※ 本文為 pinsaun 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-01 22:07:11
看板 Road_Running
作者 標題 [其他] 2012 NIKE AMAZING 路跑照片
時間 Tue May 1 17:20:49 2012
今天天氣熱 大家難免火氣大~~
小的在這裡提供本次2012NIKE AMAZING路跑照片給大家消消火(?)
在完全沒準備器材也不足的情況下 真的只能硬著頭皮上了...
到了現場 意外的遇到很多認識的朋友耶 (男的女的都有)
只能說 NIKE的魅力太驚人!
先說一下 我拍的沒有很好
如果有傷了大家的眼睛 請大家見諒
我原本也是想幫每個人拍出一張張美美的照片 Q_Q
可是 站在終點前沒多久
因為 當有一群女生面露兇光一臉猙獰像發狂似的朝你衝過來時
其實是因為同時通過終點的人... 真的是來的有如西北雨一樣又快又多呀
只好Zoom out 看能拍多少算多少啦... (攤手)
也因此 旁邊常常有不相干的攝影工作者 (有牌的不一樣內)
壞了畫面 真不好意思
中間有時候不時會跟朋友說話.... 所以 如果你在你的時間區段沒看到你的照片的話
那我也只能說聲抱歉了 QQ
另外我想說 如果我把你拍醜了 對不起 請不要怨恨我
因為同一張照片裡 也許是其他人唯一露臉的機會
(實際上是每張都要修圖裁切會累死人呀 =口=)
以下依照時間軸 分享幾張拍照過程中我覺得還蠻有趣的照片
http://tinyurl.com/774gy2y 0004
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0004.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/7mvg35z 0008
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0008.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/7gu3dq7 0020
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Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/8ylec59 0025
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Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/7uekdyh 0032
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0032.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/6sj29rb 0040
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0040.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/7ou8d3h 0089
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0089.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/7hppt6p 0196
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0196.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
這是我離開前的最後一張照片 還有超多人沒跑出去...
http://tinyurl.com/7ys4f78 0197
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0197.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/858ojoe 0198
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0198.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
07:20 37:29 (大會時間)
http://tinyurl.com/83f5nnp 0199
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0199.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
07:21 38:38
http://tinyurl.com/7o8e2xf 0206
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0206.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/72zfy5m 0233
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0233.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
她說她是體院的學生 會跑這麼快是因為有練間歇跑
07:27 44:53
http://tinyurl.com/7qzmsyx 0355
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0355.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
http://tinyurl.com/7z4rk2o 0361
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0361.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
07:28 45:43
http://tinyurl.com/6v6eqpq 0365
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0365.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
07:36 53:45
07:36 53:45
http://tinyurl.com/7d5ljbq 0758
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Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
07:37 54:30
http://tinyurl.com/77hostm 0815
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Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
看來還是咱們Ella小姐比較專業 一次OK 沒有NG!
不過我一直看他的衣服上都沒有燙名字耶? 超怪
不過我一直看他的衣服上都沒有燙名字耶? 超怪
07:37 55:10
http://tinyurl.com/6lnyw3g 0869
NIKE_AMAZING0429_0869.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
這張照片看起來還蠻可口.. 阿不 是可愛的 >////<
07:51 69:02
http://tinyurl.com/7uqpp9c 1612
NIKE_AMAZING0429_1612.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
07:55 72:44
http://tinyurl.com/6unm5d3 1804
NIKE_AMAZING0429_1804.JPG - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
不過 聽朋友說,蠻多女生抱怨有人牽狗跑的...
07:55 73:13
http://tinyurl.com/855ts3o 1830
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Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
07:56 73:40
http://tinyurl.com/7bj2d3f 1875
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Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
不過 有兩位好像是6K的耶.... 0.0
07:59 77:07
http://tinyurl.com/78yj5n7 2031
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Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
08:05 82:31
http://tinyurl.com/783xjcl 2269
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Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
08:09 86:24
http://tinyurl.com/7vtlp4h 2380
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Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
Free online file storage and sharing from Box! Our internet storage service enables you to save, browse, share, & retrieve files, photos, and documents from any computer or mobile device. Signup and receive 5GB for free. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
50-54 - Folder Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
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Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
85-86 - Folder Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
NIKE_AMAZING_0429 - Folder Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage Collaboration tools adopted by over 50,000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces. ...
感謝 <(_ _)>
想找你的照片大約是大會時間 + 08:25
最後 我想說
TO 攝影大哥大姐們
TO 各位女孩們
認真、健康、奔跑 你就是最美的!
百善孝為先 論心不論行 論行寒門無孝子
萬惡淫為首 論行不論心 論心古今無完人
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :感謝!原來我跑在四位牽手的阿姨後面XD 跑的時候沒發現1F 05/01 18:14
→ :照片取走啦,謝謝^^
不客氣 能幫大家留下個回憶 我就很開心了 :)→ :照片取走啦,謝謝^^
※ 編輯: jacka1 來自: (05/01 18:23)
推 :75~79連結好像錯誤 辛苦您了3F 05/01 19:54
推 :張鈞甯好正4F 05/01 19:57
推 :找到很多朋友的照片~謝謝!!!辛苦了!!!開心~ :)5F 05/01 20:52
推 :皇天不負苦心人找好久找到我照片了謝謝:D6F 05/01 21:19
推 :為了防曬穿長袖跑不會很熱嗎?7F 05/01 21:36
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 460