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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-21 01:19:07
看板 Gossiping
作者 netsphere (D)
標題 [新聞] 人面山羊
時間 Fri Dec 20 23:35:18 2013


Farmer shocked after goat is born with human face

A farmer in Kenya, was shocked to see that his goat gave birth to a kid with a human face,
according to photos and videos uploaded to the Internet.


Residents of Likoni Mombasa, were seen on video flocking to the farm in order to catch a
glimpse of the goat, which has a human face.


The goat is also turning the usually quiet small town upside down as locals fear that
the goat was born as a result of a man having sex with the goat.



Goat With Human Face? - YouTube
They say wonders will never cease. And residents of jomvu village in Mombasas Changamwe constituency woke up to a shocking incident this morning.The discover...



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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
seabox:巴風特1F 12/20 23:35
psychopath:好像藍蛆的臉2F 12/20 23:35
royalsage:上帝羔羊3F 12/20 23:35
QBey:巴風特4F 12/20 23:35
WhiteMage:巴菲特5F 12/20 23:36
lovetina:這不是hateOnas的照片嗎??6F 12/20 23:36
mrschiu:原來喬巴是真的..7F 12/20 23:36
no321:(已被hateOnas刪除) <netsphere>洽山羊板8F 12/20 23:36
hippobear:不是潘嘛9F 12/20 23:36
r02182828:好欠打的臉10F 12/20 23:37
iliyu:帶個頭套上去有點像LBJ耶11F 12/20 23:37
Tamama05:真的跟人一樣 兩支眼睛一張嘴巴12F 12/20 23:38
scarface:一定是農夫自己幹的~13F 12/20 23:38
watashiD:看起來好像一部MV...有人臉的狗14F 12/20 23:38
koreawargod:             長的好像  墨菲斯15F 12/20 23:38
flamedevil:山羊宮  杜門16F 12/20 23:39
dylanlee:果然是闇陰羊17F 12/20 23:43
dcoog7880:山羊要進化了?18F 12/20 23:43
ilovewr:兇手就是講話那個吧...畫面一切長一模一樣19F 12/20 23:46
Trionychidae:MARVAL20F 12/21 00:01
polarg:件?21F 12/21 00:25

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