/21 20:30
karta0681608: Hi~May I go to bathroom? I can speak China.Thank269F 07/21 20:31
karta0681608:  you
maime55: I want to eat something271F 07/21 20:32
glaceon6666: Hi,my name is Show Pillar272F 07/21 20:33
LIRCHEN: YO YO bitch273F 07/21 20:37
aeroseed: It's good drink?274F 07/21 20:37
wwvvkai: For the watch275F 07/21 20:40
justastupid: lin zoma bili ca dua276F 07/21 20:40
darkage: Your teacher is better.277F 07/21 20:41
isay: A B C D E F G?278F 07/21 20:46
dogmodogmo: I AM GROOT!279F 07/21 20:47
hiokchi: This is a book.280F 07/21 20:48
icl30906: 我國總統候選人是這種智障281F 07/21 20:49
shauhon: What is your name?282F 07/21 20:49
ccucwc: 好啦 既然這麼行 這屆的候選人論會我看就用英文來好了283F 07/21 20:49
pomeloyu: A is apple284F 07/21 20:51
tupacshkur: Ball don't lie!!285F 07/21 20:52
Moratti: one clock same watch   XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD286F 07/21 20:53
ccucwc: 洪:Is it good to drink?    奎爾:哩玲跨賣麻287F 07/21 20:53
waynek: can't spell cunt without u288F 07/21 20:53
whalebaby: How are you? Fine, thank you.289F 07/21 20:54
jardon: 胡忠信:this is a book290F 07/21 20:54
※ littlenee:轉錄至看板 joke 07/21 20:58
allenpong: My pen is good291F 07/21 20:59
KingKingCold: 推one clock same watch  XDDDDDDDDDDD292F 07/21 21:02
KingKingCold: one clock same watch本日最強+1  XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Rosenkreuz: My english is good!294F 07/21 21:05
greedypeople: XDD295F 07/21 21:05
maesww: Can you make xxxx?296F 07/21 21:06
miraism: 被推文笑死XDDDDDDDD297F 07/21 21:09
boyen3: 維大力?298F 07/21 21:09
peachnest: Spinach is hollow299F 07/21 21:15
acergame5: My name is shao-fu-ma.300F 07/21 21:16
farmoos: Bomb powerbomb301F 07/21 21:16
maymaywooed: let's cook302F 07/21 21:18
c10177: 推文好好翹XDDDDDDDD303F 07/21 21:18
jupei: Fuck you304F 07/21 21:19
peachnest: I'm chu ne chor I'll be in the gagaga305F 07/21 21:22
toyamaK52: 蛀蛀:A for apple,B for me (bitch)306F 07/21 21:23
dufflin: one clock same watch XDDDDD WTF XDDDDD307F 07/21 21:24
Fugax: Hello, I am beautiful pillar.308F 07/21 21:24
waeting: Hot dog309F 07/21 21:25
ElvesDaniel: I English are very goooooooooood !!!310F 07/21 21:26
shizukuasn: 那句XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD311F 07/21 21:28
jily: how r u? fine, thank you     XDDDD312F 07/21 21:30
brosucks: I are fine think you ant you313F 07/21 21:31
homerunball: What's up!Madafaka!314F 07/21 21:33
modjo: 推文XDDDDDDDDDD315F 07/21 21:34
RAWGDOGS: Pollo o pavone316F 07/21 21:34
fsaj: This way317F 07/21 21:34
goldman0204: 洪: 我也會啊! A B C D 告 嘎 低 E A夫 雞! 多簡單~318F 07/21 21:35
sayonala: 推 kisaku1980  How are you?Fine,thank you,and you?319F 07/21 21:36
onephone: $#%^@#$%^$&%$*^(&*#%@#%#@!%@#$^#$^&320F 07/21 21:36
Tamama56: 旅美碩士欸321F 07/21 21:40
ancientstar: 洪 : I am spicy , good good eat323F 07/21 21:47
Eloye: My tits are bigger than ur balls haha324F 07/21 21:47
FB5566: I love Chinese people325F 07/21 21:49
joanying: 92 share shit326F 07/21 21:50
mocca000: 在自己的國家講自己的語言就好 現場有翻譯人員的吧327F 07/21 21:51
peachnest: Don t vo t fo con shin chire328F 07/21 21:54
bermudawaw: 原來還有大絕招~~翻譯、翻譯、翻譯、、329F 07/21 21:56
blakedawes12: apple,banana~330F 07/21 21:57
tiwan: fuck you chink331F 07/21 21:57
buddar: 去美國修學分只會簡單的英文,真的爛到不可思義332F 07/21 21:59
FB5566: Amoureux Bonjour333F 07/21 21:59
Tuscany: may sho gan mo?334F 07/21 22:01
AzureRW: I r winner335F 07/21 22:01
a001ou: How are you? can you speak Chinese? ok let's. speak ch336F 07/21 22:03
a001ou: inese
dboy1980: an apple a day338F 07/21 22:03
urmysoso: 其實英文好不好真的沒差,主要是她是旅美碩士XD339F 07/21 22:04
b9211028: Me no English.340F 07/21 22:05
KweParker: 美國碩士   只會簡單英文?  是不是哪裡怪怪的341F 07/21 22:05
kazh: one clock sam watch 幹 這個太強了 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD342F 07/21 22:08
eest: el psy conguroo343F 07/21 22:08
wenge321: 有念過長頸鹿 都馬會簡單幾句344F 07/21 22:09
gm0081: I am the bone of my sword.345F 07/21 22:13
sikerkuaitai: Nice cock!346F 07/21 22:15
cca1109: cho bao 4 ni  ?347F 07/21 22:22
HXH051: I am the present of China in two o one six.348F 07/21 22:23
eemail: 打哈哈就表示....遜斃了349F 07/21 22:28
williswait: Is it good to drink?350F 07/21 22:28
koko12525: 這串到底在幹嘛XDDDDD351F 07/21 22:30
c10177: I no English352F 07/21 22:32
Tahuiyuan: Ling zo ma neng liap bi li dua.353F 07/21 22:32
Tahuiyuan: Your grandma's neng-liap is bigger than yours!
Merkle: Cum inside?355F 07/21 22:34
Nonenoic: 滑下去都英文是怎樣356F 07/21 22:37
ARodGodlike: one clock same watch XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD357F 07/21 22:40
iamflash: 一中同婊?358F 07/21 22:42
WilliamXZ: 彼得奎爾:我對正常膚色的女人沒興趣359F 07/21 22:45
WaffenSS: Show me the money360F 07/21 22:45
pn80204: how do you turn this on361F 07/21 22:48
backian: Go to my house362F 07/21 22:48
a000114: How old are you?363F 07/21 22:55
adk147852: Do do lu lu da da da364F 07/21 22:57
anndy: Look, I am your mother!365F 07/21 22:58
maxn86: How are you? I'm fine, thank you and you366F 07/21 23:05
maxn86: my name is zoooo zooooo jay.
HumuHumu: 有人可以解釋one clock same watchㄇ 看不懂梗368F 07/21 23:21
azzc1031: 一中同表369F 07/21 23:22
Jexpect: one mid same list370F 07/21 23:28
killmens2002: This is a pen371F 07/21 23:29
killmens2002: Yi Da Li?
dslite: yo~ yo~ gimme a tempo~373F 07/21 23:33
NDSLite: I am a student.374F 07/21 23:40
julia66:  there is a pen375F 07/21 23:52
jingkis: 居然暑期就可以拿到碩士,太酷炫了,不知道這間以後會不376F 07/21 23:54
jingkis: 會都臺灣人~
tree85: He is a book 咦?378F 07/22 00:03
DickChen: Are you ready? No, I am Mary.379F 07/22 00:20
CJhang: How are you? Fxxk you.380F 07/22 00:25
h60414: 花枝魷魚麵381F 07/22 00:30
limite12: 推 Do do lu lu da da da382F 07/22 00:41
ccunii: 快被推文笑死XDDDD383F 07/22 00:45
OoJudyoO: 閉門會議XDDDD384F 07/22 01:36
sl11pman: 都是they的臭385F 07/22 01:38
pase139: Taiwanese call me Yiao-a-ji386F 07/22 01:41
chiyaka3416: One clock same watchXDDDDD387F 07/22 02:56
tending: I wanna be the China Taipei 斯 Mayor.388F 07/22 04:34
adsl12367: apple389F 07/22 05:16
adsl12367: banana
nao5566: hi apple!hi banana!391F 07/22 06:07
PlayPtt: HELLO  I AM  柱柱姐392F 07/22 06:16
colenken: this is an apple.this is a pen393F 07/22 08:21
AllenHuang:  testtesttest thisisapen diefishfish YOYOGIVEME394F 07/22 08:56
mdkn35: It's time to show bottom line395F 07/22 09:11
losterchen: how do you do?you do, I do. Sure, I do396F 07/22 10:09
losterchen: 奎:how do you do?洪:you do, I do. 奎:ok, I go 1st
trtc: How are you? I'm fine thanks you .398F 07/22 10:16
chou3321: This is a pen.399F 07/22 10:30
lolicone: 那太好了  總統候選人辯論就用全英語吧!400F 07/22 10:40
Noel7788: one clock sam watch......XDDDDD401F 07/22 11:18
sevenny: yes yes of course402F 07/22 12:02
mimizuki: One china same bitch403F 07/22 13:05
twsmcc: this is A 片404F 07/22 13:55
hidep: 被推文笑瘋405F 07/22 14:04
fatdogg: I Know dog and cat406F 07/22 14:12

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作者 superhan78 的最新發文:
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( ̄︶ ̄)b rickey1270, lisahou 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2015-07-21 19:40:00 (台灣)
+1 07-21 19:40 TW
I are fine, thank you.
2樓 時間: 2015-07-21 21:10:30 (台灣)
+1 07-21 21:10 TW
簡單幾句? 學歷是假的就對了
3樓 時間: 2015-07-21 21:15:10 (台灣)
+1 07-21 21:15 TW
4樓 時間: 2015-07-21 21:19:53 (台灣)
+1 07-21 21:19 TW
5樓 時間: 2015-07-21 21:34:25 (澳大利亞)
+1 07-21 21:34 AU
6樓 時間: 2015-07-21 21:38:55 (台灣)
  07-21 21:38 TW
7樓 時間: 2015-07-21 21:55:06 (台灣)
+1 07-21 21:55 TW
8樓 時間: 2015-07-21 22:00:40 (台灣)
+1 07-21 22:00 TW
9樓 時間: 2015-07-21 22:01:58 (台灣)
+1 07-21 22:01 TW
ma tsu gun mo~
10樓 時間: 2015-07-21 22:10:58 (台灣)
+1 07-21 22:10 TW
還是誠心建議一下, 請個翻譯吧!
11樓 時間: 2015-07-21 22:23:20 (台灣)
+1 07-21 22:23 TW
OK,I know,I know ,but my english is very poor,sorry ! bye bye!
12樓 時間: 2015-07-21 22:23:40 (台灣)
  07-21 22:23 TW
13樓 時間: 2015-07-21 22:43:10 (台灣)
+1 07-21 22:43 TW
a apple  b  book
14樓 時間: 2015-07-21 22:50:03 (台灣)
+1 07-21 22:50 TW
15樓 時間: 2015-07-21 23:27:05 (台灣)
+1 07-21 23:27 TW
16樓 時間: 2015-07-21 23:38:13 (台灣)
+1 07-21 23:38 TW
說自己有美國碩士學位卻只會說幾句簡單的英文? 別拉低碩士的價值好嗎?
17樓 時間: 2015-07-22 00:18:08 (台灣)
+2 07-22 00:18 TW
I love lp of China!(love & peace)
18樓 時間: 2015-07-22 01:29:53 (美國)
+2 07-22 01:29 US
19樓 時間: 2015-07-22 03:56:37 (台灣)
  07-22 03:56 TW
去外國上課都要請翻譯了 呵呵
20樓 時間: 2015-07-22 06:58:28 (台灣)
  07-22 06:58 TW
07-22 08:27 US
22樓 時間: 2015-07-22 08:29:31 (美國)
  07-22 08:29 US
23樓 時間: 2015-07-22 08:30:04 (台灣)
  07-22 08:30 TW
24樓 時間: 2015-07-22 08:34:04 (台灣)
  07-22 08:34 TW
這才國民黨的寶! 飛天的雞ㄚ~~~好像她的英文就是雞同鴨講??
25樓 時間: 2015-07-22 08:49:06 (台灣)
  07-22 08:49 TW
26樓 時間: 2015-07-22 09:12:46 (台灣)
  07-22 09:12 TW
 Coffee?Tea?or me.....
27樓 時間: 2015-07-22 11:23:01 (台灣)
  07-22 11:23 TW
one China same bitch
28樓 時間: 2015-07-22 11:23:35 (台灣)
  07-22 11:23 TW
hi~ abcdefg
29樓 時間: 2015-07-22 16:59:32 (台灣)
  07-22 16:59 TW
30樓 時間: 2015-07-22 19:46:00 (台灣)
  07-22 19:46 TW
31樓 時間: 2015-07-22 19:53:44 (台灣)
+1    (編輯過) TW
32樓 時間: 2015-07-23 16:28:38 (台灣)
  07-23 16:28 TW
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