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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 330林飛帆演講逐字稿 英譯版~
時間 Mon Mar 31 02:14:28 2014
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330太陽花學運 林飛帆演講 英文逐字稿
服貿/330太陽花黑潮佔凱道 林飛帆上台完整談話|三立新聞台 - YouTube 更多新聞與追蹤報導,敬請持續鎖定【 三立新聞 】 三立新聞網【 】與您即時互動、緊密相連 ◎ 林飛帆演講全文逐字稿: 50萬「黑潮」湧上凱道,表達反對黑箱服貿...

Brave, firm, tender, powerful Taiwanese people,
All the students, all the pals, thank you all!
In the parliament, we have stayed 13 days
In the past 13 days, we shed tears,
The students on the street shed their blood
We suffered greatly in our heart
Many pals once said that they wanted to go home
But we didn’t leave. We insist on staying
To keep the parliament.
All the students sleep on street around the parliament, whether rain or sun
They lived on the street for total 13 days!
My friends! Our activity has made an indelible night in the history of Taiwan
>From the day we occupied the parliament
We have already written the history
It is not because we occupied the parliament
But because, during our activity, we deeply reflect on the constitutional
system and democratic system in contemporary Taiwan
We also made new definition about the relationship between Taiwan and China
We tell government that,
The future of Taiwan belongs to the 23 million Taiwanese people
The future of Taiwan should be decided by ourselves!
During these 13 days, much attention was focus on the few individuals in the
But I have to tell you, the achievement of the campaign is by no means belong
to any individual,
Not belongs to me, Lin Fei-fan, neither to Chen Wei-ting
But belong to all the fellows inside and outside the parliament who persist
in staying
The achievement belongs to all the students and all the citizens in this
Many people pay too much attention on us
Many people call Chen Wei-ting and I are the chief leaders
But I have to say, this campaign is by no means belongs to us alone
This campaign belongs to you, all the fellows, and everyone
Civilians are the chief leaders of this country!
And now, the object that needs to be led
Is the already deviant and anomalous government
President Ma, please accept the guidance from people!
We have four main requests
The first, return the TiSA
Second, institutionalize a special law for the oversight of cross-strait
What we want is a special law, not an administrative order
We demand that, to institutionalize the law first, review the pact afterward
This request has been the same since the day we occupied the parliament
Never changed!
Any misleading of the public opinion could not separate us, or weaken us
Third, we request for a citizens’ constitutional conference
Because the incumbent government has already lost its fundamental validity of
It is only by initiating a constitutional conference by citizens, and
inviting the representatives in politics and society
That we are able to fix the problem, and make new history!
Our fourth request is on the level of the parliament
We wish that the legislators can stand by the civilians, support the civilians
Why do we need to occupy the parliament?
>From the first day, we said it clearly and cut
The representative system and the democracy in present Taiwan politics has
already been destroyed by the overpowering administrative power.
Our present representative democracy has been swallowed by the party
discipline and the individual’s will
This system has failed to response the people’s opinion
Because of this, we occupy the parliament
A parliament that is supposed to belong to everyone
Dear all, President Ma had a press conference last night
His speech was soft and tender
He had a smile on his face
As if he had already accepted us, and listened to us
But dear all, there was no concrete promise in his response last night
Thus, our occupation campaign has not yet finished!
We will keep it up!
We also know that all the Taiwanese citizens will keep it up with us
Today is not the last day
Today, 500 thousand people stand out on the street
We, again, write a new page in the history of Taiwan
Everybody, give yourself a big hand!
The student movement has successfully connected the all Taiwan civil society
It is beyond the capacity of students
It is the efforts from all the citizens who show their power of collectiveness
This achievement belongs to all the Taiwanese people!
It’s seven o’clock now
We’ll keep our promise
Before the campaign, we said it clear and cut
That this is a peaceful and non-violent protest
In order to show the collective will of Taiwanese!
Last night, we told the Ma Government
We said that today’s activity would end at seven period
Dear friends, I would like to invite you to look around, see the people
beside you
Look at their faces
Acquaint them
Have their contact information
Don’t laugh
Have their contact information
>From tomorrow, befriend the seven people around you
And make a promise
>From Monday to Sunday, arrange your shifts
Arrange your shifts to go to the parliament!
Today is not an ending
But we must end at seven o’clock
Today’s campaign in Ketagalan Boulevard is going to an end now
My dear 500 thousand citizen friends!
I thank you all again! Thank you very much!
Raise you right hand
President Ma, please listen to our voice
Please listen to all the citizens’ voice
Please listen to all the Taiwanese peoples’ voice
Let’s speak out loud together
President Ma!
Respond to us!
Concretize the promise!
Respond to us!
Concretize the promise!
Respond to us!
Concretize the promise!
Respond to us!
Concretize the promise!
Return TiSA!
Defend democracy!
Defend democracy!
Return TiSA!
Defend democracy!
Return TiSA!
Defend democracy!
Concretize the promise!
Respond to us!
Institutionalize the law first, review the pact afterward!
Institutionalize the law first, review the pact afterward!
Institutionalize the law first, review the pact afterward!
OK, my dear friends!
Remember to have the phone number of the seven people around you!
Arrange your shift, and see you at the parliament tomorrow morning!
Stand up! Citizen!
For Taiwan’s future!
Stand up! Citizen!
For citizen’s future!
Stand up! Citizen!
For Taiwan’s future!
OK, thank you, all the citizens!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1396203275.A.785.html
推 :推用心1F 03/31 02:15
推 :辛苦了2F 03/31 02:16
推 :字幕組 開工囉3F 03/31 02:16
推 :推辛苦了4F 03/31 02:17
推 :想請問有黃國昌老師的嗎?今天提早離開沒聽到 @@5F 03/31 02:17
推 :誰說臺灣沒人才6F 03/31 02:18
→ :看到一群有才的人各自奉獻...真感動7F 03/31 02:18
推 :這好強!辛苦你們了8F 03/31 02:19
推 :推!9F 03/31 02:20
推 :10F 03/31 02:20
推 :srt 出來 掛在乾淨片源上 再公開11F 03/31 02:21
推 :太強拉!!!12F 03/31 02:22
推 :推用心13F 03/31 02:23
推 :我兒子以後的英文課本不知道會不會有這個14F 03/31 02:27
推 :推個~15F 03/31 02:30
推 :到底是誰說反服貿的都沒有競爭力啦16F 03/31 02:31
推 :連 "不要笑" 都翻了 >.<17F 03/31 02:31
推 :強者推!18F 03/31 02:32
推 :......19F 03/31 02:36
推 :推!!20F 03/31 02:36
推 :push a lot!21F 03/31 02:38
推 :izo,先傳FoxRi.er 那裏精英多22F 03/31 02:39
推 :’全型的' 外國人看得到嗎? (還是我的電腦有問題?)23F 03/31 02:39
推 :推!!24F 03/31 02:41
→ :太強啦~!25F 03/31 02:43
推 :鄉民字幕組?26F 03/31 02:43
推 :ptt鄉民字幕組27F 03/31 02:44
推 :強大!!!!!!28F 03/31 02:47
推 :強 給你推一個29F 03/31 03:01
噓 :紅明顯 thousand忘記加s 也可以用half a milione30F 03/31 03:05
推 :推回來
推 :推回來
推 :推32F 03/31 03:40
推 :根本不用加s 還紅的明顯...33F 03/31 07:27
→ :而且你million 還拼錯...
→ :而且你million 還拼錯...
推 :推35F 03/31 08:44
→ :Hundred, thousand, million, billion這些數詞,若表達「36F 03/31 10:03
→ :具體數字」,如3千(three thousand)、5萬(five million)
→ :等,永遠不用複數型態,也就是不加s。若要表達「大
→ :概的概數」、「沒有確切的數據」的情況,如數以千計
→ :(thousands of),thousand就要加s。文中,林飛帆提及
→ :有50萬人上街,是具體數據,所以要用500 thousand,
→ :同理可證,2千3百萬人,就是用23 million,這些數詞
→ :在此都不用加s. 希望這樣有回答h大的問題
→ :具體數字」,如3千(three thousand)、5萬(five million)
→ :等,永遠不用複數型態,也就是不加s。若要表達「大
→ :概的概數」、「沒有確切的數據」的情況,如數以千計
→ :(thousands of),thousand就要加s。文中,林飛帆提及
→ :有50萬人上街,是具體數據,所以要用500 thousand,
→ :同理可證,2千3百萬人,就是用23 million,這些數詞
→ :在此都不用加s. 希望這樣有回答h大的問題
推 :我錯了 sorry44F 03/31 12:58
推 :push!!45F 03/31 13:54
轉錄至看板 FRIDAYNIGHT (使用連結) 時間:2014-04-03 09:34:58