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※ 本文為 timshan.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-20 17:27:33
看板 Gossiping
作者 plsear (普西兒)
標題 [爆卦] 反服貿佔領立院 國際報導總整理
時間 Thu Mar 20 12:47:08 2014


[爆卦] 在紐約成功堵到馬英九 公民運動遍地開花 - Gossiping板 - Disp BBS
 本來覺得沒什麼好po這篇文,但又想一想這次的經驗,覺得如果在八卦po這篇文有機會 讓電腦前的大家發現自己並不孤單、鼓勵到多一個人參加公民運動,就很值得了。這並 不是我個人的行動,也不是我主揪的,板子也不是我寫的,我的貢獻很小,覺得自己做 不夠,才寫了這篇。     上星期,我們在紐約唐人街近距離堵到 ...






Timeline Photos - Yating Miia Chang | Facebook
【International coverage: Protesters in Taiwan Occupy Legislature | 反服貿佔領立院之國際報導整理】  Credits: (報導整理:Kitkwan Chiu, Jung Wei Hung, Mei-Yu Liu, Yating Miia Chang) (製圖 : Yating Miia Chang) (表格翻譯&製作: Chi Hong Ho, Slow Chen) (攝影: Ri Cor)  〔Unite States 美國〕...


FB張貼相關文章請加標籤 #FightForDemocracy #CongressOccupied #gjtaiwan


International coverage: Protesters in Taiwan Occupy Legislature

Credits |
報導整理:Kitkwan Chiu, Jung Wei Hung, Mei-Yu Liu, Yating Miia Chang
製圖: Yating Miia Chang
表格翻譯&製作: Chi Hong Ho, Slow Chen
攝影: Ri Cor

〔Unite States 美國〕
New York Times: http://nyti.ms/1j5Td4h
CNN: http://cnn.it/PQEm0R
CNN iReport: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1109018
More Than 10,000 Protesters Still Sitting Calmly on 3a.m. in the morning - CNN iReport
The numbers of protesters increased sustained even in the middle of the night. Many singers organized concerts spontaneously to encourage the people and some take care of everybody's food and supply. ... ...

TIME: http://ti.me/1cYghiv
Protesters Storm and Occupy Taiwan Parliament - TIME
Disagreements over a trade pact with China cause tempers to flare ...

Wall Street Journal: http://on.wsj.com/1gcRrw8
Students Occupy Taiwan's Legislature to Protest China Pact - WSJ.com More than 1,000 students occupied Taiwan's legislature to protest the ruling party's handling of a trade pact with China. ...

Voice of America: http://bit.ly/1cYgmTp
Taiwan Protesters Occupy Legislature Over China Trade Pact
Police and protesters have been engaged in a standoff in Taiwan's legislature after students stormed the building to demand the government scrap a trade deal with China. The protester... ...

ABC News: http://abcn.ws/1cYgvpY
China Trade Pact Foes Occupy Taiwanese Legislature - ABC News China Trade Pact Foes Occupy Taiwanese Legislature ...

Fox News: http://fxn.ws/1gBEeaf
Opponents of trade pact with China occupy Taiwanese legislature | Fox News
Several hundred opponents of a far-reaching trade pact with China occupied Taiwan ...

Washington Post: http://wapo.st/1eQNub1
China trade pact foes occupy Taiwanese legislature - The Washington Post
Hundreds of opponents of a trade pact with China demonstrated in and around Taiwan’s legislature Wednesday, in the most serious challenge to date to President Ma Ying-jeou’s policy of moving the democratic island of 23 million people economically closer to Communist China. ...

Bloomberg: http://buswk.co/1cYi72M
Al Jazeera: http://alj.am/1kKfcuU
Taiwan students occupy Legislature to protest China trade deal | Al Jazeera America Protesters worry pact will give China too much economic influence over Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its territory ...

Fremont Tribune: http://bit.ly/1cYhfLE
China pact opponents occupy Taiwan legislature
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Several hundred opponents of a far-reaching trade pact with China have occupied Taiwan's legislature, further delaying action on a measure that Beijing strongly favors. ...

Miami Herald: http://hrld.us/1oxgVFo
TAIPEI, Taiwan: China trade pact foes occupy Taiwan legislature - Business Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com
Several hundred opponents of a far-reaching trade pact with China occupied Taiwan's legislature late Tuesday, further delaying action on a measure that Beijing strongly favors. ...

Huffington Post: http://huff.to/1iilUrc
Businessweek: http://buswk.co/1eU8MVe
Amnesty International: http://bit.ly/1lOgJQo
Amnesty International | Taiwan: Restraint urged in protests over China trade deal The Taiwanese security forces must protect and respect human rights in any response to the hundreds of protestors that have occupied the nation’s parliament, said Amnesty International.  ...

BuzzFeed: http://bzfd.it/1gEvqVD
Taiwanese Students Storm Parliament To Protest Illegal China Trade Agreement
Many say that Taiwan's ruling KMT party strong-armed a controversial trade deal with China through the legislature, and protestors demand a... ...


〔Japan 日本〕
NHK: http://bit.ly/1dd1Jw2
台湾 大学生などが議会に乱入 NHKニュース
台湾で、中国との間で結ばれた経済協定の発効に向けて議会で手続きが進められるなか、協定に反対する大学生などが議会に乱入して議場を占拠し、大きな… ...

読売新聞: http://bit.ly/1pdrtbe
台湾立法院、学生が占拠…中台貿易協定に反対 : 国際 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
 【台北=比嘉清太】台湾の立法院(国会に相当)で18日夜、中台間でサービス分野の市場開放を進める「サービス貿易協定」(昨年6月調印)に反対する民間団体の学生ら数百人が、警官隊を突破して敷地内に突入、議場を占拠した。 ...

日本経済新聞: http://s.nikkei.com/1iF71Qx
台湾、学生が立法院占拠 中国との貿易協定に反対  :日本経済新聞
 台湾と中国が昨年6月に結んだサービス貿易の自由化協定を巡り、台湾で馬英九政権に対する反発が広がっている。立法院(国会)の委員会で与党・国民党が同協定の審査通過を強行採決したことに抗議する100人以上 ...

時事通信: http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g=int_30&k=2014031900405
 【台北時事】台湾・台北市の立法院(国会)に18日夜、中国との「サービス貿易協定」に反対する100人以上の学生らが警備網を破って突入し、議場を占拠した。21日まで占拠を続ける構えで、19日夜は立法院周辺に学生らの行動を支持する数千人の市民が集まった。 中台は昨年6月、サービス分野の市場開放を進める「サービス貿易協定」に調印。馬英九政権は発効に向けて立法院での手続きを進めているが、野党は「不透明な密室協定だ」「台湾の中小企業が打撃を受ける」などと強く反発。一方、与党・国民党は強行採決する構えを見せていた。 議場を占拠する学生らは協定撤回や馬総統との面会などを求めている。対中関係を重視する馬総統は ...

朝日新聞: http://bit.ly/1g333ke
台湾学生ら、立法院占拠 中国との協定めぐり与党に抗議:朝日新聞デジタル
 台湾の立法院(国会)が18日夜、学生らに占拠された。中国とサービス業を開放しあうサービス貿易協定の審議を与党国民党が強引に進めたことへの抗議で、審議のやり直しなどを求めている。学生らは議場に立てこも ...

每日新聞: http://bit.ly/1nFkqg6
台湾:学生ら数百人が立法院占拠 中台協定に反対訴え - 毎日新聞
 【台北・鈴木玲子】台北市の台湾・立法院(国会)で18日、学生ら数百人が警官の警備網を破って突入し、... ...

Niconico: http://news.nicovideo.jp/watch/nw995403
台湾で学生らが国会議場を占拠 警官隊と衝突、負傷者も | ニコニコニュース
【台北共同】台湾の立法院(国会)に18日夜、中国と台湾が昨年6月に調印した「サービス貿易協定」の承認法案に反対する数百人の学生らがなだれ込み、議場を占拠した。この際に警官らと衝突し、当局によると警... ...


〔France 法國〕
Le Figaro: http://bit.ly/1eQNwQ6
Le Point: http://bit.ly/1deEWzL
Le Nouvelliste: http://bit.ly/1lRhsQT
Des étudiants taiwanais occupent le parlement pour protester contre un accord avec la Chine - Monde - Actualités - Le Nouvelliste Online - Quotidien Valaisan
Environ 200 étudiants ont envahi mardi soir l'enceinte du parlement de Taïwan pour protester contre un accord commercial avec la Chine. Ils ont ensuite repoussé à plusieurs reprises la police intervenue pour les déloger. Cette occupation vient en r&e... ...

Aysor: http://bit.ly/Nw3tnl [in Armenian language]

〔Germany 德國〕
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: http://bit.ly/1eQNyaH
Studenten stürmen Taiwans Parlament
Ist das noch außerparlamentarische Opposition? Studenten übernachten im Plenarsaal und drängen die Polizei zurück. Sie... jetzt lesen ...

Deutsche Welle: http://bit.ly/1g31Nh0
Taiwanese students storm parliament building over trade pact | News | DW.DE | 19.03.2014
A group of students in Taiwan has occupied the country's parliament building in the capital, Taipei. The act of protest is in response to government plans of a trade agreement with China. ...


〔Unite Kingdom 英國〕
Reuters: http://reut.rs/1eQOKe9
Taiwan students occupy legislature over China trade deal | Reuters
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Hundreds of protesters in Taiwan opposed to a trade pact with China which they fear gives the mainland too much economic influence and access to opportunities have occupied Taiwan's ...

BBC: http://bbc.in/1eQQ0hp
BBC News - Protesters occupy Taiwan parliament over China trade deal
Hundreds of students and activists opposed to a trade deal with China occupy Taiwan's parliament and defy police efforts to evict them. ...


〔Various European Nations 歐洲多國〕
Euro News: http://bit.ly/ODkPQ8
Taiwan students occupy parliament over China trade pact | euronews, world news
world news - Hundreds of students in Taiwan have occupied parliament in protest at a trade deal with China. They called for an apology from the president and asked for the initial review of… ...


〔Switzerland 瑞士〕
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: http://bit.ly/1eQQ1Cb
Wegen Pakt mit China: Aktivisten besetzen Parlament in Taiwan - News-Ticker - NZZ.ch
Aus Protest gegen einen Handelspakt mit China haben Hunderte Demonstranten das Parlament Taiwans besetzt. ...


〔Russia 俄羅斯〕
Russia Today: http://bit.ly/1cYiiLB

〔Korea 韓國〕
        : http://bit.ly/PRZkfz
대만 학생단체 국회 기습점거…中과 서비스협정 반대(종합) | 연합뉴스
대만 학생단체 국회 기습점거…中과 서비스협정 반대(종합).."마잉주 정부 친중국 정책에 견제구"…양안정책 분열:(타이베이=연합뉴스) 류성무 특파원 = 대만에서 서비스 산업분야 시장개방 확대를 골자로 하는 중국과의 서비스무역협정 비준을 놓고 심각한 사회 갈등이 벌어지고 있다. ...


〔Greece 希臘〕
In: http://news.in.gr/world/article/?aid=1231304547
Κατάληψη στο Κοινοβούλιο της Ταϊβάν από εκατοντάδες φοιτητές - Ειδήσεις - Κόσμος - in.gr
Η συζήτηση στο Κοινοβούλιο της Ταϊβάν για την επικύρωση εμπορικής συμφωνίας με την Κίνα δεν ολοκληρώθηκε ποτέ, αφού εκατοντάδες φοιτητές έκαναν ... ...


〔Canada 加拿大〕
Vancouver Sun: http://bit.ly/1midsvR
Taiwan protest decries government plan to tighten economic binds with China
Opponents say trade deal would cost tens of thousands of jobs because small businesses will be unable ...


〔Thailand 泰國〕
Bangkok Post: http://bit.ly/PRW9of
Taiwan protesters occupy parliament | Bangkok Post: news
Latest news, politics, business and sport from Thailand and Asean, plus features, opinion and multimedia from across Southeast Asia. ...


〔Malaysia 馬來西亞〕
Malaysian Digest: http://bit.ly/1gBFqdQ
Protesters Storm Taiwan Legislature Over China Trade Pact
TAIPEI: Taiwan opposed to a trade pact with China which they fear gives the mainland too much economic influence and access to opportunities have occupied Taiwan’s legislature. ...


〔India 印度〕
The Times of India: http://bit.ly/1cYh430
Taiwan protesters occupy parliament over China trade pact - The Times of India
The protesters are vehemently opposed to what they term illegal moves by the ruling Kuomintang party to pass the trade pact with China. ...


〔South Africa 南非〕
eNews Channel Africa: http://bit.ly/1cYhp5U

〔Columbia 哥倫比亞〕
Caracal Radio: http://bit.ly/1cYi7zZ
Estudiantes ocuparon parlamento taiwanés en protesta por pacto con China | 20140318
[img=1,1]http://www.caracol.com.co/images/UXU.GIF[/img]Un grupo de unos doscientos estudiantes han ocupado y paralizado hoy el Parlamento taiwanés en protesta por el intento oficialista de utilizar su mayoría absoluta para aprobar un pacto de comercio en servicios con China. ...


〔Philippine 菲律賓〕
Solar News: http://bit.ly/1cYgRNo

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qweaaazzz:推1F 03/20 12:47
autoppp:台灣要公投2F 03/20 12:48
FakeHand:值得推3F 03/20 12:48
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OrzJ:推5F 03/20 12:49
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ohiyo104:用心推9F 03/20 12:50
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mytheternal:推12F 03/20 12:50
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kb09:台灣加油26F 03/20 12:58
Lalazz:推啦27F 03/20 12:59
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Southside:37F 03/20 13:13
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ueewen:推40F 03/20 13:19
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