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※ 本文為 BruceX 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-09-04 23:55:27
看板 EAseries
作者 leutk (LaoDa)
標題 Fw: [新聞] 星際大戰會有 Benedict的參加演出?!
時間 Wed Sep  4 10:43:44 2013

※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1I9fnsQk ]

看板 movie
作者 leutk (LaoDa)
標題 [新聞] 星際大戰會有 Benedict的參加演出?!
時間 Wed Sep  4 10:35:29 2013


Last week I mentioned that all of the movie bloggers were sitting on one bit
of Star Wars casting rumor. That rumor has finally been published, and now I
can weigh in with my own thoughts: Screencrush is reporting that Benedict
Cumberbatch may appear in Star Wars Episode VII.

I've heard this too, and I've heard the role he's up for is that of a bad
guy, almost certainly a Sith. And it's a major role, one that will continue
throughout the whole new trilogy. This part is why he dropped out of
Guillermo del Toro's Crimson Peak.

But it's not a done deal, and it may not yet come together. There are some
other commitments Cumberbatch will have to break to secure the part. In the
meantime, I know that there have been official denials coming down from
multiple channels - these denials are why the story didn't break in a trade -
but with a JJ Abrams production I never believe the denials. That's not to
say I think Cumberbatch is guaranteed the part, I just ignore the denials and
wait for the official announcement

大意是說, 目前傳聞將在2015年上映的星際大戰VII會有 Benedict Cumberbatch的參加演出.

他之前最著名的角色是英國影集的 Sherlock以及星記奇航:暗黑無間裡面的可汗






哇 超愛BC的阿 史上最好的Sherlock 沒有之一

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YamagiN:演Khan時身為一個超人類被Spock捏肩膀而表情扭曲大叫很有1F 09/04 10:39

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: leutk (, 時間: 09/04/2013 10:43:44
bof:大概也是JJ Abrams找來的1F 09/04 11:01
a87192611:!!!2F 09/04 11:32
Odyseus:哇!!想看!!3F 09/04 13:26
Clementtang:圖片支援 http://tinyurl.com/khzgva84F 09/04 15:08
yhushyuan:好演員讓導演JJ激賞不已,繼續找他參演不意外^^5F 09/04 20:23
seaseasea:希望是真的!!!6F 09/04 20:32
tonialau:這篇跟影集板什麼關係.......7F 09/04 21:25
sin4000:就影集主角的新聞阿 之前老白出演MOS的新聞也沒人有意見8F 09/04 21:59
tonialau:有英國演員板阿......10F 09/04 22:18

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