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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 中國準備逐步買下美聯儲
時間 Wed Jan 29 23:28:59 2014
China to Purchase the Federal Reserve | philosophyofmetrics
The U.S. Government Defaulted in October, 2013. By JC Collins In essence, China has been slowly buying up the Federal Reserve for some time now. If you can call it a purchase. Its more of a negotiation over assuming the liabilities of both the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury. The Federal Res ...
In essence, China has been slowly buying up the Federal Reserve for some time now. If you can call it a purchase. Its more of a negotiation over assuming the liabilities of both the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury.
The Federal Reserve is the largest holder of U.S. debt at $2.1 trillion. China is second at $1.3 trillion. Think of it as the United States government doing a debt consolidation of all its treasury bonds because it can no longer pay or service the debt.
China, or the BRICS countries, and/or a consortium of international interests, most likely organized through the I.M.F., will manage the U.S. debt through exchange rate increases and trade tariffs.
The reality for Americans for the next decade or more will be price increases/inflation of 30% to 50%, segmented by industry and region, until such a time that its debt, or a negotiated margin of their debt, is cleared from the books.
The post WW2 boom in the United States was funded by the exportation of the dollars inflation to what is now the emerging markets. Americans lived on the backs of other countries. Now the tables have turned. Or have been turning for many years already. This would explain outsourcing, trade agreements, immigration, favorite nation status, etc..
Why would China and other countries take on the risk of this debt? Simple, it’s economic reset or economic collapse. Its in the worlds interest to re-structure the U.S. debt to save the whole whale from beaching itself.
為何中國和其他國家願意承擔繼續持有美債的風險呢? 很簡單,這些美債能當作全球景氣洗牌或是經濟危機時的籌碼。為了防止美國經濟擱淺,重整全世界的美債才能符合眾人的利益。
Rumors are circulating that the U.S. dollar will have a rate for in country use, and a separate international rate. That is because the U.S. treasury and the Federal Reserve are about to be severed from each other. The Treasury will control the in country dollar, and the “international reserve” dollar will be controlled by China and or the I.M.F. consortium of debt holders.
The U.S. in fact defaulted back in October of 2013. This has not been told to the public at large. Why would the congress insinuate that the debt ceiling is now irrelevant? The only way the debt ceiling, or debt limit,(eg. the amount the government can borrow) can become irrelevant is if the U.S. has in fact defaulted and the process of default negotiations are taking place. Think of it as the rest of the world cutting up the credit cards belonging to the United States government.
其實美國在2013年10月就已經債務違約了,只是媒體沒有大肆報導而已。為什麼美國國會暗指債務上限(美國政府能借貸的金額總數)已經無關緊要了呢? 唯一的答案就是美國早就已經違約然後在會議桌上談債務協商。世界其他各國總算可以拿刀剪掉老美強迫推銷的美債信用卡了。
China has recently purchased the JP Morgan building in Manhattan for $725 million. One could reason that they have in fact purchased all of JP Morgan. And I’m sure it will soon be announced that China has or is in the process of purchasing other Western banks and physical assets. These banks make up the majority owners of the Federal Reserve.
中國最近以7.25億美元買下了JP摩根的曼哈頓大樓。 其實大家可以推論中國已經買下整間公司。 我相信很快就能向大家宣佈中國吃下其他西方銀行和它們期下的實體資產。值得注意的是,中國的收購對象都是美聯儲的主要股東。
The gold reserves of the west have been depleted by China. Some say there is no gold left. This is more physical assets gone from the legers of the Western banks. The system of debt based money creation of the Western world is dead. It’s over. The shift East is in the final stages of completion.
西方的黃金儲備已經被中國吸到差不多了。甚至有人說西方國家已經沒黃金,而且其他的實體資產也大量地從西方銀行的帳本上消失。 西方世界的債務貨幣系統確定死路一條。 遊戲結束,最後以東方崛起告終。
Obama’s so called “pivot east” is less about positioning assets to counter the stirring of the eastern dragon, and more to do with making those military assets easy to confiscate when the terminal day arrives. (edit: not Obama specifically, but the Federal Reserve system and the military it controls. One assumes the rhetorical is understood.)
歐巴馬的亞太軸心政策不太像是要拋售自家資產來抵抗中國龍的崛起;反倒像是讓自己在亞太區域的軍事資產可以在租約到期的時候更加輕易地充公。(編註: 並不是專指歐巴馬本人,而是美聯儲和它旗下的軍方人馬。)
It will happen over a weekend, as many have already predicted. The televisions will announce the largest deal in financial history between the Federal Reserve and China. They will discuss how all the worlds currencies have been revalued to reflect true production ratios and physical assets. Accounts will be balanced. War criminals will be prosecuted.
許多人預測未來某個周末會發生大事。電視媒體會大篇幅報導美聯儲和中國之間人類金融史上最大宗的交易案件。雙方將會討論世界貨幣重估並且以真實的生產比率和實體資產作為基礎。所有的帳戶都將收支平衡。 戰犯也會被起訴。
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◆ From:
→ :盡量買,步入日本後塵1F 01/29 23:30
推 :要跟元老院要錢了?2F 01/29 23:30
推 :加油3F 01/29 23:30
推 :其實比較像借錢的銀行拜托你繼續借錢買銀行的產品4F 01/29 23:31
→ :美:你繼續買啊,我不還你也不能拿我怎樣^^5F 01/29 23:31
推 :向天朝朝貢6F 01/29 23:32
推 :影子皇帝 難怪MA最近啥都不擔心7F 01/29 23:32
→ :別做夢了 要CN跟JP一樣不容易8F 01/29 23:32
噓 :這種報導對中國分明別有用心 境外反華勢力終將是徒勞的9F 01/29 23:32
→ :絕招就是借到債主都會怕你10F 01/29 23:32
→ :要多少錢 說一聲 美國會印給你11F 01/29 23:32
→ :這個也能買?12F 01/29 23:32
推 :反正要開打了吧13F 01/29 23:33
→ :要接受IMF的援助了嗎?14F 01/29 23:33
推 :國家間 欠錢的才最大好不 蠢豬15F 01/29 23:33
推 :中國跟美國不一樣的地方,在於中國在全世界買各種東西16F 01/29 23:33
推 :美國倒債比美國丟飛彈可怕,轟的是全世界17F 01/29 23:33
推 :米國很想搞中國,中國則是拉全世界來當他墊背.18F 01/29 23:35
→ :這是很有趣的經濟戰爭和連帶影響關係.
→ :這是很有趣的經濟戰爭和連帶影響關係.
→ :要步上智利巴拿馬這種level國家的後塵也太悲i20F 01/29 23:35
→ :當年的日本並沒有這種等級的影響力.21F 01/29 23:35
→ :老美:華人 顆顆22F 01/29 23:36
推 :民進黨信徒:對于日本爸爸米國爺爺不利的新聞一律不可信23F 01/29 23:36
→ :中國在全世界買資源買土地買礦產買公司,反正手上握的美金24F 01/29 23:36
→ :為什麼不是買下廣廚聯25F 01/29 23:37
→ :比較有疑問的是 上面寫的中國"買" 是什麼身分買?26F 01/29 23:37
→ :放著也會因為美國持續印鈔而貶值,不如盡量掌握資源27F 01/29 23:37
→ :個人? 財團? 還是國家名義?28F 01/29 23:37
推 :中國要搶劫世界自然資源啦29F 01/29 23:40
→ :主要不是搶劫,是米國要跟中國打資源戰.30F 01/29 23:41
→ :米國現在國內天然氣和油價我記得在瘋狂壓低中.
→ :他要吸引大量製造業回米國本土.
→ :米國現在國內天然氣和油價我記得在瘋狂壓低中.
→ :他要吸引大量製造業回米國本土.
→ :頁岩氣的關係?33F 01/29 23:41
→ :像鴻海不是也去了.34F 01/29 23:41
→ :對阿,米國是頁岩油,中國是頁岩氣.
→ :對阿,米國是頁岩油,中國是頁岩氣.
推 :我猜是有官方背景的銀行吧36F 01/29 23:42
→ :然後米國用啥灌水壓法克服取得油的技術.37F 01/29 23:42
→ :ceca大直接開篇文章聊阿 plz38F 01/29 23:42
→ :所以突然好像變成世界最大產油國39F 01/29 23:42
→ :中國頁岩氣在青康藏高原+技術沒突破.
→ :so..米國很可能會利用升息+保障國內能源低成本.
→ :來和中國打資源戰.
→ :這也是為啥中國要去拉攏伊朗,和印度炒邊界埋石油管等動作.
→ :不過這個...我無法證實,因為這是米國陰謀論.
→ :和中國的經技戰,既自由經濟戰術後的下一招.
→ :中國頁岩氣在青康藏高原+技術沒突破.
→ :so..米國很可能會利用升息+保障國內能源低成本.
→ :來和中國打資源戰.
→ :這也是為啥中國要去拉攏伊朗,和印度炒邊界埋石油管等動作.
→ :不過這個...我無法證實,因為這是米國陰謀論.
→ :和中國的經技戰,既自由經濟戰術後的下一招.
推 :頁岩油是假議題…這麼嚴重汙染的產業過幾年就做不下去了46F 01/29 23:45
推 :美國是頁岩氣啦,利用水平鑽井跟水力壓裂技術將頁岩撐裂開47F 01/29 23:47
推 :謝謝分享48F 01/29 23:47
→ :讓以往無法開採的頁岩能產出天然氣,而頁岩又是最大的沉積岩49F 01/29 23:47
→ :換言之,美國應該可以百年不用擔心天然氣的問題了
→ :換言之,美國應該可以百年不用擔心天然氣的問題了
→ :其實去查了一下頁岩油的汙染 充其量也就是當地51F 01/29 23:49
→ :可能造成地層下陷 地下水汙染也是當地問題...
→ :可能造成地層下陷 地下水汙染也是當地問題...
→ :不過開採頁岩氣要往井裡高壓灌注化學液體,同時天然氣也會53F 01/29 23:49
→ :當然看開採位置汙染可能會延伸啦 不過整體而言54F 01/29 23:50
→ :似乎不會造成大規模的災害 台灣這種擁擠地方當然不可能
→ :但美國要是沒人居住的地方開採應該仍然不成問題?
→ :似乎不會造成大規模的災害 台灣這種擁擠地方當然不可能
→ :但美國要是沒人居住的地方開採應該仍然不成問題?
推 :痾…頁岩油與頁岩氣基本上像是銅礦與金礦的關係,有頁岩油57F 01/29 23:52
→ :時通常帶有頁岩氣,反之亦然。
→ :只是量體不一定就是了
→ :時通常帶有頁岩氣,反之亦然。
→ :只是量體不一定就是了
Animation of Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) - YouTube
Safe, cost-effective refinements in hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking), horizontal drilling and other innovations now allow for the production of ...
Safe, cost-effective refinements in hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking), horizontal drilling and other innovations now allow for the production of ...

→ :別小看地下水流的流動,水壓裂法有點像灌蟋蟀方式,將油氣61F 01/29 23:57
→ :擠出來,這個壓力必然影響地下水流的污染擴散,只是在地下
→ :沒有立即性的危險罷了
→ :擠出來,這個壓力必然影響地下水流的污染擴散,只是在地下
→ :沒有立即性的危險罷了
推 :推翻譯64F 01/29 23:58
The hidden cost of the US shale gas and 'fracking' boom - YouTube The US push to secure domestic gas supplies has seen a desperate scramble to drill into the Marcellus Shale formation. But the process involved - hydraulic f...

→ :頁岩是不透水層,頁岩氣的開採主要還是消耗大量的水,以及66F 01/30 00:01
→ :灌注進去水力壓裂的化學液體會擴散至地層,以及汙染地下水
→ :很多鄉村地區都是抽用地下水,其實問題都已經出現了
→ :中國最好不要發展這個,不然真的是環境的大災害
→ :灌注進去水力壓裂的化學液體會擴散至地層,以及汙染地下水
→ :很多鄉村地區都是抽用地下水,其實問題都已經出現了
→ :中國最好不要發展這個,不然真的是環境的大災害
→ :步入日本後塵?? 你以為中國是美國小弟70F 01/30 00:08
3樓 時間: 2014-01-30 01:36:42 (台灣)
01-30 01:36 TW
有趣的是..多數大陸貪污的高官又跑到美國去 美國要搞掉中國真的很簡單 這世界最後比的不是經濟而是拳頭
5樓 時間: 2014-01-30 05:38:43 (台灣)
01-30 05:38 TW