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作者 標題 Mark DeRosa用羅斯福總統的演講加持國民隊
時間 Fri Oct 12 17:22:02 2012
Mark DeRosa, 37, serves many roles for the Nationals even though he isn’t on
the playoff roster. Throughout the season, he was seen as the team dad,
mentor, an additional hitting coach, team comedian and a friend. And after
the Nationals dropped Game 3 and faced elimination on Thursday in Game 4
against the St. Louis Cardinals, he realized it was his chance to step in. He
did something he has never done before as players prepared for the game.
老將DeRosa雖然不在季後賽名單內 但當國民背水一戰時 他感覺自己該為隊友做些什麼
He grabbed the microphone of the clubhouse speaker system that sits next to
his locker, which he uses often to tease teammates and play music, and read a
passage from former president Theodore Roosevelt’s famous “The Man in the
Arena” speech. Since his days at the University of Pennsylvania, DeRosa
would turn to those words before big games. This time, he felt he needed
share them.
他在休息室裡念了羅斯福有名的演說 “The Man in the Arena”
Players who weren’t in the clubhouse came streaming in. Jayson Werth, an
early advocate for mascot Teddy to win the Presidents Race at Nationals home
games, darted into the room to listen. Others did, too. Inspiration filled
the room, players said.
球員一個個來到休息室聽演說 一股神祕力量灌注到球員身上
“I feel like if they’re going to keep me around and keep me here, there’s
a reason for it,” DeRosa said. “So I’ve been in these games. I’ve grinded
with guys. I’ve been on that team. I know how [Yadier Molina] thinks. I know
how [Chris Carpenter] and those guys think in playing with them. If I can
bounce anything off them, down to remembering the bunt signs, just stupid
stuff. Sometimes guys don’t always want to go to coaches, they’d rather
come to a player and work them through an at-bat.”
DeRosa: 球隊讓我隨隊出征一定是有什麼原因的
DeRosa read part of the speech Thursday, but added some colorful flair, as he
always does, before and after.
“I think he dropped a couple F-bombs,” Tyler Clippard said. “That was fun.
… He was reading right off the page. It sounded awesome.”
Clippard: 他演講的時候我好像聽到他偷罵幹
Added DeRosa: “I went about it the same way I always do except I wanted to
be a little less funny and a little more serious. They won’t listen to it if
I don’t throw a few jokes in there.”
DeRosa: 我只是想多講些笑話吸引注意力
DeRosa didn’t pick Roosevelt’s speech because of the tie to mascot Teddy. It
’s a speech he has leaned on much of his career. But it was a fitting
coincidence, he said.
“It’s perfect,” he said. “The guy is like 3-0. Or 3-800. After I read
that, [I said], ‘You know who spoke these words? Teddy F-ing Roosevelt.’”
DeRosa: 你知道這是誰講的演說嗎? 是他媽的羅斯福
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◆ From:
推 :[團隊] Mark DeRosa 施放了 振奮人心 的增益狀態至團隊1F 10/12 17:25
推 :Teddy總統賽跑沒贏過!2F 10/12 17:25
推 :所以他現在是穿人偶裝在場上跑嗎XD3F 10/12 17:26
→ :Teddy有贏過一次,但Werth有贏過兩次比他還多...4F 10/12 17:27
→ :至於Werth參加吉祥物賽跑跟今天打全壘打的關連性就不知道了
→ :至於Werth參加吉祥物賽跑跟今天打全壘打的關連性就不知道了
推 :Clippard: 他演講的時候我好像聽到他偷罵幹 XDDDD6F 10/12 17:31
推 :贏過那次不是取消嘛XD?7F 10/12 17:38
→ :因為最近都沒看到 囧
→ :因為最近都沒看到 囧
推 :Teddy前天還是昨天好像又贏一次了?9F 10/12 17:41
推 :所以原來吉祥物是選手扮的 囧!?10F 10/12 17:42
→ :紅紅的那兩隻吉祥物到底是啥XD12F 10/12 17:45
推 :Teddy wins again!!還是吉祥物幫忙呀...XDDDDDDDDDD13F 10/12 17:47
推 :為什麼我覺得國民的吉祥物越變越...神奇?14F 10/12 17:55
推 :哈哈哈哈哈XDDDDD,被擒殺是怎樣啦XDDDDDDDDD。
推 :哈哈哈哈哈XDDDDD,被擒殺是怎樣啦XDDDDDDDDD。
推 :spear!!!!16F 10/12 18:12
推 :teddy是誰?17F 10/12 18:41
→ :原來是羅斯福
→ :原來是羅斯福
推 :Clippard: 他演講的時候我好像聽到他偷罵幹 XDDDDDDDDDD19F 10/12 19:22
推 :Clippard: 他演講的時候我好像聽到他偷罵幹 XDDDDDD20F 10/12 20:23
推 :XD21F 10/12 20:28
推 :那個吉祥物賽跑好蠢XDDDDD22F 10/12 20:40
推 :Clippard: 他演講的時候我好像聽到他偷罵幹 XDDDDDD23F 10/12 21:12
→ :主播:選手正通過轉角,等等,SPEAR!! SPAER!!!!~~~XDD
→ :主播:選手正通過轉角,等等,SPEAR!! SPAER!!!!~~~XDD
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