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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-01-07 20:48:08
看板 Steam
作者 Alanetsai (Alane)
標題 [抽獎] Humble 1月包 剩4款(到晚上9:00)
時間 Fri Jan  7 17:26:14 2022


Project Winter
商店 https://store.steampowered.com/app/774861
Project Winter on Steam
The perfect game to back-stab your friends. Project Winter is an 8 person multiplayer game focusing on social deception and survival. Communication an ...


RUSTLER(Grand Theft Horse)
商店 https://store.steampowered.com/app/844260
Rustler (Grand Theft Horse) on Steam
Become a medieval thug in a crazy open-world action game, full of pop-culture references. Complete insane quests, kill heroes, steal horses, fight gua ...


商店 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1239690
Retrowave on Steam
Neon lights, palm trees, synthwave, '80s supercars speeding down an endless highway... Welcome to the world of Retrowave! ...


商店 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1162700
Midnight Protocol on Steam
Midnight Protocol is a tactical narrative-driven RPG with unique keyboard-only controls. Hack into servers, beat security systems and discover encrypt ...


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Badu: 推27F 01/07 19:06
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zz1432: 推41F 01/07 20:19
murderer: 推42F 01/07 20:23
jackq: 推43F 01/07 20:26
AlenChen5566: 推44F 01/07 20:30
amy86422000: 推45F 01/07 20:37
stu00160: 推46F 01/07 20:37
deathbead: 推47F 01/07 20:38

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