※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-02-16 05:56:46
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 「我已經厭倦假裝」 艾倫佩姬 出櫃
時間 Sat Feb 15 14:01:26 2014
艾倫佩姬(Ellen Page)以同志身份發表申明
[新聞] 「我已經厭倦假裝!」 艾倫佩姬以同志身份發表聲明 | HypeSphere
曾經主演過《鴻孕當頭》(Juno)、《全面啓動》以及今年即將上映的《X戰警:未來昔日》(X-Men : Days of Future Past)的年輕女演員艾倫佩姬(Ellen Page)在賭城拉斯維加斯貝利飯店的記者會中宣告自己為同性戀 ...
曾經主演過《鴻孕當頭》(Juno)、《全面啓動》以及今年即將上映的《X戰警:未來昔日》(X-Men : Days of Future Past)的年輕女演員艾倫佩姬(Ellen Page)在賭城拉斯維加斯貝利飯店的記者會中宣告自己為同性戀 ...
Ellen Page Comes Out As Gay: 'I Am Tired of Lying by Omission' (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter
Ellen Page has come out as a gay woman. The star of the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past made the announcement in a moving and deeply personal speech delivered at Time to THRIVE, a conference to promote the welfare of LGBT youth held at Bally's Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. ...
Ellen Page has come out as a gay woman. The star of the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past made the announcement in a moving and deeply personal speech delivered at Time to THRIVE, a conference to promote the welfare of LGBT youth held at Bally's Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. ...
曾經主演過《鴻孕當頭》(Juno)、《全面啓動》以及今年即將上映的《X戰警:未來昔日》(X-Men : Days of Future Past)的年輕女演員艾倫佩姬(Ellen Page)在賭城拉斯維加斯貝利飯店的記者會中宣告自己為同性戀,主辦這場演講的人權團體HRC也在推特宣布了這件消息,艾倫在演講上指出:
Ellen Page Joins HRCF's Time to Thrive Conference - YouTube
On Friday, February 14, actress Ellen Page speaks about the brave decision to live openly and authentically. Read the transcript of her remarks here:
On Friday, February 14, actress Ellen Page speaks about the brave decision to live openly and authentically. Read the transcript of her remarks here:
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◆ From:
推 :我難過1F 02/15 14:01
→ :怎麼有種不意外的感覺....2F 02/15 14:01
→ :歐美明星 男Gay 女T比例好高阿....3F 02/15 14:02
推 :假裝多好 我只要 只想要4F 02/15 14:02
→ :可惜~~~~5F 02/15 14:02
推 :不如說gay、T特別適合當明星?!6F 02/15 14:03
→ :跟萊莉嗎 不意外7F 02/15 14:03
推 :可惜~~~不過她看起來好蘿莉啊.......8F 02/15 14:04
→ :......9F 02/15 14:04
推 :怎麼那麼多人都說不意外 我好意外...10F 02/15 14:04
推 :馬囧不知道啥時要發表出櫃宣言11F 02/15 14:06
推 :歐~我的女神出櫃我該高興還是傷心12F 02/15 14:06
→ :幸好我愛EMMA STONG13F 02/15 14:07
推 :真的不意外14F 02/15 14:07
推 :這世界又少了一個蘿莉15F 02/15 14:07
推 :怎沒人推甲甲不意外XDD16F 02/15 14:07
推 :STONE吧17F 02/15 14:08
推 :Beyond 2 souls 遊戲的女角18F 02/15 14:08
推 :幻影貓 超可愛的~19F 02/15 14:09
推 :恭喜!也推她的勇氣20F 02/15 14:09
→ GV13 …
推 :甲甲很噁心 不過女女的話 可以唷22F 02/15 14:10
推 :其實身邊的人都有可能是甲甲或t的23F 02/15 14:10
推 :加油吧,同志仍需努力。但小心恐甲想舔小女孩24F 02/15 14:11
→ :她的胸部一直讓我以為他是男的25F 02/15 14:16
噓 :沒差 愛裝嫩的老人26F 02/15 14:16
→ :我不准啦,嗚嗚27F 02/15 14:17
→ GV13 …
噓 :崩潰.....他朝政der29F 02/15 14:18
→ :有人雙重標準喔?說人用英文就滾去美國結果現在?!30F 02/15 14:19
推 :喜歡他的氣質 推31F 02/15 14:20
→ :誰? 重要嗎? 社會責任? 哈!32F 02/15 14:21
→ :她很可愛耶33F 02/15 14:26
Inception Kiss Scene (HD) - YouTube
- download movie: - buy movie: - movie info: Arthur: Quick, give me a kiss. [She kisses him a...
- download movie: - buy movie: - movie info: Arthur: Quick, give me a kiss. [She kisses him a...
→ :其實我覺得他們兩個滿配的35F 02/15 14:28
推 :妳們的愛 讓我來保護 必要的時候 請讓我加入36F 02/15 14:40
推 :同志朋友們加油37F 02/15 14:51
推 :仇甲臭它又崩潰38F 02/15 14:55
→ :果然是同性病臉39F 02/15 15:00
推 :小艾莉(⊙_⊙)40F 02/15 15:13
噓 :幹 崩潰41F 02/15 15:55
推 :所以裘莉是雙性?42F 02/15 16:02
推 :甲甲也會有蘿莉控嗎?43F 02/15 16:33
→ :想當初全面啟動時跟囧瑟夫超搭的......44F 02/15 16:34
推 :真誠給推!! 反觀一堆高官超虛偽45F 02/15 17:20
→ :甜美氣質又好46F 02/15 17:30
推 :口才真好47F 02/15 18:51
→ :額頭才是本體48F 02/15 18:56
推 :很多動作遊戲的女主角長得很像她49F 02/15 22:20
推 :她演講時超緊張的 聲音好抖 很有勇氣50F 02/15 23:46
推 :我戀愛惹~51F 02/15 23:48