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標題 [限免] Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Editio
時間 Wed Feb 14 00:16:28 2024

【  遊  戲  名  稱  】:Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition

Save 100% on Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition on Steam
Welcome to the zombie apocalypse experience of a lifetime – more beautiful than ever. Caught in an epic zombie outbreak on the tropical island of Bano ...

【  介紹/商店連結  】:https://store.steampowered.com/app/383180/

【  領  取  條  件  】:Steam帳號

【  附          註  】:限時48小時,到2月16日凌晨0:00截止

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LEAFKEY 2024-02-14 00:16:28
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bovNVC6 (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1707840991.A.306.html
Lemon931: 有領有推1F 02/14 00:22
SAoKelin: 推2F 02/14 00:24
pp520: 推  領了3F 02/14 00:25
yulis: 2代要出了喔?4F 02/14 00:26
a456618: 去年就出了5F 02/14 00:30
sunshinecan: 04/22上steam6F 02/14 00:31
aigame: 2 epic獨佔接近一年差不多要上架了吧7F 02/14 00:35
Satomisan: 有8F 02/14 00:49
inconsequent: 有領有推9F 02/14 00:58
Crim: 有領有推10F 02/14 01:03
bu17: +111F 02/14 01:12
Dead Island 2 on Steam
A deadly virus is spreading across Los Angeles, turning its inhabitants into zombies. Bitten, infected, but more than just immune, uncover the truth b ...

ffv111: 有領有推14F 02/14 01:57
cacozxz: 前一陣子才剛買==15F 02/14 02:05
UC93: 可惜不是送1   激流有原版了16F 02/14 02:10
brianuser: 喝剩,其實死島和激流不是什麼佳作可是覺得爛得很好玩17F 02/14 02:16
GSWarriors: 推18F 02/14 02:36
abb123456: 有領有推19F 02/14 02:55
doomhammer: 死亡之島全破還沒破激流路過 其實不錯玩20F 02/14 03:24
DPP48: 謝謝,喜+121F 02/14 04:28
zzaaa: 有領有推22F 02/14 06:33
wlwillwell: 死亡之島多人體驗會好很多,彌補遊戲性的缺點23F 02/14 09:13
davidbright: 不錯喔24F 02/14 09:25
ab4daa: +125F 02/14 10:15
rx1304: THX26F 02/14 10:21
junping: 推27F 02/14 10:40
flamerlin: 有領有推 謝謝資訊28F 02/14 11:08
justastupid: 3Q29F 02/14 11:27
vincent5236: 推 已領30F 02/14 11:27
Kowdan: 有領有推31F 02/14 12:20
elfswordsman: 推32F 02/14 12:23
jay0215: 有領有推!33F 02/14 12:39
s31364663: 領推34F 02/14 12:39
gmkuo: 有領有推35F 02/14 13:02
kobebbs: 有領有推36F 02/14 14:06
harpuia: 領了,感謝~37F 02/14 14:15
mythbuster: 有領有推38F 02/14 15:05
JohnnyWalker: 有領有推39F 02/14 15:38
hms5232: 有領有推40F 02/14 16:10
scorpioz: 有朋友一起就爛的很好玩==41F 02/14 17:14
RaiGend0519: 我是覺得無印不好玩,但激流還不錯42F 02/14 17:45
KAKUMEI: 有領有推 謝謝43F 02/14 17:46
mars1985: 謝謝44F 02/14 18:04
arsene123: 推45F 02/14 21:08

※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 28 
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