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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-12-14 19:51:34
看板 Steam
作者 nrsair (Life)
標題 [閒聊] 巫師3 EA 刺客起源 提前特價
時間 Fri Dec 13 22:52:00 2024

天氣變冷了 冬特前的提前特價

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 巫師3
Save 80% on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on Steam
You are Geralt of Rivia, mercenary monster slayer. Before you stands a war-torn, monster-infested continent you can explore at will. Your current cont ...

《巫師 3:狂獵》完整版 $209 -80% The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
Save 80% on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition on Steam
One of the most acclaimed RPGs of all time. Now ready for a new generation.ABOUT THE GAMEYou are Geralt of Rivia, mercenary monster slayer. Before you ...

2015年度最佳遊戲 RPG大作 夏特時沒買 終於等到2023年1月以前的史低$209

Assassin's Creed Origins 刺客教條:起源 -90% 標準版$169
Save 90% on Assassin's Creed® Origins on Steam
ASSASSIN’S CREED® ORIGINS IS A NEW BEGINNING *The Discovery Tour by Assassin’s Creed®: Ancient Egypt is available now as a free update!* Ancient Egypt ...

Assassin's Creed Origins - Gold Edition $254 -90%
7/15買的黃金版$382 總共才玩67分鐘 主線開頭還沒出金字塔內
後來用觀光模式看導覽爬金字塔就沒玩 現虧128元

雙人成行 It Takes Two -80% NT$ 219 新史低價 比之前秋特便宜
Save 80% on It Takes Two on Steam
Embark on the craziest journey of your life in It Takes Two. Invite a friend to join for free with Friend’s Pass and work together across a huge varie ...

雙人合作遊戲 只有一個人真的很難玩吧 也許等-90%再買

Save 90% on ACE COMBAT™  7: SKIES UNKNOWN on Steam
Become an ace pilot and soar through photorealistic skies with full 360 degree movement; down enemy aircraft and experience the thrill of engaging in  ...

戰鬥機飛行遊戲 看價格是比微軟模擬飛行便宜很多
和秋特一樣價 秋特時買了還沒玩 也沒空間安裝

DiRT Rally 2.0 極度好評 (31,757) 88%好評
[Package] DiRT Rally 2.0 Game of the Year Edition NT$96 -85%  史低
GOTY版包含DiRT Rally 2.0遊戲和Season 1/2/3/4
Save 85% on DiRT Rally 2.0 on Steam
DiRT Rally 2.0 dares you to carve your way through a selection of iconic rally locations from across the globe, in the most powerful off-road vehicles ...

便宜 應該是目前最好玩和擬真的拉力賽車遊戲.

GRID Legends -90% 標準版$159 史低
Save 90% on GRID Legends on Steam
GRID Legends delivers thrilling wheel-to-wheel motorsport action. Create dream race events, hop into live races, experience a dramatic virtual product ...

GRID Legends Deluxe Edition -90% NT$ 229

極速快感 Need for Speed 2015(2016才上steam) -90% $79 71%好評 大多好評 (17,335)
Save 90% on Need for Speed™  on Steam
Ready to own the streets? Get behind the wheel of iconic cars and floor it through Ventura Bay, a sprawling urban playground. Explore overlapping stor ...

NFS系列蠻常各自特價的 秋特時也是這價格
遊戲只有夜間   必須要全程聯網玩的遊戲
想知道極速快感系列好玩的遊哪幾款? (Heat和Most Wanted已買)

極速快感:桀驁不馴 Unbound 2022 -93% $139 62% 褒貶不一 (33,003)
Save 93% on Need for Speed™  Unbound on Steam
Race to the top, definitely don’t flop. Outsmart the cops, and enter weekly qualifiers for The Grand: the ultimate street race. Pack your garage with  ...

評論說遊戲很肝 參賽要先繳錢?輸了就虧錢 單次參賽只能重玩10次

《橫衝直撞:狂飆樂園》重製版 -85% NT$ 80 新史低 Burnout Paradise Remastered
Save 85% on Burnout™  Paradise Remastered on Steam
Burnout Paradise Remastered provides the ultimate driving playground for you and your friends to play online. This remaster includes all add-ons from  ...

一百元以內蠻便宜的 不知道什麼時候有機會-90% ($53)

Forza Horizon 4 極限競速-地平線4 -80% NT$ 171 特價到12/16 90% 極度好評(252244)
Save 80% on Forza Horizon 4 on Steam
Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival. Go it alone or team up with others to explore beautiful and historic Br ...

終極版 -80% NT$ 285
開放世界英國風景模擬器+娛樂性高的賽車遊戲神作 這次應該是最後上車機會
建議買終極版 包含大部分DLC

BF4 BF1 BF5都特價 還有BF2042也是(差評)

Battlefield 1 (2016) -93% NT$ 76 86%好評
Save 93% on Battlefield™  1 on Steam
Battlefield™  1 takes you back to The Great War, WW1, where new technology and worldwide conflict changed the face of warfare forever. ...


戰地風雲 5 (2018) -93% $97 70%好評 大多好評 (203,031)
Save 93% on Battlefield™  V on Steam
This is the ultimate Battlefield V experience. Enter mankind’s greatest conflict with the complete arsenal of weapons, vehicles, and gadgets plus the  ...


Titanfall 2 $79 -90%
Save 90% on Titanfall® 2 on Steam
Respawn Entertainment gives you the most advanced titan technology in its new, single player campaign & multiplayer experience. Combine & conq ...


《質量效應》傳奇版 $127 -92%
Save 92% on Mass Effect™  Legendary Edition on Steam
The Mass Effect™  Legendary Edition includes single-player base content and over 40 DLC from the highly acclaimed Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass  ...


STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order 絕地:組織殞落 -90% $109
Save 90% on STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™  on Steam
A galaxy-spanning adventure awaits in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a 3rd person action-adventure title from Respawn. An abandoned Padawan must comple ...

星際大戰的開放世界冒險RPG 可以玩光劍

Mafia 四海兄弟:決定版 -80% NT$ 238 從秋特開始一直特價到12/20
Save 80% on Mafia: Definitive Edition on Steam
An inadvertent brush with the mob thrusts cabdriver Tommy Angelo into the world of organized crime. Initially uneasy about falling in with the Salieri ...


四海兄弟II 決定版 -75% NT$ 224
Save 75% on Mafia II: Definitive Edition on Steam
War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder w ...


Mafia Trilogy -85% NT$ 447
Welcome to Steam
Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games. ...

組合包比較便宜 一二代評價很好 但三代評價不好

Dead Cells: Medley of Pain Bundle NT$ 507 at -47%
Save 50% on Dead Cells on Steam
Dead Cells is a roguelite, metroidvania inspired, action-platformer. You'll explore a sprawling, ever-changing castle... assuming you’re able to fight ...

8月買的546元 現在又更便宜  差手機板還沒買

邊境獵人: 艾爾莎的命運之輪 -42% NT$ 288 新史低
Save 42% on Frontier Hunter: Erza’s Wheel of Fortune on Steam
This is an anime-style Metroidvania game with an RPG progression system, numerous weapons for switching, and an emphasis on equipment building. It off ...

日系動漫風主角 三女角人物漂亮 銀河戰士惡魔城類遊戲
(價格是如果現在立刻玩還OK 否則沒到-50%不算夠便宜)

ROCKMAN X DiVE Offline -84% NT$ 150 新史低 比之前三百多元便宜很多

Save 84% on MEGA MAN X DiVE Offline on Steam
Mega Man X DiVE reimagined the world of the Mega Man X series, and now it's getting an offline version! Strengthen your characters and weapons with a  ...

免費手游改的單機版遊戲 移植到電腦上

買太多遊戲除了沒足夠時間玩, 硬碟/SSD空間不夠安裝呀.

Steam 冬季特賣(大型季節性特賣):12 月 19 日至 1 月 2 日

Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition很可惜今年後來都沒有$150左右的特價

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: nrsair 2024-12-13 22:52:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dN4eNlr (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1734101527.A.BF5.html
sugoichai: 空戰奇兵7 讚,這價格買來玩一個好故事很值得,難度又1F 12/13 23:03
sugoichai: 能調很低。
xp987987: 感謝整理史低,這次真的買了不少3F 12/13 23:16
a6234709: AC7很讚 要搭配SP 3任務一起買會更好4F 12/13 23:30
eva05s: AC7真的讚,沒事買來開飛機都爽,PS4跟這邊各買一輪5F 12/14 00:12
LOVEMOE: 啊~~ 我買貴了6F 12/14 00:24
RaiGend0519: 再五天7F 12/14 00:25
grtfor: 整理推8F 12/14 00:26
majohnman: 推9F 12/14 00:31
※ 編輯: nrsair ( 臺灣), 12/14/2024 00:36:46
Beltran: 又到了買遊戲屯倉的季節10F 12/14 01:05
Raquzza0526: Witcher夏特是-90%11F 12/14 01:48
losage: 地平線4說好的要下架要買要快,為什麼一再特價?詐騙膩?12F 12/14 02:20
losage: 現實生活被詐騙,買個遊戲也要被詐騙,咁
yuyuen: 通常被騙很多次,智商不足是主因14F 12/14 02:43
lerry555777: 雙手成行 朋友太難找15F 12/14 03:13
JMLee: NFS近年最推就Hot Pursuit重製吧 原版體質就非常優秀 當年16F 12/14 03:21
JMLee: 愛不釋手 但印象中鎖60fps 不確定改了沒
blackman180: 本來就是說15號下架,這次優惠結束就下架了18F 12/14 04:26
ksjr: 地平線15號下架可是特價到16號耶19F 12/14 06:28
devilhades: 哭啊 X dive買在30020F 12/14 06:56
widec: 還有人沒有巫師3嗎21F 12/14 07:38
Iamnoobsorry: sp3任務是什麼22F 12/14 08:06
Dilair: 大神 -75%  162元23F 12/14 08:20
alanjiang: 不爽別買24F 12/14 08:48
tigerface: 想請問我有看到巫師有次世代版更新,那是買完整版這版25F 12/14 08:53
tigerface: 本就可以了嗎,謝謝
frozenmoon: Forza Horizon 4 很讚 買來看風景聽音樂都不錯27F 12/14 09:35
Emask: 我的願望清單有1/4在特價 現在廠商很會..28F 12/14 09:37
oas: AC7單買本體之後要補DLC不划算吧  至少要買含TOPGUN的豪華包29F 12/14 11:10
DPP48: 謝謝,買了BF530F 12/14 11:18
lancelot123: 星戰絕地倖存者也75%史低了,比秋特還低,這價超值31F 12/14 13:37
al199786215: Mafia推嗎?32F 12/14 13:47
CHB1980: 完整版209夠便宜了33F 12/14 13:55

※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 24 
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