※ 本文為 aquar214 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-11-17 09:59:34
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 中國甘肅某地衛星空照出現神祕圖形
時間 Tue Nov 15 23:07:44 2011
42° 32′33.95"N, 94° 19′36.80"E
42° 27′40.95"N, 94° 14′36.80"E
42° 27′12.08"N, 94° 8′49.36"E
42° 39′33.30"N, 94° 16′0.59"E
42° 39′18.85"N, 94° 10′0.80"E
39° 41′43.47"N, 73° 55′37.17"E
27° 52′5.10"N, 99° 41′52.20"E
※ 引述《pentoxide (Penta)》之銘言:
: http://ppt.cc/40bN
Miles of mysterious striped network grids discovered in Chinese desert | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News
Here's a new geological conundrum courtesy of the Mysterious East: A group of people studying online maps stumbled across a series of strange patterns in the Chinese desert large enough to be seen from space. The unusual white designs appear to have been etched into the ground and their creators clearly don't lack for ambition: [...]
: By Eric Pfeiffer | The Sideshow – 20 hrs ago
: 中國沙漠地帶發現數英哩大的巨大神祕網格圖
: Here's a new geological conundrum courtesy of the Mysterious East:
: A group of people studying online maps stumbled across a series of
: strange patterns in the Chinese desert large enough to be seen from space.
: The unusual white designs appear to have been etched into the ground
: and their creators clearly don't lack for ambition: They are over
: one mile long and 3,000 feet wide. The researchers have yet to identify
: the silver or white material used to fabricate these outsize desert grids.
: You can see a detailed satellite view of the desert pattern here.
: http://ppt.cc/1XAr
: 座標 40.452107,93.742118
: 進去後轉成衛星模式 再滾動滑鼠放大
: So why would the Chinese government--or anyone, for that matter--
: go to such trouble to paint such gigantic stripes on such remote territory?
: People analyzing the photos suggest the Chinese military may have constructed
: them as space-targeting grids.
: According to Gizmodo, the various patterned sites are located in Dunhuang,
: Jiuquan, Gansu, north of the Shule River. The Shule crosses the Tibetan
: Plateau to the west into the Kumtag Desert—meaning that the painted sites
: would serve as an ideal, isolated location for training in military targeting.
: Slash Gear notes that in one of the grid photos, you can see three structures
: that are destroyed or partially standing, "as if they were for target practice."
: Another image of the grid clearly shows aircraft resting in the pattern's inner
: circle.
: 如果真是中國軍用建造 不免有點失望
: 補充 感謝鄉民提供
: 推 cloud7515:感覺最詭異的是這個http://0rz.tw/trDYx
: 推 joe310529:40.452107,93.742118
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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