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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-23 09:44:15
看板 Steam
作者 doomleika (iSuck)
標題 Re: [贈送] 聖女之歌Zero Ep2 十套
時間 Wed Feb 23 07:53:38 2022

Heroine Anthem Zero 2 : Scalescars Oath on Steam
ZERO 2 is an ARPG with intriguing storytelling, an unpredictable battle system, and endless heartfelt adventure. The story includes multiple subtle me ...



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It's a funny thing, ambition. It can take one to sublime heights or harrowing
depths. And sometimes they are one and the same.

Roseburrow learned that lesson all too well.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Y5NU4lt (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1645574020.A.BF7.html
※ 編輯: doomleika ( 臺灣), 02/23/2022 07:54:35
ray57401: 第一時間就買了,純推佛心~!1F 02/23 07:58
ePaper: 好心人2F 02/23 07:58
Sunerk: 推3F 02/23 08:01
markle: 推4F 02/23 08:06
Steam Community :: Teriteri
歡迎一起玩遊戲 ...

strange2301: 推好心人7F 02/23 08:11
olddad2: 這個是真的好玩8F 02/23 08:11
Steam Community :: JayWen
No information given. ...

hatako: https://steamcommunity.com/id/hatako10F 02/23 08:18
hatako: 推推
Steam Community :: 蘿伊
No information given. ...

ulazure: 推12F 02/23 08:19
ulazure: https://reurl.cc/X4pGWa
EloC: 推14F 02/23 08:20
Steam Community :: Frank1887
No information given. ...

Carrarese: https://steamcommunity.com/id/tsunkiat/  佛心推16F 02/23 08:21
Steam Community :: 俊給
No information given. ...

frank1887: 推17F 02/23 08:21
Steam Community :: pilio72627
No information given. ...

Steam Community :: 當肉Download
No information given. ...

carlyle0203: 推!22F 02/23 08:32
ss8077919: 推23F 02/23 08:32
Steam Community :: Katze_zwi
No information given. ...

HiltyBosch: 推推26F 02/23 08:39
acerow83: 推27F 02/23 08:39
Steam Community :: 爆竹
21才 ♂ 台湾出身横浜在住大学生 いつでもフレンド募集中 フレンド削除されたらブロックするよ!! ːMayuriː ːmeatytearsː 好きなゲーム ːDaisySHOCKːノベルゲーːNAEː,ほのぼの系ːbrownchickenː ...

ETTom: 推好心 太晚買了 只能等打折了XD 家裡還有聖女之歌典藏版29F 02/23 08:44
W55621: 推30F 02/23 08:44
zero871015: 純推個 沒時間玩QQ31F 02/23 08:45
Steam Community :: Ether
No information given. ...

al53796: https://reurl.cc/jkaWyZ   推推 謝好心人33F 02/23 08:48
Steam Community :: al.chou66
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rickz008: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rickz008 推好心人34F 02/23 08:54
Steam Community :: GodYuan
No information given. ...

Steam Community :: PaPaPa
ːcatpawː Astats ːcatpawː SteamTrades ːcatpawː osu! ...

Yachaos: 已有純推38F 02/23 08:58
hubertmax: https://bit.ly/3IkycAA 推~~謝謝大大39F 02/23 09:00
Steam Community :: maohungchih
No information given. ...

Steam Community :: jimmy0204123
Hi, welcome to my information. ...

eory: EA就買了,感謝好心人支持國產遊戲41F 02/23 09:01
Steam Community :: 葬送のフリーレン
你繼續蹲蘑菇 我拔勾下一場 不用浪費彼此時間 你跟我說這個 我有什麼辦法 ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯  Twitch隨緣開  ...

carlos017: 推 https://mynet.tw/OjOWX143F 02/23 09:05

Steam Community :: MamakLadun
No information given. ...

bestadm: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SixOneL/   推推45F 02/23 09:10
Steam Community :: SixOne
要玩遊戲請隨意加我吧~ ...

sasox03: https://bit.ly/3h8kGnG46F 02/23 09:17
Steam Community :: sasox03
No information given. ...

Steam Community :: huangshinwen
No information given. ...

gcobc26409: https://reurl.cc/g0xGKb 推推~48F 02/23 09:19
Steam Community :: Sakuya
人不糟糕~枉少年 ! ! ...

Steam Community :: ekko
No information given. ...

Meds: 推50F 02/23 09:23
PanzerDragoo: https://steamcommunity.com/id/panzerdragoon/51F 02/23 09:27
PanzerDragoo: 看起來很好玩, 感謝推薦!
Steam Community :: PanzerDragoon
No information given. ...

snowiceemc: https://reurl.cc/6E9dL5         感謝大大無私地分享54F 02/23 09:33
Steam Community :: snowiceo
No information given. ...


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