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※ 本文為 kinki999.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-24 12:01:38
看板 Gossiping
作者 pkyosx (Insomnia)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 截至2:00的現場前門所見所聞
時間 Mon Mar 24 11:59:25 2014

※ 引述《westfour (豹哥)》之銘言:
: 小弟2:00時忍著悲傷撤離前門了,我怕了,真的怕了。
: 我曾經身為689,在此懺悔。
: 悲傷的是生病的媒體,有病的國家。
: 忍著不哭,告訴自己聽經濟部長的話,好好提升自己競爭力,不然真的沒救了。
: 11點到了現場後,情況大致穩定平和,人群分區靜坐並讓出通道給醫護人員,
: 總指揮還籲請18歲以下的朋友,夜深了,可以先行離開。
: 資源陸續的運達,現場情況平和到根本與立法院一樣,
: 沒有人在敲破玻璃
: 沒有人在偷電腦
: 大家乖乖地靜坐 呼喊口號 呼籲大家體諒警察
: ------------------------------------------------
: 情況穩定後,我先離開回到立法院,附近店家正在播新聞,
: 我非常錯愕,媒體良知在哪呢? 我們總是讓出最好的位置,並再三懇求如實轉播,
: 結果呢?
: 他們根本不在乎你 他 媽的台灣未來。
: 他們要的只有聳動,他們不想拍沒梗的靜坐呼口號。
: 我以為我來到平行世界,電視裡的世界大家都在撕窗簾、打破玻璃、偷電腦。
: 如果我只待在電視前,大概也會覺得打死這些學生好吧,死暴民們。
: 趕回現場後,就是蘇光頭等人來了,後門第一次鎮「暴」了,
: 沒有刀、沒有槍
: 沒有汽油彈、沒有衝車大將軍
: 只有他媽的靜坐呼喊口號 手無寸鐵 倒地還一直被打的學生
: 暴在哪呢?
: 接下來就是蘇光頭等人衝到後門了。我怕了,真的怕了。
: 這國家徹撤底底的,有病。
: 需要更多人分享場內真實情況影像,太瘋狂了,
: 要不是我有到場見識這荒謬,也許我也會被洗腦他們是暴民。

Author: Westfour
Title: What I saw until 2AM in front of Executive Yuan

Under the grief, I left Executive Yuan at 2AM. I was scared. I really was. As
a supporter of KMT, I deeply regret. I feel sad because the media and
government have been sickly controlled. I try to hold my tear; tell myself to
follow what our Minister of Economy suggested—to make ourself more competitive
in the global market. Otherwise I don’t see any bright future for Taiwan.

When I firstly arrived there, it’s about 11PM and the situation is pretty
peaceful. People were sitting here and reserving a passage for doctors. Our
leader was trying to convince those who are under 18 to leave because it’s
already midnight. All kinds of resources arrived one by one. It looks as
peaceful as in front of Legislative Yuan. No one is damaging the window or
computer. Everyone just sit here, speak our appeal together and teach our
people to understand the policeman in front of us is not our enemy.

When the situation is stabilized, I return to Legislative Yuan. I saw the
news on TV when I passed by the store. I was stunned. Where is the conscience
of those media? We always give them the best spot and begging them to talk
about the truth. However, our media didn’t FUCKING care about the future of
Taiwan. All they want is blood and violence. They don’t want to show you the
peaceful part of our act. I thought I was in the parallel universe. On the
news, people were tearing the curtain, breaking the window and stealing the
computer. If I were staying in front of TV all day, probably I would say
these people deserved punishment.

I rush back to the Executive Yuan and saw the leaders of DPP came. The police
started to squash us. We don’t have knife, we don’t have gun, we don’t
have bomb and we don’t even fight back. We are FUCKING sitting here and
speak out our appeal together. Unarmed students were falling and yet the
police didn’t stop beating. I didn’t see any of the violence from our
students. The leaders of DPP came to the back door at the same time.

I felt terrified. I really did. The country is completely sick. We need more
video recorded by people who were there to rebuild the truth. It’s too
crazy. If I were not there, I won’t notice the ridiculous discrepancy
between what the media told us and what really happened. I might as well
believe the students are violent and irrational.

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