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※ 本文為 npc 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-07 07:31:28
看板 EAseries
作者 DaFang (掐囉誤)
標題 [情報] BBC Sherlock簽下第四季!!
時間 Wed Mar 13 00:26:38 2013


radio times報導

Benedict Cumberbatch confirms Sherlock series 4 | Radio Times Cumberbatch says he and co-star Martin Freeman have signed up for a further run of the BBC1 detective drama - and hints at the possibility of even more to come ...


Benedict Cumberbatch has revealed that he and co-star Martin Freeman have
signed up for a fourth series of the BBC1 detective drama.

"We've agreed to two more series but I could get into trouble for saying
that," said Cumberbatch at the South Bank Show Awards this afternoon.

"All I know at the moment is I'm doing these three and another three."

The star added that he would like the show to continue beyond a fourth series
but admitted it would depend on whether he, Freeman and co-creator Steven
Moffat, who is also showrunner on Doctor Who, could find the time to do it.

"It just depends on Martin and I's availability, how long we can keep it
going. It depends onSteven's ability. I'd love to keep it going."

Filming of series three of the BBC1 drama is due to begin on Monday...

More to follow...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
lch2011:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1F 03/13 00:28
AaliyahTsai:超爽的~~~~~~~~2F 03/13 00:31
crystal1115:剛剛看到消息好開心!!!3F 03/13 00:35
chuhey:興奮尖叫!!!!!!4F 03/13 00:38
seaseasea:近期聽到最開心的新聞!!!!!5F 03/13 00:46
kkillme:6F 03/13 00:49
hotfuzzmilli:OMGGGGGGGG hell yeah!7F 03/13 01:00
after49:超爽der!!!!!!!!8F 03/13 01:20
Refauth:(忙著送醫)9F 03/13 01:22
pbpb88:0.010F 03/13 07:27
whalecell:YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11F 03/13 07:31
fireforce:yesssssss!!12F 03/13 07:35
ashuan:good!!!!!!!13F 03/13 07:58
coblily:太開心了!可是希望四季可以至少一年看到一季阿(淚14F 03/13 08:06
unseen:YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15F 03/13 09:15
cocoamia:爽雙!!!!!!!!!16F 03/13 09:15
Ally1213:>///////////////////<17F 03/13 11:31
winner10936:耶!!拜託至少一年一季啊!!!18F 03/13 12:20
WhiteWinter:爽!!!!!!!!19F 03/13 12:22
anny325:oh my god..開心但又覺得以後每年都要漫長的等待了~20F 03/13 12:37
kasndjo:快點播啊!!!!!!XDD22F 03/13 12:41
imhebe:耶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!馬上在電腦前歡呼!!!!!!!!!!!23F 03/13 15:24
star0504:雖然很開心但不知道接下來還有什麼好改編的耶...XDD24F 03/13 15:32
jing0991:好欸!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!25F 03/13 15:33
Anail:噢噢噢噢好開心!!!(翻滾)26F 03/13 16:03
japanzara:YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!27F 03/13 16:26
SHERLOCKED:太棒啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!28F 03/13 20:22
conective:太棒了!!!!!!!!!!!!29F 03/13 20:34
madonhwa:X1太開心了!!!不用擔心看完第三季就失落了~耶~~30F 03/13 20:45
venroxas:爽翻31F 03/13 21:02
a251012002:YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!最喜歡的影集!!!!32F 03/13 21:16
minova:YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!33F 03/13 22:05
leemt:戲裡虐角色 戲外虐觀眾啊XDDDDD來吧~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~34F 03/13 22:18
fairygirl:雖然有第四季很開心,可是想到又要等很久,心情實在很35F 03/13 22:20
aleecia:太好了!37F 03/13 23:50
gloria820826:開心!但不知道還要等多久嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚38F 03/14 00:03
chiulove:喔耶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!39F 03/14 00:13
mushroom5g:耶耶耶耶耶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!41F 03/14 00:40
whereangel:但可以快一點嗎 一季好短卻等好久QAQ42F 03/14 11:04
uqice2:好棒!!!!!!!!!!43F 03/14 11:41
yhushyuan:一則狂喜一則超憂..這代表S3季末又得挖大坑讓觀眾等啊等44F 03/14 13:57
zoe0226:太好了,繼續等是Sherlock粉絲的宿命45F 03/14 16:59
beata:YA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~是說..第三季可以快點出嗎? T___T46F 03/14 17:01
bigsha:推~在現代&原著持續對話的旋律裡,所譜出的每一集都是和諧的47F 03/14 20:27
lch2011:樓樓上可以不要嗎<囧>49F 03/14 23:38

Benedict Cumberbatch Interview - Sherlock Series 4 - YouTube
Benedict Cumberbatch Interview - Sherlock Series 4


※ 編輯: DaFang          來自:        (03/16 18:51)
WHITETEAR:太棒了!!50F 05/17 22:30

※ 看板: EAseries 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 670 
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1樓 時間: 2013-07-01 19:24:29 (台灣)
  07-01 19:24 TW
2樓 時間: 2013-07-10 16:44:07 (台灣)
  07-10 16:44 TW
英國bbc出品的戲劇...一年只有一季&集數少品質高阿 XD
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