※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-07-20 21:02:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 美國FOX NEWS報導今天的抗議活動
時間 Sat Jul 20 19:45:51 2013
Thousands of protesters rallied in Taipei to demand justice for a
corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military, in a
case that sparked anger across Taiwan.
Demonstrators, holding placards reading "Murder" and "We want the truth",
gathered outside the defence ministry two weeks after Hung Chung-chiu died of
heatstroke apparently caused by being forced to exercise excessively.
Several sang songs mocking the military while others made a show of drinking
bottled water -- a reference to the fact Hung's superiors reportedly refused
to give him water despite his repeated requests.
"So many people come here today to demand truth," Hung's uncle, Hu Shih-ho,
"I hope President Ma Ying-jeou and defence minister Kao Hua-chu will open
their eyes to see this and listen to us."
Taiwan's defence ministry has apologised for Hung's death and military
prosecutors are investigating the cause of his death.
"I apologise to you all," vice defence minister Andrew Yang told the crowd
before bowing briefly to them.
"Please give the defence ministry a chance to correct previous mistakes and
clarify the truth."
Organisers said more than 10,000 had turned out while police estimates were
not immediately available.
Local media reported that Hung was at odds with his superiors for making
complaints against them and that he had been placed in solitary confinement
for taking a smartphone onto the army base.
He died just three days before he was due to be discharged following
completion of his compulsory year-long military service.
Four military officials have been detained by authorities on abuse charges,
while punitive measures have been placed on 26 other staff members.
The island's watchdog responsible for monitoring other parts of government
The Control Yuan has announced an in-depth probe into alleged bullying in the
Taiwan protesters demand justice for dead corporal | Fox News
Thousands of protesters rallied in Taipei to demand justice for a corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military, in a case that sparked anger across Taiwan. ...
法國的FRANCE 24也有報導
Taiwan protesters demand justice for dead corporal - FRANCE 24
Thousands of protesters rallied in Taipei to demand justice for a corporal who died after allegedly being abused in the military, in a case that sparked ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :這下沒幾個國家敢搞徵兵了1F 07/20 19:46
※ 編輯: peterkot 來自: (07/20 19:46)推 :阿扁丟臉丟到國外去了2F 07/20 19:46
推 :香港TVB也有報 國際新聞第一則3F 07/20 19:46
→ :1F在講啥 徵兵的本來 就是少數4F 07/20 19:47
→ :Thousands of protesters..哈哈,才數千,比北市府還少5F 07/20 19:47
推 :就是引用法新社的報導6F 07/20 19:47
噓 :爽阿 我家mod有fox news 死守第四台的人沒得看7F 07/20 19:47
推 :除非真的在戰爭狀態或者小國 不然會用徵兵是少數8F 07/20 19:48
→ :干美國人屁事9F 07/20 19:48
推 :司機崩潰玩又出沒拉10F 07/20 19:48
推 :英文很爛喔 thousands代表的是以千為單位 萬也算.11F 07/20 19:48
推 :mod有fox news喔! 畫質好嗎?12F 07/20 19:49
→ :一萬是ten thousand13F 07/20 19:49
→ :連國中等級的英文都不會 國防部的網軍程度真差14F 07/20 19:49
推 :英文看不懂可以不要推文...15F 07/20 19:49
→ :這下馬政府又要去函更正了16F 07/20 19:50
推 :專業的五樓 哈哈哈哈哈哈17F 07/20 19:50
噓 :五樓超LOW18F 07/20 19:50
推 :五樓科大生19F 07/20 19:51
推 :5F 丟臉...20F 07/20 19:51
推 :5樓...這個意思是數以千計的公民....是指很多的意思...21F 07/20 19:52
→ :形容詞22F 07/20 19:53
推 :1f的鋒頭都被專業的5f搶了23F 07/20 19:53
→ :可能有人連英文沒有萬都不知道 就別太苛責他了24F 07/20 19:53
推 :看到有人被打臉就是爽。25F 07/20 19:55
→ :5樓呵呵26F 07/20 19:55
推 :英文沒有萬的單位 從一千到100萬 都是用thousands代表27F 07/20 19:55
推 :XD28F 07/20 19:56
→ :5F丟臉丟到你父母那29F 07/20 19:56
→ :樓上...只有到99萬=.=30F 07/20 19:56
推 :5樓超丟臉 連國中程度英文都沒 唉31F 07/20 19:58
推 :小屁孩英文沒學好 thousands of一般都翻作"成千上萬的.."32F 07/20 19:59
→ :百萬就會用million了 不會用thousands= =33F 07/20 19:59
推 :1f跟5f絕配 好機油34F 07/20 19:59
→ :5F別說你有去35F 07/20 20:00
推 :好危險,一不小心巴掌就飛來了。36F 07/20 20:00
推 :半瓶水就真的不要一直出來戰 只是多丟臉而已37F 07/20 20:01
推 :推38F 07/20 20:01
推 :明明有 tens of thousands 並不是只有 thousands39F 07/20 20:02
→ :5樓...瞬間臉都腫了=.=40F 07/20 20:02
→ :某樓頗ㄏ41F 07/20 20:02
推 :因該是陰間呆久了42F 07/20 20:04
→ :5樓知道我們講的幾K幾K就是用英文計算方式的嗎?43F 07/20 20:04
推 :5F 不懂別裝懂44F 07/20 20:04
推 :XD45F 07/20 20:06
→ :有人真的喜歡讓臉腫46F 07/20 20:07
→ :我想說奇怪~怎麼都一樣的文章~wwww47F 07/20 20:07
→ :這篇只要是跟AFC有合作的都會上48F 07/20 20:08
推 :[問卦] 有沒有英文不好還好意思昭告天下的八卦49F 07/20 20:08
推 :有人臉好腫XDDDD50F 07/20 20:09
推 :有沒有推廢文被打臉還很爽的八卦51F 07/20 20:09
推 :5樓你的英文?這是國中就教過的。52F 07/20 20:09
推 :一樓司機被打臉打大了。只會睜睜眼眼作煙霧彈53F 07/20 20:10
推 :大家別怪他了...他的英文老師應該常常請假=.=54F 07/20 20:10
→ :真是夠不要臉了!千錯萬錯都是被害者的錯55F 07/20 20:10
推 :看到五樓的回應,讓我笑好久56F 07/20 20:34
→ :傻屈就不要來丟臉了 A for apple57F 07/20 20:39
推 :車行小開真的很有趣58F 07/20 20:39
推 :XDDDDDDD59F 07/20 20:54
推 :有兩隻蠕動生物很丟臉耶!!! XDDDDD60F 07/20 21:01
( ̄︶ ̄)b hippo916 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2013-07-20 20:09:19 (紐西蘭)
07-20 20:09 NZ