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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-07-01 01:05:04
看板 Steam
作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
標題 Fw: [新聞] 卡普空在Steam上的銷售大幅成長
時間 Thu Jun 30 16:02:58 2022

Capcom is seeing a sharp increase in sales on Steam
Capcom is seeing a sharp increase in sales on Steam - AUTOMATON WEST
During Capcom’s last fiscal year which ended in March of 2022, the company saw sales via Steam increase by 62.5% over the previous year to a tune of 1 ...


It looks like Capcom’s proactive approach to PC gaming has been paying off
with the company seeing a dramatic increase in sales on Steam, as reported by

During the company’s last fiscal year which ended in March of 2022, Capcom
saw sales via Steam increase by 62.5% over the previous year to a tune of
17.2 billion yen (roughly $126 million). This accounted for 15.6% of the
company’s overall sales.

In recent years, Capcom has been very active in putting their games on PC
(Steam), starting with new and old titles in the Resident Evil series, along
with other popular IP like Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter.
The games have gone on to receive high player counts and generally favorable
user reviews on the platform. According to Capcom financial briefing
materials (PDF link https://tinyurl.com/23dckv5r ), the company has 353
titles selling in 237 countries and regions which are contributing to stable

The company is currently developing new titles like Exoprimal, Resident Evil
4 Remake, and Street Fighter 6. They are also just about to release Monster
Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. In addition to the console versions of these games,
they are also scheduled to release on Steam. It’s not rare to see Japanese
developers release games on PC these days, but Capcom’s approach to the PC
market has certainly stood out.

Capcom is currently holding the Capcom Summer Sale on Steam.






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※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 06/30/2022 16:03:11
lazioliz: 這樣不是很好?日廠腦袋1F 06/30 16:09
scottic: 老卡真的算是日廠裡很早也很積極在經營PC市場的了2F 06/30 16:15
scottic: 折扣的力度也算很有誠意,可惜就是台區一直都是高價區
npc776: 一堆東西自己鎖國 根本欠黑船教訓(ry4F 06/30 16:17
ppt12527: 看到欠黑船教訓我笑出來了5F 06/30 16:42
Meacock: 惡靈古堡和魔物獵人貢獻不少6F 06/30 16:51
Yanrei: 日廠再繼續鎖嘛......XD7F 06/30 17:06
overno: 放棄主機,投奔PC8F 06/30 17:06
erisiss0: 只要$ony爸爸繼續出錢,日廠就可以繼續耍廢9F 06/30 17:10
erisiss0: 真的願意走出舒適圈去打拼的公司還是少數的 大多都被
erisiss0: 包養成習慣
erisiss0: 不過這幾年大家是越來越不好過
rhox: steam真香13F 06/30 17:14
rltc: 日廠真該多學學capcom 上steam不就完了 多少海外基本盤在等14F 06/30 17:23
modkk: 還有日廠上PC不給日文語音 難怪輸歐美15F 06/30 17:27
j1551082: 可是capcom他出了很多次包咧...16F 06/30 17:56
andy0481: 出包正常啊 光榮也是新遊戲一定先有優化問題慢慢修17F 06/30 18:17
qq204: 最少老卡會打到骨折,光榮...18F 06/30 18:20
DraymondHuan: 我反倒覺得日廠真正落後的是遊戲引擎,farcry5的遊19F 06/30 18:48
DraymondHuan: 戲編輯器有一堆惡靈古堡的地圖弄的跟卡普空自己rema
DraymondHuan: ke 的有87%像
davideason: 老卡的舊街機遊戲 吞食天地 地獄神龍啥的 真的香22F 06/30 18:49
erisiss0: 出包總比躺平強 起碼還在動 有的廠商直接躺平23F 06/30 19:02
no54615mju: 拜託快出逆轉724F 06/30 19:07
gfsog: 但他的一些遊戲根本沒做好優化25F 06/30 19:12
gfsog: 我買惡魔獵人4還不能玩
gfsog: 看討論區一堆win10系統都一樣
achtungd: 查了下老卡的年度財報 原來Steam的營收還反超老任成了28F 06/30 19:54
achtungd: 老卡的最大客戶 真的蠻厲害的
azumanga: 不要那種死人價格與折扣,說真的潛力還蠻大的30F 06/30 19:57
hkcdc: 可是他折扣都不夠爽31F 06/30 20:30
faang: Capcom算是日廠裡觀念比較先進的了;一堆老日廠整天喊開發32F 06/30 20:44
faang: 次世代主機遊戲成本太高 卻又不肯跨出主機
Eclipsy: 老卡在任系平台上各種炒冷飯,不超過才難吧34F 06/30 20:52
Whansing: 卡普空NS這世代5年來非冷飯新作只有5款有上NS,大逆轉235F 06/30 22:14
Whansing: 惡靈7(雲版本),洛克人11,深世海,MHR跟物語,魔界村
Whansing: Steam上不管冷飯新作全部有,惡靈古堡還都同步上不超任
Whansing: 才是很奇怪的事吧
GodVoice: 我現在希望 CAPCOM VS SNK 也移到STEAM39F 06/30 22:32
chichung: 老遊戲 pc跟NS都上 一直買很不方便 XD40F 06/30 22:43
Ashaku: 全球市場那麼大在那邊鎖國真的搞不懂41F 06/30 22:44
kevinwphard: 卡普空真的讚 業界標竿42F 06/30 22:45
kloiyoooo: 不愧是我大冷飯天尊43F 06/30 22:47
blackway0226: PC玩家很有錢的 市場很大44F 06/30 22:54
achtungd: 去年度財報任就是老卡最大營收來源 今年度被Steam反超45F 06/30 23:07
achtungd: 但也仍是第二大 要超越任也不是那麼容易啊
yuugen2: 日廠知道跨PC了,不錯已知用火47F 06/30 23:15
iwilltry: 惡靈古堡太多次打到骨折 像這次夏特 RE2+RE3同捆 456同48F 06/30 23:32
iwilltry: 捆 7+8 包一包才2000左右 很吸引沒玩過的玩這老IP
kimisawa: 幹深世海steam只有原聲帶甚麼鳥操作50F 06/30 23:51
maxc55555: 《日本遊戲界首次發現Steam,Capcom的貢獻也因此載入51F 07/01 00:00
maxc55555: 史冊》
randyhgmac: 最近在想如果逆裁拿RE引擎來做或是什麼樣子XD53F 07/01 00:43
randyhgmac: NS還有其他平台玩不到的USF2啊XD
Friedman: Capcom的技術投資明顯優於其他日廠:3D Vision、PhysX、55F 07/01 00:52
Friedman: VR都玩過 新的DirectX出來也會立刻投入 對PC市場的重視
Friedman: 讓他們明顯比其他日廠高出一截

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