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作者 colmash (col)
標題 Re: [英雄] Zyra, Rise of the Thorns, Revealed
時間 Fri Jul 13 11:56:14 2012

[情報] 英雄介紹-Zyra! 第 1 頁 :: 改版/英雄情報 :: 英雄聯盟LeagueofLegends 討論板 :: 遊戲基地 gamebase 英雄聯盟基地 LoL Zone!獨家Skin View!最新最快的英雄聯盟新聞/改版情報!最完整的英雄攻略!強大的工具/模擬器! ...

Are you ready to meet one of the fiercest and deadliest champions ever to
step foot out of the Valoran wilds? Meet Zyra, Rise of the Thorns. This
floral femme fatale packs a lot of petals and punch, planting seeds directly
on the battlefield and springing them to life into deadly plant allies.

你準備要來見見瓦拉然野外最狂野和致命的英雄了嗎?看看Zyra,Rise of the Thorns.

As a plant mage, Zyra’s kit revolves around her ability to sow and transform
seeds through Rampant Growth. Zyra can store up seeds using an ammo system,
dropping these seemingly-harmless buds on the ground to grant limited vision
while they remain active. Seeds aren’t too threatening on their own, and
enemies can even move over a seed to stomp it out of existence at only the
cost of revealing their position on the map for a few seconds. Zyra’s full
fury blooms, however, when you use her other abilities to interact with her

On its own, Deadly Bloom causes damage to enemies caught in the area of
effect after a slight delay. Seeds caught in the area of effect, however,
will spring to life as a ravenous Thorn Spitter with a ranged attack.
Likewise, Zyra’s Grasping Roots ability deploys a line attack that roots
enemies caught in its path for a moderate duration. Seeds affected by
Grasping Roots transform into Vine Lashers armed with a shorter-range attack
that slows enemies. Zyra can even drop a seed in the path of an ability she’
s just cast to surprise her enemies with an instant plant-to-the-face.


作為單一技能本體,Deadly Bloom會在短期的延遲後對目標區域的敵人造成傷害.
如同上一個技能一樣,Zyra的Grasping Roots技能
但如果有種子被Grasping Roots影響到,它們會化為緩速藤蔓,

To seal the deal, Zyra can invoke her ultimate ability, Stranglethorns, to
afflict an area with an infestation of thorny vines that deal significant
damage as they spread out. After a brief delay, the vines retract again,
knocking any enemies still within the area of effect into the air. Any of Zyra
’s plants touched by the Stranglethorns become enraged, gaining a hefty bit
of attack speed and growing to an imposing size. Zyra can execute some
intense combos with her abilities, playing off seed placement to lock enemy
champions into a fight with the deadly wilds themselves.




    Queen of Thorns (Passive): Upon dying, Zyra transforms into a vengeful
plant that fires one last shot before expiring.
    Deadly Bloom: Zyra grows a bud at target location. After a brief delay it
explodes, launching damaging thorns at all nearby enemies. If cast on a seed,
Deadly Bloom grows a Thorn Spitter plant, which fires at enemies from afar.
    Rampant Growth: Zyra plants a seed, granting vision of an area for up to
30 seconds. Other spells cast on seeds will turn them into plants who fight
for Zyra.
    Grasping Roots: Zyra sends forth vines through the ground to ensnare her
target, dealing damage and rooting enemies they come across. If cast on a
seed, Grasping Roots grows a Vine Lasher, whose short range attacks reduce
enemy Movement Speed.
    Stranglethorns (Ultimate): Zyra summons a twisted thicket at her target
location, dealing damage to enemies as it expands and knocking them airborne
as it contracts. Plants in the area are enraged, increasing their Attack







Longing to take control of her fate, the ancient, dying plant Zyra
transferred her consciousness into a human body for a second chance at life.
Centuries ago, she and her kind dominated the Plague Lands, using thorns and
vines to consume any animal that set foot in their territory. As the years
passed, the animal population steadily died off. Food became increasingly
scarce, and Zyra could only stand by helplessly as the last of her kin
withered away. She thought she would perish alone, until the appearance of an
unwary sorceress presented her with an opportunity for salvation.

It was the first time in years Zyra had sensed a creature wander so close.
Hunger drew her to the sorceress, but some other, deeper instinct compelled
her. She enveloped the woman in thorns with ease, but as she savored this
final meal, foreign memories invaded her thoughts. She saw great jungles of
metal and stone where humans and animals thrived. Potent magic surged through
her vines, and she devised an elegant but risky plan to survive. Using the
woman’s memories, Zyra poured her newfound magic into the creation of a
human-shaped vessel. She didn’t know what sort of world awaited her, but she
had nothing left to lose. When Zyra opened her eyes, she was overwhelmed by
the raw power ready at her fingertips. It wasn’t until she noticed the
shriveled remains of the plant she once was that she realized how vulnerable
she had become. If this body died, there would be no network of vines to
retreat through, no roots to regrow her...but she felt truly alive. She
beheld the world for the first time as animals did, and a dark smile crept
across her lips. She was reborn, and there was so much now within her grasp.

“Closer to the flower, closer to the thorns.” - Zyra


http://goo.gl/H4sdW 遊戲基地lol專區
http://goo.gl/iAyRJ 基地3D全造型預覽
http://goo.gl/W4DbX 基地英雄專頁
http://goo.gl/60OG0 基地lol攻略區,
http://goo.gl/BgfRZ 基地同人創作專區,歡迎投稿!

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◆ From:
※ 編輯: colmash         來自:         (07/13 11:57)
Jarvan4     :好奇她吃了女法師後 外型就長這樣嗎  那這樣那女法師1F 07/13 11:58
Jarvan4     :很正耶...
Blitzcrank  :那個女法師這麼遜被捕蠅草吃掉...3F 07/13 11:58
know12345   :怎麼不說是植物太強到法師都GG XD4F 07/13 12:00
rayster     :技能感覺有點像泡麵頭=w=a5F 07/13 12:00
davy012345  :所以是觸手play後才抓到女法師的嗎6F 07/13 12:00
r02182828   :你是藏馬對吧7F 07/13 12:01
pp1877      :有些法師就沒辦法打近身戰咩XD8F 07/13 12:01
Blitzcrank  :這一定比泡麵還強大,多一招R傷害9F 07/13 12:01
doomleika   :推專業translate10F 07/13 12:02
RLCorn      :觸手果然是法師們的天敵11F 07/13 12:02
s963870     :我比較想知道吃掉機器人會變成什麼12F 07/13 12:03
linceass    :小叮鈴13F 07/13 12:04
gigaga5566  :佛根: 觸手法師!!  呵呵呵h14F 07/13 12:04
Dimitre     :說不定補蠅草 兩公尺大15F 07/13 12:05
※ 編輯: colmash         來自:         (07/13 12:06)
tp950016    :看來W是走彈藥系統 不知道上限能有幾顆種子0_0?16F 07/13 12:07
catsondbs   :中路感覺像Heim一樣很推兵17F 07/13 12:08
jkiop79315  :光她是女角就可以預期出場率會>>泡麵頭18F 07/13 12:18
mist719     :對上Yorick  植物打殭屍~19F 07/13 12:23
Blitzcrank  :推 mist719     :對上Yorick  植物打殭屍~20F 07/13 12:24
Eagle47     :詳細吃掉女法師的過程!21F 07/13 12:27
peter0726   :推 mist719     :對上Yorick  植物打殭屍~22F 07/13 12:28
Eagle47     :話說不知道耗魔係數如何呢... W只存在30秒而且要搭配23F 07/13 12:28
Eagle47     :其他技能才能觸發效果 經常連技會很缺魔吧?
guiltpunish :合理懷疑..riot看到佛根的最愛是觸手之後設計的(咦25F 07/13 12:31
pigmai5207  :觸手  女法師        恩...26F 07/13 12:35
a2364983    :觸手...女法師...佛根要換MAIN了嗎27F 07/13 12:47
michaelch   :藏馬無誤28F 07/13 13:17
robinroy2003:應該是女法師被殖入植物鎧 至於怎麼殖的...問樓下>W<29F 07/13 13:23
gigaga5566  :應該是從下而上植入...30F 07/13 13:25
doomleika   :不是植入31F 07/13 14:47
doomleika   :被吃掉->作新身體,所以只是看起來像人
doomleika   :切開裡面是
Blitzcrank  :           KFC外帶全家餐34F 07/13 15:21
colmash     :...樓上那招XD35F 07/13 15:23
doomleika   :                         at least I have Chicken36F 07/13 16:14

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