※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-17 12:20:20
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 洛杉磯電視台接獲炸彈攻擊告知
時間 Wed Apr 17 11:57:10 2013
LAPD responding to bomb threat at KTLA studio - latimes.com
Los Angeles police bomb squad members were responding to the KTLA-TV studio in Hollywood after a man called up and said he was going to detonate explosive devices on the property, authorities said Tuesday evening. ...
Los Angeles police bomb squad members were responding to the KTLA-TV studio in Hollywood after a man called up and said he was going to detonate explosive devices on the property, authorities said Tuesday evening. ...
LAPD responding to bomb threat at KTLA studio - latimes.com
Los Angeles police bomb squad members were responding to the KTLA-TV studio in Hollywood after a man called up and said he was going to detonate explosive devices on the property, authorities said Tuesday evening. ...
Los Angeles police bomb squad members were responding to the KTLA-TV studio in Hollywood after a man called up and said he was going to detonate explosive devices on the property, authorities said Tuesday evening. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :塊陶啊1F 04/17 11:57
→ :塊 陶 阿2F 04/17 11:57
推 :快逃阿3F 04/17 11:57
→ :美國人需要一個蝙蝠俠4F 04/17 11:57
推 :塊5F 04/17 11:57
推 :湖人沒進季後賽就要爆了6F 04/17 11:58
推 : 綠巨人浩客咧?7F 04/17 11:58
推 :塊陶阿8F 04/17 11:58
推 :1快到了!9F 04/17 11:58
推 :蝙蝠俠快出來啊!!!10F 04/17 11:58
推 :依照Diehard3的劇情 也許有人要搶黃金了?11F 04/17 11:58
推 :麥克雞塊12F 04/17 11:58
→ :恐怖湖人來了13F 04/17 11:58
推 :塊陶阿14F 04/17 11:58
推 :這是惡作劇還是真的?開始有模仿犯了嗎?15F 04/17 11:59
推 :美股現在在睡覺罷?16F 04/17 11:59
推 :快衝啊~~~~~~~~17F 04/17 11:59
推 : KOBE不是很強? 快救阿18F 04/17 12:00
→ :台股沒動啊19F 04/17 12:00
推 :...好像再看電影20F 04/17 12:00
→ :完全不同情美國 愛擁槍 為利益又在國際上胡打亂玩 合該如此21F 04/17 12:00
噓 :酸民水準一致22F 04/17 12:00
→ :幹 不要再來了23F 04/17 12:00
推 :前奏24F 04/17 12:01
The Dark Knight Rises - Why Do We Fall [Extended Version] - YouTube TDKR The Dark Knight Rises Why Do We Fall Extended Version Hans Zimmer MovieAndTVThemes. All rights go to composers.
推 :當熱鬧在看 能再看到後續當然是最好的 呵呵26F 04/17 12:01
推 :那難道人民就要受這些罪嗎27F 04/17 12:02
推 :Kobe:幹 誰來帶我走28F 04/17 12:02
噓 :美國擁槍跟利益 所以平民該被炸彈炸死 這理論 op29F 04/17 12:02
推 :別這樣 洛杉磯很多華人,要炸也應該去炸白宮阿30F 04/17 12:03
→ :當我看到因美軍而毀容身體殘缺者 還要向美國人感謝讓31F 04/17 12:04
→ :不然是有多少人閒著沒事幹去跟世界最強國搞這些東西?32F 04/17 12:04
推 :阿金:欸欸 你們別這樣搞我啊QQ33F 04/17 12:04
→ :他動手術重生 就覺得作嘔34F 04/17 12:04
→ :鍵盤分析師 斷定是因為擁槍跟利益 所以炸平民 OP35F 04/17 12:05
→ :所以前幾天 高鐵的炸彈該不會是台灣擁槍跟擁有核武吧
→ :所以前幾天 高鐵的炸彈該不會是台灣擁槍跟擁有核武吧
推 :這次被炸死的8歲小孩是擁槍了還是在國際胡搞了?37F 04/17 12:06
→ :湖人球場還真的滿有可能是目標之ㄧ 最後一場比賽吸引焦點38F 04/17 12:06
→ :高鐵事件也有人怪政府做太爛導致 所以政客不該只想著判死刑呀39F 04/17 12:07
噓 :在洛杉磯都沒看到新聞了,你在台灣能知道40F 04/17 12:07
推 :!!!!!41F 04/17 12:08
→ tml7415 …
推 :美國有人是無辜的嗎?43F 04/17 12:08
※ 編輯: homeboys 來自: (04/17 12:08)推 :ams9你這話講得很沒邏輯啊....╮(﹀_﹀")╭44F 04/17 12:08
→ :說不定是信太晚到了(誤45F 04/17 12:09
→ :這又不是在做學術 只是覺得美國出這種事情不意外46F 04/17 12:09
推 :應該是湖人打不進季後賽,有人崩潰了47F 04/17 12:10
推 :五毛散播仇美言論 跟吱吱散佈仇中言論 哪個比較夯48F 04/17 12:11
推 :有影片或live嗎?49F 04/17 12:11
※ 編輯: homeboys 來自: (04/17 12:13)推 :墨西哥 毒梟治國 怎還沒被滅?50F 04/17 12:11
→ :這種也叫仇美言論的話 那八卦板大概算是被仇台言論淹沒了51F 04/17 12:12
推 :要炸也炸湖人主場嘛 炸甚麼電視台= =52F 04/17 12:12
→ :你要不要先解釋 什麽叫做炸死平民 合該如此呢?53F 04/17 12:12
推 :當然是看媒體跟總統舔中就飽了54F 04/17 12:13
→ :要殺也殺那些政治人物跟政策有關係的人阿 解釋一下咩55F 04/17 12:13
→ :garnett1118 "炸死平民 合該如此"是你講的 別推到我這邊來56F 04/17 12:13
LAPD responding to bomb threat at KTLA studio - latimes.com
Los Angeles police bomb squad members were responding to the KTLA-TV studio in Hollywood after a man called up and said he was going to detonate explosive devices on the property, authorities said Tuesday evening. ...
Los Angeles police bomb squad members were responding to the KTLA-TV studio in Hollywood after a man called up and said he was going to detonate explosive devices on the property, authorities said Tuesday evening. ...
→ :ams9: 為利益又在國際上胡打亂玩 合該如此 04/1758F 04/17 12:14
→ :我說的是美國在國內國外搞那些事 出這種事也沒啥意外需同情的59F 04/17 12:14
→ :對嘛 ams9只有講合該如此好嗎 炸死平民他當沒事啦60F 04/17 12:15
→ tml7415 …
→ :喔 所以 炸死平民 合該如此!!!!!! 你邏輯真好!!!!!!!!62F 04/17 12:15
→ :所以我沒說"炸死平民 合該如此"嘛 garnett1118你要否再看幾遍63F 04/17 12:15
KTLA bomb threat was a hoax, LAPD says - latimes.com
Los Angeles police said Tuesday night that a bomb threat that forced employees at the KTLA-TV studios in Hollywood to be evacuated was a hoax. ...
Los Angeles police said Tuesday night that a bomb threat that forced employees at the KTLA-TV studios in Hollywood to be evacuated was a hoax. ...
→ :問題是 這件事 就是炸死平民阿 你有什麽問題阿lol65F 04/17 12:16
→ :當初美國911時 我好像國2 那時我們歷史老師66F 04/17 12:16
→ :問題是這件事發生在美國 有啥好意外的?67F 04/17 12:16
→ :妳是嘴巴沒說 可是這件事 就是這樣阿 你以為文字遊戲68F 04/17 12:16
推 :ams9不要在凹了很難看....69F 04/17 12:17
→ tml7415 …
→ :把自己腦補的意見硬塞給人 那才叫難看71F 04/17 12:17
→ :花了一整堂課來告訴我們"美國謂何會被恐怖攻擊"...72F 04/17 12:17
→ :任何"攻擊無辜平民致死"的事件都不可以說"有啥好意外的"73F 04/17 12:17
→ :你的理論是擁槍跟利益衝突 所以美國 合當如此 不同情74F 04/17 12:17
→ :可是炸的平民ㄟ 你不覺得 講的話很好笑?
→ :可是炸的平民ㄟ 你不覺得 講的話很好笑?
→ :大家都看得出來ams9很難看76F 04/17 12:18
→ tml7415 …
→ :死的又不是政客還是跟槍枝政策有關係的人78F 04/17 12:18
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 107
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