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看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] Lin’s aggression bails out Rockets ag
時間 Tue Nov 12 14:44:03 2013
Lin’s aggression bails out Rockets against Raptors http://tinyurl.com/m7lqdet
Ultimate Rockets » Lin’s aggression bails out Rockets against Raptors
Lin’s aggression bails out Rockets against Raptors ...
林書豪侵略如風, 挽救了火箭今天對戰暴龍的勝利
If one very long, very weird game is to be believed, this sixth man thing
might just work out for Jeremy Lin.
今天冗長且詭異的比賽最終還能看得爽, 完完全全就是靠爆猛第六人--林書豪大大啦!
There was no doubt, after two overtimes and all kinds of odd twists, it
worked for the Rockets on Monday and just in time.
在經過兩次延長跟所有奇怪的局勢反轉後, 毫無懸念的是林書豪今晚的表現救了火箭
That part of the Rockets’ early-season experimentation has a long way to go
before any conclusion could be reached, though Rockets coach Kevin McHale did
seem to be cooling on the experiment of playing Dwight Howard and Omer Asik
together. But for one game, a game in which few could shoot straight, Lin
came off the Rockets bench and gave them just what they needed, saving them
before what would have been the worst of their homestand losses.
Lin scored 31 points on 10 of 17 shooting, giving the Rockets just enough of
an offensive jolt to take them to a 110-104 double overtime win over the
Toronto Raptors.
“For any player, if you can get the defense at your mercy – if you can hit
the shot and drive by them – there is really nothing they can do anymore,”
Lin said after scoring more than he has in all but his two 38-point games. “
I didn’t really shoot well at all in the first half. We were all in a funk.
But then we broke through in the 3rd quarter.
,只要他能做好防守以及命中跳投,人人都可以是球神! 上半場我投的不好,那時
“I think I would say from a pure field goal attempt standpoint, this is the
most aggressive I have been this year. I think once you get in a zone, you
are in that zone and there is nothing that can faze you at that point.”
On a night in which the Rockets shut down the Raptors with their most
complete defensive effort since the season opener, holding Toronto to 33.3
percent shooting (by far the worst for a Rockets opponent), they could not
shoot well enough to make a 17-point second half lead, or an 11-point lead
fourth quarter lead hold up.
但糟糕的是,今晚火箭下半場守不住曾有的17分領先 & 第四節的11分領先
Lin, however, was under standing orders to attack, and followed them for 46
minutes, scoring more points off the bench for any Rockets player since Carl
Landry had 31 in the 2009-10 season.
“Jeremy was in attack mode going in,” Rockets coach Kevin McHale said. “
Jeremy is one of the few guys right now shooting with a little bit of
confidence and he made some shots.
“With Jeremy we talked about it, about him coming off bench,” McHale said.
“I told him, ‘Hey, you have to just go out there and just play. You’ve
worked hard all summer. I’ve said it all training camp and the first part of
the season, I think he has more bounce in his legs. He’s got more juice. He’
s been playing very, very well for us. He’s just got to go out there and
play. He made some big shots for us.”
到季初我都是這樣跟書豪哥說的,真的! 我覺得書豪哥的腿腳更有力,他也更多汁
The way the Raptors were scoring, he had seemed to have staked the Rockets to
enough of a lead when he nailed a long jumper with 6:54 left, putting the
Rockets up 82-71. The Rockets, however, continued their recent trend of
slogging through long dry spells and scored just five points the rest of the
quarter with Lin taking just one more shot.
鬍子進攻犯規 > DH進攻犯規 > 林沒進 > 鬍子掉球失誤 > 高富帥得2分
> 鬍子上籃沒進 > DH被犯兩罰都沒進 > 高富帥上籃沒進 > DH被犯兩罰都沒進
> 鬍子上籃得兩分 > 高富帥跳投沒進 > T.Jones失誤掉球 > 鬍子兩罰中一
Once in overtime, he nailed a 3-pointer for the lead and finished a strong,
Once in overtime, he nailed a 3-pointer for the lead and finished a strong,
left-handed drive with a 95-92 lead with 66 seconds remaining. But the
Rockets could not close out the win. Choosing not to foul Rudy Gay, who had
made just 9 of 30 shots, they allowed Gay to nail a 3 with nine tenths of a
second remaining. After Lin missed on an awkward, off-balance heave at the
buzzer, the game went to a second overtime.
Again, Lin started the Rockets with the lead with another foot-on-the-line
jumper. But this time, he had enough help for the Rockets to finally get the
Averaging 16.1 points, Lin’s 54.5 percent shooting is second among the
Rockets only to Dwight Howard. His 45.5 percent 3-point shooting leads the
Rockets by a wide margin. But his scoring was more vital than at any point
this season.
“I started feeling pretty good and got in a rhythm once I got a couple of
shots to go down.I am thankful to God for the game. You know that lefty shot
I hit at the end - I don’t think I have ever done that in my life, besides
like working on it in workouts but never in a game, so I was definitely in
a zone and attacking and making plays.”
清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double...
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◆ From:
→ :遇到強隊可能就不一定了1F 11/12 14:45
^^^^^^孤立你, 離我們林迷遠一點謝謝
推 :書豪哥~~~~~I LOVE UUUUU2F 11/12 14:45
推 :感謝翻譯!!!這篇文章看了好爽啊啊啊~~~~~~~~~3F 11/12 14:47
推 :多汁 XDDDDD4F 11/12 14:47
推 :"場君"兄XDDDDD5F 11/12 14:47
被你發現了!! 有認真看給你各讚~→ :某樓別來林版海巡啦6F 11/12 14:48
推 :感謝翻譯~~~疊字哥沒梗Q7F 11/12 14:48
噓 :林酸跑到個版來 連底線都不懂?8F 11/12 14:48
推 :第四節倒數時刻的BIG3真是太厲害了~(棒讀)9F 11/12 14:48
推 :推翻譯!!!!!!!!!!!10F 11/12 14:49
推 :這場LIN有不少自己運球後跳投的出手,再加上切入,回到過去11F 11/12 14:49
推 :進入了zone!!!!XD 有信心就什麼都做的到!不管怎麼惡搞12F 11/12 14:49
→ :希望Lin能繼續保持自信!!
→ :希望Lin能繼續保持自信!!
→ :最後那球左切真的好漂亮~~~14F 11/12 14:50
→ :的他,他在火箭很少這樣打,不曉得是自己的問題還是球隊15F 11/12 14:50
→ :好來勁的翻譯 XD16F 11/12 14:50
推 :翻得不錯 XD17F 11/12 14:51
推 :XD 酸酸一來警報器就響了 想不認識都難啊~18F 11/12 14:51
推 :某人今天也滿嗨的嘛……19F 11/12 14:51
推 :還是左手挑籃20F 11/12 14:51
推 :He's got more juice 冰箱這什麼形容詞 -_-"21F 11/12 14:51
推 :暑假時背後也狂黑他(毆)沒想到左手三分真的可以練出來~22F 11/12 14:52
→ :越冰越多汁? 不是會乾掉嗎?23F 11/12 14:52
→ :juice spark energy sticky 這都他愛用詞...24F 11/12 14:53
→ :還是說解凍後會噴汁XD25F 11/12 14:53
推 :上班沒看轉播 好想看高光阿26F 11/12 14:54
推 :juice 是個很難翻的詞,精力、活力、體能...那方面27F 11/12 14:55
推 :一樓是說遇到強隊就不一定只得31分惹~去年對馬刺38分28F 11/12 14:55
推 :愈奴愈多汁29F 11/12 14:55
→ :的意思。30F 11/12 14:55
推 :解凍後噴汁 XD31F 11/12 14:55
推 :1F 好急32F 11/12 14:57
推 :Lin根本已經是黃種人後衛的代表33F 11/12 14:57
推 :冰箱講得好廢話啊!!! 林好棒好棒, 但還是只能坐板凳~34F 11/12 14:58
推 :推35F 11/12 14:59
→ :more juice就是內容更豐富的意思, 是英文的一個slang36F 11/12 14:59
推 :我現在開始想看Lin拿最佳第六人了..還是不要讓他先發好了XD37F 11/12 14:59
→ :說他更有料..不是說他更多汁可口...38F 11/12 14:59
sillywhoever大說的才是正確翻譯喔, 我那是搞笑的 ^^"推 :Mchale不錯39F 11/12 15:02
推 :推40F 11/12 15:02
推 :冰箱今天好多汁41F 11/12 15:03
推 :強心臟 非常人42F 11/12 15:03
→ :終於肯稱讚一下LIN~~~~~43F 11/12 15:03
推 :冰箱說了 從替補出發就有無限開火權44F 11/12 15:05
推 :冰箱:沒想到退冰一會兒後還是很juice嘛 下次再冰久一點?!45F 11/12 15:06
推 :好翻譯!乾辦下風!! lol46F 11/12 15:09
推 :多汁啥拉~~~~XDDDDD47F 11/12 15:10
推 :我超喜歡這翻譯48F 11/12 15:11
推 :稍微有點過度翻譯了,但還是辛苦了49F 11/12 15:13
推 :→ FFTTDD:遇到強隊可能就不一定了 (使我越發爽)50F 11/12 15:13
推 :IN LIN, WE TRUST!!!51F 11/12 15:14
推 :推滿滿的Lin!!!!52F 11/12 15:20
推 :冰箱有意讓他拿最佳第六人 因為先發拿不到先發五人53F 11/12 15:21
推 :感謝翻譯!第4節先發巨頭們上場後 劇本和前幾場好像 剉死了54F 11/12 15:22
→ :冰箱好像很得意對Lin的使用方式耶@@ 但 我有點擔心Lin身為
→ :控衛(?)該有的技能和助攻數啦><
※ 編輯: djviva 來自: (11/12 15:27)→ :冰箱好像很得意對Lin的使用方式耶@@ 但 我有點擔心Lin身為
→ :控衛(?)該有的技能和助攻數啦><
推 :第四節劇本才演過不是?對湖人第四節上只出手一次....57F 11/12 15:25
→ :放一個暑就變成三分高手58F 11/12 15:26
推 :要當正常的控衛只能期待去別隊 趕快交易Lin吧~ 賣像正佳59F 11/12 15:27
推 :感謝翻譯~~60F 11/12 15:30
推 :LIN有點類似PG皮SG骨 還不錯的組織跟傳球能力61F 11/12 15:34
→ :讓他在場上 有很多方式可以幫助球隊
→ :讓他在場上 有很多方式可以幫助球隊
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