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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 有沒有將對話變成歌曲的八卦?
時間 Tue May 14 14:34:45 2013
youtube上看到許多將 新聞,訪問,等等等的對話變成歌曲,
DEAD GIVEAWAY - Hero Charles Ramsey Songified!
DEAD GIVEAWAY - Hero Charles Ramsey Songified! - YouTube
Charles Ramsey melodically recounts the day he heroically helped rescue 3 kidnapped Cleveland women. ORIGINAL VIDEOS:
Charles Ramsey melodically recounts the day he heroically helped rescue 3 kidnapped Cleveland women. ORIGINAL VIDEOS:

Jeff Bliss remix - You Gotta Touch His Frickin Heart
Jeff Bliss remix - You Gotta Touch His Frickin Heart - YouTube "Jeff Bliss" rant towards lazy High School Teacher Julie Phung. Original Jeff Bliss rant: Jeff Bliss criticized h...

Be Water My Friend! - Bruce Lee Remix
Be Water My Friend! - Bruce Lee Remix | #eTHErSEC - YouTube
"Under the sky, under the heavens, there is but ONE family." Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Be ever changing, adapting.... via:
"Under the sky, under the heavens, there is but ONE family." Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Be ever changing, adapting.... via:

Sweet Brown - Original Report and Autotune Remix
Sweet Brown - Original Report and Autotune Remix.mp4 - YouTube This tune can now be downloaded from iTunes: All proceeds go to The original arti...

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◆ From:
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推 :打 OH OH 打 打2F 05/14 14:35
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推 :海德格14F 05/14 14:38
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推 :DEAD GIVEAWAY 好聽16F 05/14 14:39
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※ 編輯: addressl1O3 來自: (05/14 14:42)推 :Dayum~Dayum~~~~~DAYUM!!!!!!!!!18F 05/14 14:42
They're Out There, Man! UFO Guy remixed - YouTube
I don't believe in UFOs, but this guy makes me want to. Apparently confusing Area 51 with Air Force 1, a man in a Chicago airport details his plans to visit ...
I don't believe in UFOs, but this guy makes me want to. Apparently confusing Area 51 with Air Force 1, a man in a Chicago airport details his plans to visit ...

推 :飽到不行20F 05/14 14:44
推 :XDD21F 05/14 14:46
推 :誰有美國時間管那個啊?22F 05/14 14:46
melodysheep: Remixes for the Soul - YouTube
CONTACT: john @ symphonyofscience.com | Hey! I am melodysheep, aka John D. Boswell, the creator of the Symphony of Science remix series and numerous other "R... ...
CONTACT: john @ symphonyofscience.com | Hey! I am melodysheep, aka John D. Boswell, the creator of the Symphony of Science remix series and numerous other "R... ...
→ :aint nobody got time for this24F 05/14 14:48
推 :我鄰居的蛋蛋很大25F 05/14 15:41
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