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※ 本文為 kysf 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-23 19:46:04
看板 Gossiping
作者 Seals (海豹印章特種部隊)
標題 Re: [新聞] 韓國 憑什麼贏
時間 Wed May 23 15:57:52 2012

                 Sharma: Five decades of five percent growth.
Sharma: Five decades of five percent growth – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs Editor's Note: Throughout the week, Ruchir Sharma will be posting thought-provoking questions with answers and explanations on CNN.com/GPS.  Be sure to check out his excellent new book Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles. ...
                               April 25th, 2012
                                  08:00AM ET

Editor's Note: Throughout the week, Ruchir Sharma will be posting
thought-provoking questions with answers and explanations on CNN.com/GPS.  Be
sure to check out his excellent new book Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the
Next Economic Miracles.

Question: What are the only two countries that have grown at an average
annual pace of more than 5 percent for the last five decades in a row?
Answer:  South Korea and Taiwan

Explanation: South Korea and Taiwan are the gold medalists of global
competition, because their economies continued to grow at a rapid pace even
after they grew rich, when the scale and difficulty of the challenge becomes
much more daunting. With per capita incomes greater than $20,000, the
half-century booms in South Korea and Taiwan are arguably more impressive
than the now much more famous 30-year  boom in China, where per capita
incomes just recently surpassed $5,000.


Now, however, the gold medalists appear to be parting ways: both have
succeeded mainly as manufacturing exporters, and South Korea is pushing
ahead. In 2006 the total value of the Seoul stock market surpassed Taiwan for
the first time, and it is now considerably larger, at $1 trillion versus $700
billion. The main reason is that, to a surprising degree, Taiwan makes its
money from small and globally unknown companies that manufacture parts for
PCs that run on Windows and Intel chips-a niche so narrow that the Taipei
stock market has been out of favor for years now.

在2006年股市總值首度超越台灣,目前南韓股市總值約1000 billion USD,
台灣約700 billion USD。


South Korea's corporate giants have been much more visionary and ambitious,
becoming global leaders in industries as diverse as shipbuilding,
petrochemicals and construction, and creating the first major global brands
to rise up from an emerging market: Hyundai, Samsung and LG. Normally,
manufacturing stops growing as a share of the economy when a nation hits a
per capita income of $10,000, but South Korea is 15 years past that barrier
and manufacturing continues to expand as a share of GDP. This unique
manufacturing juggernaut can't continue forever, but it can continue for the
foreseeable future-5 to 10 years.




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※ 編輯: Seals           來自:        (05/23 15:58)
takuminauki:所以台灣還會被打趴5-10年1F 05/23 15:59
jakevin:還好我們的口號沒有停滯!2F 05/23 15:59
manshiID:台灣目標代工、安逸就好  被電掉遲早的事3F 05/23 15:59
sh050562:至少我們漲價不遺餘力4F 05/23 16:00
stella323:黃金十年!!!5F 05/23 16:00
manshiID:人家以美日為目標 我們以摳司當為目標6F 05/23 16:00
derric:推m大台灣人真的只求安逸...7F 05/23 16:01
greige:別看不起代工 台灣代工業可以聚集了台灣的理工天才們啊~ ^^8F 05/23 16:02
manshiID:代工真的很北七...賺那3%5% 人家韓國自立品牌賺70.80%9F 05/23 16:03
greige:                       可是10F 05/23 16:03
manshiID:有沒有遠見一看就知道11F 05/23 16:04
yongqing:杯具就是台灣的理工天才都只能在代工業12F 05/23 16:04
ams9:南韓這種模式不能持續的理由在哪?13F 05/23 16:04
Joey818:台灣過去要對付一個爛政黨 現在退步到要對付兩個14F 05/23 16:05
bribe8911:文章怎沒扯八年遺毒?15F 05/23 16:05
manshiID:那只是美國在唱衰 品牌.經濟規模出來 怎樣還是有賺頭16F 05/23 16:05
hamasakiayu:弄品牌出來幹嘛,給酸民噓嘛?17F 05/23 16:06
UNOMISAKO:因為中國起來 韓國的價格戰能用多久就不知道了19F 05/23 16:06
ClubT:台灣就是一堆自我感覺良好的(政府)才會輸      台灣憑什麼贏20F 05/23 16:06
linjrming:韓國什麼時候毛利有70.80%?21F 05/23 16:07
tony121010:大公司不可能無限擴張,到一定程度就會出現管理跟效率22F 05/23 16:07
hamasakiayu:在一個內鬥內行的國家搞品牌做啥?23F 05/23 16:07
manshiID:單算三爽 LG 自有品牌 從韓國一條龍的 肯定有70~80%24F 05/23 16:08
tony121010:問題,之後不是切割就是賣掉部分部門25F 05/23 16:08
umi74:東北亞跟東南亞的差別26F 05/23 16:10
UNOMISAKO:Sony從二戰結束發展到2000年才到顛峰期27F 05/23 16:10
UNOMISAKO:三星近年崛起就想搞更大的  想包所有東西
koidnar:Cost Down來跟對方打,看看能打多久才能贏29F 05/23 16:29

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