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看板 Steam
作者 標題 [組包] Humble Choice 10月開獎
時間 Wed Oct 6 08:45:54 2021
有夠普 ((
Katana ZERO on Steam
Katana ZERO is a stylish neo-noir, action-platformer featuring breakneck action and instant-death combat. Slash, dash, and manipulate time to unravel ...
Amnesia: Rebirth on Steam
A first-person horror adventure. Uncover your past and survive the Algerian desert. Fear is your enemy; stay calm to not succumb to an illness threate ...
John Wick Hex on Steam
John Wick Hex is a fast-paced, action-oriented strategy game that makes you think and strike like John Wick, the professional hitman of the critically ...
Save 75% on 112 Operator on Steam
Manage emergency services in any city in the world! Take calls and dispatch rescue forces. Handle difficult situations, now depending on the weather, ...
Guts and Glory on Steam
A game about father and son riding their bicycle through obstacle courses of death, and other fun family experiences. Created by HakJak ...
Save 40% on Ring of Pain on Steam
Enter the Ring of Pain, a roguelike card crawler where encounters come to you. Each step around the ring a dire decision. Go for the loot or backstab ...
GARAGE: Bad Trip on Steam
Drug dealer Butch slays hordes of living dead to save a girl. Garage is a bloody topdown shooter inspired by VHS era B-movies. ...
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia on Steam
Dodge bullets while typing exorcisms at the very same time: Get ready for an electrifying mix between bullet hell and typing game! Turn on both sides ...
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia on Steam
Dodge bullets while typing exorcisms at the very same time: Get ready for an electrifying mix between bullet hell and typing game! Turn on both sides ...
Tools Up! on Steam
Tools Up! is an exciting local co-op that tests your renovation and teamwork skills. Paint walls, tear off wallpaper, and move couches against the clo ...
Save 20% on Hiveswap Friendsim on Steam
You just crash-landed on Alternia, and you’re DESPERATE for friendship! Anyone will do...wait, who are those two trolls approaching you? A darkly come ...
Black Future '88 on Steam
Black Future ’88 is a Synth-Punk roguelike 2D action Shooter. Vertically climb an always evolving procedural tower to reach the top and kill its insan ...
Save 85% on Syberia 3 on Steam
The next generation in adventure games, Syberia 3 takes you inside an enchanting, mysterious universe full of life for you to explore in 3D. Plunged i ...
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※ 編輯: mosquito147 ( 臺灣), 10/06/2021 08:47:06
推 : 想了一下,還是暫停了。這包只有KATANA ZERO想要1F 10/06 08:47
→ : 感覺很弱XD2F 10/06 08:47
→ : 提醒一下 syberia 3 現在特價中哦3F 10/06 08:47
→ : Katana Zero好玩,XGP目前有但要下了4F 10/06 08:48
→ : 這包就是看你要不要為了武士零拿這包5F 10/06 08:49
→ : 不要,因為已經有了XD6F 10/06 08:52
推 : 以前HB,武士零這種遊戲是拿來當配角的,現在拿來當主打7F 10/06 08:53
→ : 就爛到不想po啊 拉基包8F 10/06 08:55
推 : 真的好爛9F 10/06 09:03
推 : 還以為看錯 這些垃圾居然是月包10F 10/06 09:08
推 : 已經6個月6美金了 結果看下個月還是6美11F 10/06 09:08
→ : 不是半年優惠而已嗎? 怪了
→ : 不是半年優惠而已嗎? 怪了
→ : 這爛就不用貼了13F 10/06 09:09
推 : 有夠爛,繼續 pause14F 10/06 09:10
→ : KATANA ZERO 進XGP好久,已在上面全破了15F 10/06 09:10
推 : 超級廢16F 10/06 09:11
→ : 弱很多17F 10/06 09:23
推 : 已經有武士了 秒P@55 這個月超廢18F 10/06 09:28
→ : HB月包時代已盡了19F 10/06 09:33
推 : 這幾個月好像就血咒那包還行,其他都…….20F 10/06 09:51
→ : 繼續pass21F 10/06 09:58
推 : 請問一下有人要登入的時候也收不到驗證碼嗎==22F 10/06 10:02
→ : 武士0不是原價台幣268嗎...23F 10/06 10:07
→ : 這包看價錢我還真看不出來哪個是主打 XD
→ : 這包看價錢我還真看不出來哪個是主打 XD
推 : 這很重要!感謝提醒按PASS25F 10/06 10:09
推 : 一山還有一山低!26F 10/06 10:12
推 : 現在就可直接先pause27F 10/06 10:18
推 : 有三個在願望清單…只好收了28F 10/06 10:22
→ : 看原價哪準?一堆爛遊戲原價也是很高29F 10/06 10:34
→ : 武士0史低是台幣160
→ : 武士0史低是台幣160
推 : 已經暫停半年了 這包我可以31F 10/06 10:47
推 : 有沒有自動暫停的Script呀 像巴哈簽到那種(32F 10/06 11:40
→ : 塞一堆像素遊戲當配菜也可以組一包33F 10/06 12:04
→ : OH MA LE..........
→ : OH MA LE..........
推 : 爛到有剩.....35F 10/06 12:10
→ : HB月包要有大作都要等廠商出下一代了嗎
→ : HB月包要有大作都要等廠商出下一代了嗎
→ : 反正也能省錢 不虧37F 10/06 12:21
推 : 這包真的不太行38F 10/06 12:27
推 : 暫停39F 10/06 12:29
→ : 有點慘40F 10/06 12:45
推 : 這包也太爛,6鎂都不想要41F 10/06 12:58
→ : 內容週包化 不推折扣更難賣42F 10/06 13:06
→ : 反而隔壁包龍星現在有我想收的build you own bundle43F 10/06 13:11
→ : 我四藍..勉強吃了= =44F 10/06 13:29
→ : 看了一下去年二月訂一整年現在21個月勉強解了9個月45F 10/06 13:36
→ : 這波到期就不訂了 反正XGP更好
→ : 這波到期就不訂了 反正XGP更好
→ : 記得我上一次買是戰場女武神4 之後一路暫停到現在...47F 10/06 13:38
推 : XGP笑而不語48F 10/06 14:34
推 : 看到實在是沒有發的動力49F 10/06 15:05
→ : 12鎂我乾脆去訂XGP
→ : 12鎂我乾脆去訂XGP
推 : 我只認識西伯利亞3ㄟ@@51F 10/06 15:18
推 : 慘到不行,繼續暫停52F 10/06 15:20
推 : 希望下個月能有點料53F 10/06 16:30
→ : 同樣的錢訂XGP也不會比較差…54F 10/06 16:32
推 : 淦,六鎂都不想要55F 10/06 17:04
推 : 爛到流湯...56F 10/06 18:09
推 : XGP不能加157F 10/06 19:29
→ : 還是+1好,千萬不要浪費錢去訂XGP,玩完啥都沒留下58F 10/06 19:52
※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 23
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