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※ 本文為 BruceX 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-12 00:11:28
看板 Gossiping
作者 netsphere (D)
標題 [新聞] 北韓發現世界上最大稀土礦藏
時間 Wed Dec 11 22:12:25 2013

新聞出處: http://tinyurl.com/nk82sr8
Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea | MINING.com
The 216 million tonne Jongju deposit 150km north of Pyongjang, theoretically worth trillions of dollars, would more than double the current global known resource of REE oxides. ...

Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea


Privately-held SRE Minerals on Wednesday announced the discovery in North Korea
of what is believed to be the largest deposit of rare earth elements anywhere in the world.

近日,一家私人公司(SRE Minerals)宣布在北韓發現至今世界上最大的稀土礦藏。

SRE also signed a joint venture agreement with the Korea Natural Resources Trading Corporation
for rights to develop REE deposits at Jongju in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for
the next 25 years with a further renewal period of 25 years.


The joint venture company known as Pacific Century Rare Earth Mineral Limited,
based in the British Virgin Islands, has also been granted permission for a processing
plant on site at Jongju, situated approximately 150 km north-northwest of the capital of Pyongyang.


The initial assessment of the Jongju target indicates a total mineralisation potential of 6 billion tonnes
 with total 216.2 million tonnes rare-earth-oxides including light REEs such as lanthanum,
cerium and praseodymium; mainly britholite and associated rare earth minerals. Approximately 2.66% of
the 216.2 million tonnes consists of more valuable heavy rare-earth-elements.


According Dr Louis Schurmann, Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and lead scientist
on the project, the Jongju deposit is the world's largest known REE occurrence.


The 216 million tonne Jongju deposit, theoretically worth trillions of dollars, would more than double
the current global known resource of REE oxides which according to the US Geological Survey is pegged
at 110 million tonnes.


Minerals like fluorite, apatite, zircon, nepheline, feldspar, and ilmenite are seen as potential by-products
to the mining and recovery of REE at Jongju.


Further exploration is planned for March 2014, which will includes 96,000m (Phase 1) and 120,000m (Phase 2)
of core drilling, with results reported according to the Australia's JORC Code, a standard for mineral
disclosure similar to Canada's widely used National Instrument 43-101.



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◆ From:
Metallicat:Holy War1F 12/11 22:12
jajujo:北韓要逆風高飛囉  台灣呢2F 12/11 22:12
ckgegg:北韓要起飛惹?3F 12/11 22:12
hacedor:要發現大規模毀滅武器了4F 12/11 22:13
F12:大火進宮囉!5F 12/11 22:13
aisitelu:西方國家:大夥進攻囉6F 12/11 22:13
martinifaya:美國:開門 查水表7F 12/11 22:13
bee12:nuclear weapon is ready8F 12/11 22:13
serendipity:中北韓友好9F 12/11 22:13
Homeparty:北韓有大規模毀滅性武器10F 12/11 22:13
porten812:準備發現大規模毀滅性武器11F 12/11 22:13
getbacker:美國表示 身為世界警察需要站出來保護北韓人民~~~~12F 12/11 22:13
cuckooflower:50坐地能稀土13F 12/11 22:13
s72005ming:要被美國進攻了14F 12/11 22:13
silv31:美國:北韓藏有毀滅性武器 出兵北韓捍衛世界和平15F 12/11 22:13
taot917:美國要開戰囉16F 12/11 22:13
allen60157:美帝找到藉口惹17F 12/11 22:13
zoopoo:稀土礦長怎樣?? 不是說很破壞環境嗎18F 12/11 22:14
occboy:金正恩19號將軍神威!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19F 12/11 22:14
rony98:美國是時候該發現大規模毀滅性武器了20F 12/11 22:14
jerrykyo:米國準備好了 這裡肯定有大規模毀滅性武器21F 12/11 22:14
chncheng:[新聞] 北韓鬧家變 共軍隔山實彈演練22F 12/11 22:14
season002:美國:北韓肯定有陰謀  是該好好檢查一下23F 12/11 22:14
hokksapp:米國要進攻了ˊ24F 12/11 22:14
f051372:米國:全面進攻!!!!!!!!!!25F 12/11 22:14
abxtpml56:完了完了26F 12/11 22:14
wuliou:米國:發現大規模毀滅性武器27F 12/11 22:14
lover19:所以真的要被打了 韓國要統一惹28F 12/11 22:14
yechau:美國:北韓藏有毀滅性武器         北韓:林盃本來就有啊29F 12/11 22:15
liaon98:北韓發現大規模毀滅性武器30F 12/11 22:15
Howard61313:推 yechau:北韓:林盃本來就有啊31F 12/11 22:15
chuiszt:敲敲門32F 12/11 22:15
battleleader:林背本來就有XDDDDD33F 12/11 22:15
omica:要被發現國內有大規模毀滅性武器了34F 12/11 22:15
galleon2000:金小胖: 這下完蛋了....哭哭35F 12/11 22:15
liaon98:不過這樣南北韓統一會更可怕 他倆大概很難統一了36F 12/11 22:16
nomimono:有毀滅性武器37F 12/11 22:16
battleleader:北韓這垃圾國家只會拖淚南韓  還是洗洗睡吧38F 12/11 22:16
Rex1009:完了 北韓再見39F 12/11 22:17
elle:有理由開戰了40F 12/11 22:17
e0928558056:不知道南韓民眾聽到後,支持統一的民意會不會提升?41F 12/11 22:17
indietaiwan:真有這種事情台灣就爽了 北韓再次成為美中交鋒處42F 12/11 22:17
indietaiwan:南韓會掃到颱風尾經濟動盪 不過也要台商夠爭氣啦
motan:北韓終於要消失了44F 12/11 22:18
chncheng:的確現在能救台灣的就只有韓戰或南海戰爭而已了45F 12/11 22:18
pooznn:難怪中國在長白山集結3000共軍"演習"46F 12/11 22:19
HydeTseng:米國&中國&俄羅斯:大夥進攻囉!!!47F 12/11 22:19
kiwibee:美國:我聞到大規模毀滅性武器的味道了48F 12/11 22:19
gohome0083:北韓發出聲名一個月內會被美國攻限49F 12/11 22:20
kopuck:有人要進攻了50F 12/11 22:20
chinhan1216:19號 再見了51F 12/11 22:20
wsx26997785:========匪共:朝鮮是我神聖不可分割的一部分========52F 12/11 22:21
satyrs05:米帝:發現大規模毀滅武器~53F 12/11 22:21
a51062004:美國:我要捍衛世界和平54F 12/11 22:22
timeshadow:跟北韓牽合約……不怕被處死嗎55F 12/11 22:24
waynex:GG惹56F 12/11 22:25
hoks:更多人要當礦工了...57F 12/11 22:26
chevalierxd:北韓掰掰58F 12/11 22:26
Merlion:全部都是金胖子的 它應該是才是真正的世界首富59F 12/11 22:29
traystien:稀土其實很便宜,但污染很大,北韓的環境RIP60F 12/11 22:30
seraph01:被發現大規模毀滅武器61F 12/11 22:30
now99:不排除有大量毀滅性武器!!!!!!!!62F 12/11 22:30
jenchieh5:美帝:北朝鮮擁有大量毀滅性武器63F 12/11 22:32
Miser:小胖完蛋惹…64F 12/11 22:33
lcy317:其實稀土很多國家都有 但是先進國家絕對不願意開採的65F 12/11 22:34
eddy1221:美國要入侵了...67F 12/11 22:35
childay:美國表示: 發現北韓藏有大量毀滅性武器 準備出兵68F 12/11 22:36
WilliamEX:中國跟俄羅斯要大戰了嗎69F 12/11 22:37
a0930192264:慘了慘了北韓要被滅了70F 12/11 22:41
dodolu:北韓要被夷為平地了71F 12/11 22:41
dearevan:米國:我要拯救北韓人民脫離邪惡政權!72F 12/11 22:45
wsx26997785:=====金三胖:訂購500架Su-27、30艘基洛級潛艦=====73F 12/11 22:45
scu96:哇 大規模毀滅性武器74F 12/11 22:46
wsx26997785:===金三胖:每戶分得10萬美金、軍隊換裝、都市更新===75F 12/11 22:46
superivan:米國:北韓擁有毀滅性武器,大伙們! 進攻囉~77F 12/11 23:00
wht810090:金三胖宣佈朝人軍主力戰車全面換裝為T-90S 並向俄羅斯訂78F 12/11 23:23
staristic:北韓發現大規模毀滅性武器79F 12/11 23:23
wht810090:購Su-27至少600架 南方有F-15K算啥毀(特大誤)80F 12/11 23:24
wht810090:再訂購8艘現代級驅逐艦 海軍戰力瞬間翻倍
wht810090:剛剛好像在礦藏清單中看到有鈽 核武原料get?

阿哩~ 不好意思 我打錯了 是"鈰"才對
※ 編輯: netsphere       來自:         (12/11 23:31)
steve1012:已發現毀滅性武器83F 12/11 23:30
pppeeeppp:米國不可能動它啦,中國會保護北韓的84F 12/11 23:33
misthide:應該是秘集度最高吧 論總量應該還是比不過中國85F 12/11 23:46
Kenqr:看標題就猜到推文了XD86F 12/11 23:54
WLR:匹夫無罪,懷璧其罪。87F 12/12 00:02

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1樓 時間: 2013-12-12 00:15:33 (台灣)
  12-12 00:15 TW
2樓 時間: 2013-12-12 00:18:24 (台灣)
  12-12 00:18 TW
北韓有核武器 應該近日又會被討論了 美帝又要派人去查水表了
3樓 時間: 2013-12-12 01:00:46 (台灣)
  12-12 01:00 TW
5樓 時間: 2013-12-12 12:06:30 (台灣)
  12-12 12:06 TW
根本就是詐騙集團的假新聞 SRE Minerals官網做得還不錯 但是無論點選哪個 都是這條北韓挖到最大稀土礦藏或是讚頌北韓經濟發展的消息 看起來就是北韓的官方或是外圍組織成立的機構
6樓 時間: 2013-12-12 12:08:22 (台灣)
  12-12 12:08 TW
SRE Minerals說北韓2010-2017年經濟成長率是178% 甚至到2050年都是全球經濟成長最快速的國家 幹 只有水母才會相信這種鬼話
7樓 時間: 2013-12-13 12:18:54 (台灣)
  12-13 12:18 TW
就算真的有 北韓有那技術開採嗎?
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