※ 本文為 justthis 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-10 12:37:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 史前的北海亞特蘭提斯遭5公尺高的海嘯襲擊
時間 Fri May 9 21:05:01 2014
1.媒體來源: BBC NEWS
Prehistoric North Sea 'Atlantis' hit by 5m tsunami By Paul Rincon
史前的北海亞特蘭提斯遭5公尺高的海嘯襲擊 記者:Paul Rincon
The wave was generated by a catastrophic subsea landslide off the coast of Norway. Analysis suggests the tsunami over-ran Doggerland, a low-lying landmass that has since vanished beneath the waves.
"It was abandoned by Mesolithic tribes about 8,000 years ago, which is when the Storegga slide happened," said Dr Jon Hill from Imperial College London. The wave could have wiped out the last people to occupy this island.
倫敦帝國學院的喬恩.希爾博士說到:「大約在8000年前,當Storegga slide發生時,該地區就被中石器時代的部落給拋棄了。」這場海嘯也讓當時佔據該島的最後一批種族從地表上徹底抹除了。
(譯者注:Storegga slide是指挪威外海的大陸棚地區,它界於挪威與格陵蘭島之間,所曾經發生過的大型海底地層滑動現象。)
The research has been submitted to the journal Ocean Modelling and is being presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna this week.
此次的研究報告已經提交到海洋建模(Ocean Modelling)期刊,而且打算在本周於維也納所舉辦的歐洲地球科學年會中發表。
Dr Hill and his Imperial-based colleagues Gareth Collins, Alexandros Avdis, Stephan Kramer and Matthew Piggott used computer simulations to explore the likely effects of the Norwegian landslide.
希爾博士與他的同事加雷斯· 柯林斯、亞歷山卓· 亞迪斯、斯蒂芬· 克萊默以及馬修· 皮戈特使用電腦模擬來研究這場挪威的海底滑坡所可能造成的影響。
He told BBC News: "We were the first ever group to model the Storegga tsunami with Doggerland in place. Previous studies have used the modern bathymetry (ocean depth)." As such, the study gives the most detailed insight yet into the likely impacts of the huge landslip and its associated tsunami wave on this lost landmass.
他告訴 BBC 新聞:「我們可是第一個研究團隊,能將發生在多格蘭大陸上的 Storegga 海嘯的模型給塑造出來。過去的研究報告所使用的都是現代的深海測量術。」因此,針對這場大型海底崩塌所造成的衝擊,以及隨之而來發生在格蘭大陸的海嘯,該研究給出了最詳細的視野。
(This animation shows the evolution of the wave - the red shows the height and the blue colour the depth of variation in the sea surface)
During the last Ice Age, sea levels were much lower; at its maximum extent Doggerland connected Britain to mainland Europe. It was possible for human hunters to walk from what is now northern Germany across to East Anglia. But from 20,000 years ago, sea levels began to rise, gradually flooding the vast landscape.
By around 10,000 years ago, the area would still have been one of the richest areas for hunting, fishing and fowling (bird catching) in Europe. A large freshwater basin occupied the centre of Doggerland, fed by the River Thames from the west and by the Rhine in the east. Its lagoons, marshes and mudflats would have been a haven for wildlife.
"In Mesolithic times, this was paradise," explained Bernhard Weninger, from the University of Cologne in Germany, who was not involved with the present study. But 2,000 years later, Doggerland had become a low-lying, marshy island covering an area about the size of Wales.
德國科隆大學的伯恩哈德· 溫奈爾解釋到:「在中石器時代,這地方是天堂。」但歷經2000年之後,多格蘭已經變成一個低窪,且遍佈沼澤的島嶼,其大小約等於現在的威爾斯。
(The North Sea has given up wonderful prehistoric finds, like these bone points now kept at the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, The Netherlands)
(This shaft-hole pick made from antler was found near Rotterdam in the Netherlands)
(Last year, National Museum of Antiquities curator Luc Amkreutz identified this flint tool as a Mesolithic tranchet axe - the first such find from the North Sea. It was found by a Dutch fisherman in 1988)
(國家博物館的古文物館長 Luc Amkreutz 在去年鑑定了此一燧石工具為一種屬於中石器時代的石斧,如此發現在北海區域還是頭一遭。這是由一個德國漁夫在1988年所發現。)
The nets of North Sea fishing boats have pulled up a wealth of prehistoric bones belonging to the animals that once roamed this prehistoric "Garden of Eden".
But the waters have also given up a smaller cache of ancient human remains and artefacts from which scientists have been able to obtain radiocarbon dates.
And they show that none of these relics of Mesolithic habitation on Doggerland occur later than the time of the tsunami.
The Storegga slide involved the collapse of some 3,000 cubic km of sediment. "If you took that sediment and laid it over Scotland, it would cover it to a depth of 8m," said Dr Hill.
Storegga slide 造成了3000立方公里的泥沙沉積物。希爾博士也提到:「如果你把這些泥沙沉積物鋪在蘇格蘭島,其厚度可達八公尺高。」
Given that the majority of Doggerland was by this time less than 5m in height, it would have experienced widespread flooding.
(These young Mesolithic women from Teviec, Brittany, were brutally murdered. As sea levels rose competition for resources may have intensified)
"It is therefore plausible that the Storegga slide was indeed the cause of the abandonment of Doggerland in the Mesolithic," the team writes in their Ocean Modelling paper.
研究團隊在海洋建模期刊所發表的文章裡頭寫到:「我們因此有充分理由認為Storegga slide 是中石器時代的人類放棄了多格蘭大陸的最主要原因。」
Dr Hill told BBC News: "The impact on anyone who was living on Doggerland at the time would have been massive - comparable to the Japanese tsunami of 2011."
But Bernhard Weninger suspects that Doggerland had already been vacated by the time of the Storegga slide. "There may have been a few people coming with boats to fish, but I doubt it was continuously settled," he explained. "I think it was so wet by this time that the good days of Doggerland were already gone."
但伯恩哈德教授懷疑,在Storegga slide發生的時候,人們就已經多格蘭大陸撤出。他解釋到:「可能會有一些人留下來捕魚,但我懷疑他們能持續常駐此地。我認為在當時,該地區是如此的潮濕,而多格蘭的好日子早已遠去。」
Prof Vince Gaffney, an archaeologist at the University of Birmingham, said: "I think they (the researchers) are probably right, because the tsunami would have been a catastrophic event."
伯明翰大學的考古學家,文斯· 加夫尼教授:「我認為研究團隊可能是正確的,因為海嘯將是一個災難性的事件。」
But he stressed that the archaeological record was sparse, and explained that two axes from the Neolithic period (after Storegga) had been retrieved from the North Sea's Brown Banks area. It is possible these were dropped from a boat - accidentally or as a ritual offering - but it is also unclear precisely when Doggerland finally succumbed to the waves.
"Even after major volcanic eruptions, people go back, sometimes because they can't afford not to but also because the resources are there," said Prof Gaffney, who has authored a book, Europe's Lost World: The Rediscovery of Doggerland.
The tsunami would also have affected what is now Scotland and the eastern coast of England, as well as the northern coast of continental Europe. The wave that hit the north-east coast of Scotland is estimated to have been some 14m high, though it is unclear whether this area was inhabited at the time.
But waves measuring some 5m in height would have hit the eastern coast of England, and there is good evidence humans were in this area 8,000 years ago. Much of this region would also have been low-lying, suggesting the impact on Mesolithic people who depended substantially on coastal resources such as shellfish, would have been significant here, too.
時間長河 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGFTfVWYHq8
【時間長河】 華人區事件聯合行動團隊 - YouTube
我即將講述的事情看似瘋狂,但請務必聆聽。 讓我們沿著地球二元線性時間之河,從一百萬年前的亞特蘭提斯走到未來的新亞特蘭提斯,從25000年前的執政官劫持走到在即的黃金時代。 【事件】已經臨近。請為即將到來的轉變祈禱和平,祝福眾生。你的心在為真相與自由而震顫。傾聽它的話語,然後,回應它吧。 NAMASTE 關於更多影...
我即將講述的事情看似瘋狂,但請務必聆聽。 讓我們沿著地球二元線性時間之河,從一百萬年前的亞特蘭提斯走到未來的新亞特蘭提斯,從25000年前的執政官劫持走到在即的黃金時代。 【事件】已經臨近。請為即將到來的轉變祈禱和平,祝福眾生。你的心在為真相與自由而震顫。傾聽它的話語,然後,回應它吧。 NAMASTE 關於更多影...
華人事件行動團隊導覽 http://return-to-light.yolasite.com/
BBC News - Prehistoric North Sea 'Atlantis' hit by 5m tsunami
A prehistoric "Atlantis" in the North Sea may have been abandoned after being hit by a 5m tsunami 8,200 years ago. ...
A prehistoric "Atlantis" in the North Sea may have been abandoned after being hit by a 5m tsunami 8,200 years ago. ...
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