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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] google將和三星合作10吋retina平板
時間 Tue Oct 9 11:09:34 2012
Google to co-brand 10-inch Nexus tablet with Samsung | Mobile - CNET News
Web giant will co-brand its first high-end tablet with Samsung, an analyst tells CNET. Read this article by Brooke Crothers on CNET News. ...
A Google Nexus 10-inch class tablet is in the works, CNET has learned.
新的google Nexus 10吋平板正在建造中
The 10.1-inch tablet will boast a pixel density that is higher than Apple's
third-generation iPad, said Richard Shim, an analyst at NPD DisplaySearch.
The 2,560x1,600 display will have a PPI (pixels per inch) of about 299, said
Shim. That tops the 264 PPI on the 9.7-inch 2,048x1,536 Retina iPad.
2,560x1,600 畫素將有299ppi,超越了第三代iPad的2,048x1,536畫素及264 ppi,並達
"It's going to be a high-end device," Shim said -- in contrast with Google's
$199 Nexus 7 and upcoming $99 tablet.
跟現在的$199 Nexus 7和$99平板不同,這將是高階產品
But probably the biggest news is the partnership with Samsung. "They'll
partner with Samsung and cobrand it with Samsung," Shim said.
To date, Google has partnered with Asus on the Nexus 7 tablet.
至今,google已經和華碩合作Nexus 7平板
A co-branded tablet with Samsung would be a significant broadening of
Google's relationship with Samsung. Google already cobrands the Galaxy
Nexus Samsung smartphone.
共掛品牌代表的和三星之間的關係更加親密,google已經和三星共掛Galaxy Nexus
Shim characterized his information about the 10.1-inch Nexus as "supply
chain indications," which typically indicates a high likelihood that the
product will come to fruition, according to Shim.
Shim also confirmed that Google is will start production on a $99 tablet
in December.
google 會在十二月和華碩開始製造$99平板
CNET has contacted Google for comment and will update this report when we learn more.
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