※ 本文為 weirdgrape.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-02-21 20:25:25
作者 標題 [閒聊] 老外記者拍照構圖蠻強的
時間 Fri Feb 21 13:27:52 2014
在 Time 網站上無意間看到這張圖
Kiev’s Battlefield: Protests Ignite Fiery Clashes in Ukraine | TIME.com
Demonstrations that have gripped the capital since November over the government's refusal to make a trade deal with the European Union are turning increasingly violent as two protesters were killed during a bloody melee Wednesday. ...
Demonstrations that have gripped the capital since November over the government's refusal to make a trade deal with the European Union are turning increasingly violent as two protesters were killed during a bloody melee Wednesday. ...
在 ptt 01 手札看過很多照片都沒這張給我震撼
Time 網站上很多照片的構圖都很好
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :人家可是真正的記者1F 02/21 13:31
推 :12F 02/21 13:33
推 :真棒!3F 02/21 13:36
推 :補師背對武警有種非對抗或一夥的感覺 ^^4F 02/21 13:43
推 :旁邊第29張有點厲害 不會熱嗎5F 02/21 13:44
Kiev’s Battlefield: Protests Ignite Fiery Clashes in Ukraine | TIME.com
Demonstrations that have gripped the capital since November over the government's refusal to make a trade deal with the European Union are turning increasingly violent as two protesters were killed during a bloody melee Wednesday. ...
Demonstrations that have gripped the capital since November over the government's refusal to make a trade deal with the European Union are turning increasingly violent as two protesters were killed during a bloody melee Wednesday. ...
推 :真是強阿 抗議活動搞得跟電影劇照一樣7F 02/21 13:52
推 :拍的真讚~請多多分享這種照片 XDDD8F 02/21 13:56
推 :其實你去過的地方夠多拍出這樣的照片機率就會增加9F 02/21 13:57
→ :要是我不用上班每天世界各國跑我也可以拍得出來
→ :要是我不用上班每天世界各國跑我也可以拍得出來
推 :蘋果的照妖鏡也是一絕啊 古今中外哪裡有的比?11F 02/21 13:57
→ :現在我倒是會每天看地球圖籍隊的照片新聞
→ :現在我倒是會每天看地球圖籍隊的照片新聞
→ :頻果是拍一堆然後選最醜的那一張13F 02/21 13:59
→ :除了簡單更新國際動態外 從這邊也可以偷學很多14F 02/21 14:00
推 :超讚的..15F 02/21 14:09
推 :帶給你震撼的是那個正在發生的事實,這類的影像台灣本來16F 02/21 14:21
→ :就比較少見,不過每年台灣平面報紙還是會有自己的新聞攝
→ :影比賽,蘋果蠻強的
→ :就比較少見,不過每年台灣平面報紙還是會有自己的新聞攝
→ :影比賽,蘋果蠻強的
推 :蘋果的照片不都是靠後製用液化把臉打歪的?19F 02/21 15:09
推 :還有很多社會突發事件的第一手照片是蘋果拍的20F 02/21 15:38
推 :http://www.flickr.com/photos/tppa/sets/
→ :我真的覺得台灣的攝影記者們也都很厲害的
推 :http://www.flickr.com/photos/tppa/sets/
→ :我真的覺得台灣的攝影記者們也都很厲害的
Kiev’s Battlefield: Protests Ignite Fiery Clashes in Ukraine | TIME.com
Demonstrations that have gripped the capital since November over the government's refusal to make a trade deal with the European Union are turning increasingly violent as two protesters were killed during a bloody melee Wednesday. ...
Demonstrations that have gripped the capital since November over the government's refusal to make a trade deal with the European Union are turning increasingly violent as two protesters were killed during a bloody melee Wednesday. ...
Kiev’s Battlefield: Protests Ignite Fiery Clashes in Ukraine | TIME.com
Demonstrations that have gripped the capital since November over the government's refusal to make a trade deal with the European Union are turning increasingly violent as two protesters were killed during a bloody melee Wednesday. ...
Demonstrations that have gripped the capital since November over the government's refusal to make a trade deal with the European Union are turning increasingly violent as two protesters were killed during a bloody melee Wednesday. ...
→ :十字架代表正義?! r u sure?25F 02/21 15:51
推 :在這張圖,是的,不要扯到政治啦26F 02/21 15:59
推 :這樣的衝突現場照片要怎樣不去扯到政治?27F 02/21 16:03
推 :這是件背景就是政治吧= =28F 02/21 16:12
推 :這本來就是政治,要不然他們抗議假的喔=.=29F 02/21 16:18
→ :再來,每個人對同一張照片本來就會有不同的解讀
→ :光影之美作者Joe McNally也曾說過他曾拍過一個企業家的
→ :肖像,後來他犯罪被關了。被關前,大家都說他照片拍的好
→ :很有神韻;犯罪之後,大家也說他拍的好,把奸詐的樣子都
→ :拍出來了。所以,欣賞照片還是會跟觀賞者的經驗有關,每
→ :個人不盡相同
→ :再來,每個人對同一張照片本來就會有不同的解讀
→ :光影之美作者Joe McNally也曾說過他曾拍過一個企業家的
→ :肖像,後來他犯罪被關了。被關前,大家都說他照片拍的好
→ :很有神韻;犯罪之後,大家也說他拍的好,把奸詐的樣子都
→ :拍出來了。所以,欣賞照片還是會跟觀賞者的經驗有關,每
→ :個人不盡相同
→ :補師? 是指可以補血...嗎?36F 02/21 16:29
推 :補師應正名為"東正教司鐸"37F 02/21 16:43
推 :這才是真正攝影阿!!!38F 02/21 16:57
推 :蘋果不是用液化吧? 比較像是把銳化調到最高這樣~~XD39F 02/21 17:34
推 :台灣大多攝影人一直追求器材.淺景深.安排造假.後製改圖40F 02/21 19:43
→ :還正義對抗邪惡咧 究竟有幾個人知道在抗議啥?41F 02/21 19:44
→ :是一定要搞得跟水果日報一樣每件事都有絕對的正義跟絕對的
→ :邪惡這樣才夠狗血?
→ :是一定要搞得跟水果日報一樣每件事都有絕對的正義跟絕對的
→ :邪惡這樣才夠狗血?
→ :補師一般不是都站在坦的後面嗎?怎會跑到前面去當坦了?44F 02/21 19:53
推 :居然說拍的多自己也可以拍得出一樣的 顆顆45F 02/21 20:04
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4176
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