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標題 Fw: [新聞] 解放軍主動後撤對印防線
時間 Sat Aug  7 22:01:11 2021

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作者 GETpoint (擲雷爆卦)
標題 [新聞] 解放軍主動後撤對印防線
時間 Sat Aug  7 22:00:46 2021

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作者:Rahul Singh ,印度斯坦時報,新德里


Army, Chinese PLA pull back troops from Gogra


Army, Chinese PLA pull back troops from Gogra


The breakthrough came after the 12th round of military talks held in the
Ladakh sector last week, the Indian Army announced on Friday, and the
disengagement process was carried out on August 4, 5.

印度陸軍周五宣布,上週在拉達克地區舉行了第 12 輪軍事會談之後,這一突破是在 8
月 4 日和 5 日進行的。

By Rahul Singh, Hindustan Times, New Delhi
UPDATED ON AUG 07, 2021 01:17 AM IST

The Indian Army and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have pulled
back their forward deployed troops from Gogra, or Patrol Point-17A, which was
one of the friction points on the contested Line of Actual Control (LAC)
where forces from both sides were “in a face-off situation” since May last

印度軍隊和中國人民解放軍(PLA)已經從 Gogra 或 Patrol Point-17A 撤回了他們的前
5 月以來一直“處於對峙狀態”。

The breakthrough came after the 12th round of military talks held in the
Ladakh sector last week, the Indian Army announced on Friday, and the
disengagement process was carried out on August 4, 5. The development came
almost six months after the two armies pulled back their front-line troops
and weaponry from the Pangong Tso sector in mid-February after the ninth
round of talks.

突破是在上週在拉達克地區舉行的第 12 輪軍事會談之後取得的,印度陸軍周五宣布,脫
離接觸過程於 8 月 4 日,5 日進行。 事態發展是在兩軍撤退近六個月後發生的2 月中

“As per the agreement (reached during the 12th round of talks on July 31),
both sides have ceased forward deployments in this area (PP-17A) in a phased,
coordinated and verified manner. The troops of both sides are now in their
respective permanent bases,” the army said in a statement.

“根據協議(在 7 月 31 日第 12 輪會談期間達成),雙方已分階段、協調和核實地停

As part of the disengagement process, both armies have dismantled temporary
structures erected by them along with allied infrastructure, with the actions
being mutually verified. “The landform in the area has been restored by both
sides to the pre-standoff period (April 2020),” it said.


India and China have been locked in a border row for 15 months, a phase that
witnessed a deadly skirmish in the Galwan Valley and saw tensions spiral
between the rival armies on the north and south banks of Pangong Tso last
year. The two armies kicked off talks to cool border tensions in June 2020.

印度和中國已經在邊界線上鎖定了 15 個月,這一階段見證了加爾萬河谷的一場致命小規
模衝突,去年班公錯北岸和南岸的敵對軍隊之間的緊張局勢不斷升級。兩軍於 2020 年
6 月開始談判以緩解邊境緊張局勢。

“This agreement ensures that the LAC in this area will be strictly observed
and respected by both sides, and that there is no unilateral change in status
quo. With this one more sensitive area of face-off has been resolved. Both
sides have expressed commitment to take the talks forward and resolve the
remaining issues along the LAC in the Western Sector,” the statement said.

The current agreement removes a flashpoint from one of the areas and should
be welcomed, said former Northern Army commander Lieutenant General DS Hooda
(retd). “Hopefully, it could provide grounds for further disengagement in
other areas. The real test will come when Depsang is discussed, and a
breakthrough here could lead to a major de-escalation,” Hooda said.

On July 31, top Indian and Chinese commanders agreed to a speedy resolution
of outstanding issues on the LAC at the 12th round of talks held at Moldo on
the Chinese side of the LAC, with the dialogue focusing on disengagement of
rival troops from the remaining flashpoints on the contested border.

“As an outcome of the meeting, both sides agreed on disengagement in the
area of Gogra. The troops in this area have been in a face-off situation
since May last year,” the army said. A joint statement issued after the 12th
round described the talks as “a candid and in-depth exchange of views on
resolution of remaining areas related to disengagement along the LAC in the
Western Sector of India-China border areas.”


直處於對峙狀態,“軍隊說。第 12 輪會談後發表的一份聯合聲明將會談描述為“就解決
與印中邊境西段 LAC 沿線脫離接觸相關的剩餘地區問題坦誠而深入地交換了意見”。

The latest round of talks was held following the meeting of the Indian and
Chinese foreign ministers on July 14, in Dushanbe, and the 22nd meeting of
the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border
Affairs (WMCC) on June 25.

Problems at Hot Springs and Depsang are yet to be resolved. To be sure, the
problems at Depsang predate the current border standoff. “The focus will now
be on resolving outstanding issues at other friction points,” said a senior

Both armies have 50,000 to 60,000 troops each in the Ladakh theatre and the
deployments haven’t thinned after the disengagement in the Pangong Tso

“The Indian Army, along with Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), is totally
committed to ensure the sovereignty of the nation and maintain peace and
tranquillity along the LAC in the Western Sector,” the army statement added.

兩支軍隊在拉達克戰區各有 50,000 至 60,000 名士兵,在班公錯地區脫離接觸後,部署


The Indian Army’s patrolling activity has been affected in Hot Springs
(PP-15). The PLA’s forward presence in Depsang has also hindered access of
Indian soldiers to routes including the ones leading to PP-10, 11, 11-A, 12
and 13.

5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):

Army, Chinese PLA pull back troops from Gogra | Latest News India - Hindustan Times
The breakthrough came after the 12th round of military talks held in the Ladakh sector last week, the Indian Army announced on Friday, and the disenga ...







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