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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] T-Mac最後的話
時間 Wed Oct 10 13:28:32 2012
15年來 隨著他起起伏伏
現在 雖然他離開了這個籃球的最高殿堂
但 MAGIC 1 還是永永遠遠活在這裡
我知道上面有一篇新聞了 但我附上原稿對照 :D
There are times in life that a new road presents itself and it appears this
time has come for me now. I am so proud of what I have accomplished these
past 15 years playing in the NBA. It was a dream entering the league as I
just turned 18 years old. I worked hard and poured my heart and soul into
this game. I consider myself a student of the game as I have watched, studied
and played with and against the best players in the world. The NBA was my
University and I learned so much. The gratitude I feel is really
immeasurable. I have experienced the best moments a player can experience and
have had some dark ones too. Both equally important in helping shape me into
the man I am today.
As I leave the league for now, there have been so many profound people who
inspired me along my way. I have to say thank you for guiding me and having
an enormous influence on the way I played basketball. Isaiah Thomas, Rich
Devos, Leslie Alexander and John Gabriel, you believed in me and I thank you.
Jeff Van Gundy, you exemplified the brilliance of what a great coach is.
Steven A. Smith, you gave us players a voice and for that I thank you. Doug
Christy, Charles Oakley, Dee Brown, Mugsy Bogues, Antonio Davis, Dell Curry,
Kevin Willis, you all showed a young kid from Auburndale Florida how to be a
better player. Kobe, you made me work harder and it was an honor to play
against you. And Yao, we shared an experience together that will always be
with me, thank you. Sonny & Pam Vaccarro showed me how there is loyalty and
genuine friendship in this business. Arn Tellem and Tim Hoy, 15 years and you
are still my agents. Thank you for guiding me throughout my career. When all
is said and done, there is so many that made an impact on my life. I am one
blessed man to have the love and never ending support of my wife CleRenda and
the best 4 kids a man can ask for. But most important, I give glory and
thanks to God. It is thru Him that I have been so blessed and I am forever
Thomas, Rich Devos, Leslie Alexander 還有 John Gabriel,你們一直深信著我,謝謝
。Jeff Van Gundy ,你示範了什麼是一個睿智的教練。Steven A. Smith,你替我們球員
發聲,謝謝。Doug Christy, Charles Oakley, Dee Brown, Mugsy Bogues, Antonio
。Jeff Van Gundy ,你示範了什麼是一個睿智的教練。Steven A. Smith,你替我們球員
發聲,謝謝。Doug Christy, Charles Oakley, Dee Brown, Mugsy Bogues, Antonio
Davis, Dell Curry, Kevin Willis,你們告訴所有Auburndale Florida的年輕人,如何
共患難的時光會一直陪著我,謝謝。Sonny & Pam Vaccarro,你們讓我看到在這場商業遊
戲中的忠誠還有真摯的友誼。Arn Tellem and Tim Hoy,15年了,感謝你們一直都是我的
共患難的時光會一直陪著我,謝謝。Sonny & Pam Vaccarro,你們讓我看到在這場商業遊
戲中的忠誠還有真摯的友誼。Arn Tellem and Tim Hoy,15年了,感謝你們一直都是我的
As I enter this next chapter, I am excited to play for Qingdao Eagles in
China. I have been to China several times in the last few years and I love
the people and the country. It will be an honor to play for them. Thank you
to every fan that has followed me and believed in me. Injuries and all, I
wouldn’t have changed a thing. I am proud of the mark I left on this game
and am grateful to have been a part this league. It was a dream to play in
front of all of you, each night, in every stadium. Thank you.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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→ :難保沒有第二春
推 :推 T-mac真的是這十幾年來打球數一數二優雅31F 10/10 13:57
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推 :同樣是高中生,KOBE寫得出這樣的文章嗎33F 10/10 14:03
【外電翻譯】Tracy McGrady T-Mac 給球迷的話 @ Only "SKY" Is The Limit. :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
There are times in life that a new road presents itself and it appears this time has come for me now ...
→ :這是我翻的 圖文並茂(誤)版XD35F 10/10 14:05
推 :QQ 明明還可以打!!!36F 10/10 14:05
推 :同樣是高中生 工藤新一寫得出這種文章嗎?37F 10/10 14:05
推 :推!!38F 10/10 14:06
推 :感人推39F 10/10 14:10
推 :淚推,至少還有地方能打球40F 10/10 14:11
推 :KOBE問題不是寫不寫得出來 是他的個性部會寫這些41F 10/10 14:12
推 :QQ42F 10/10 14:14
推 :不好意思魔術一號永遠是PENNY的....43F 10/10 14:14
推 :推翻譯 借轉青島版44F 10/10 14:14
※ luxylu:轉錄至看板 T-mac 10/10 14:15推 :梯妹的個人標誌 真的是最屌最好看的45F 10/10 14:18
推 :淚推T-MAC!!!46F 10/10 14:21
→ :永遠的麥一輪 降價加入熱火就不會有這種問題了47F 10/10 14:21
推 :QQ....48F 10/10 14:21
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