※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-13 01:43:21
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 英保險商列「10大容易故障手機」三星Gala
時間 Fri Apr 12 15:51:02 2013
※ 引述《steward135 (逆風高飛)》之銘言:
: 【鉅亨網編譯李業德 綜合外電】
: 英國科技雜誌《PC Advisor》報導,根據保險公司 MobileInsurance.co.uk 發表數據,
: 在最容易故障遭申請理賠的 10 大手機排行中,三星 (005930-KR) 的 Galaxy S3 登上榜
: 首,而蘋果 (AAPL-US) 的 iPhone 3GS 則是第 1 牢靠耐用。
: MobileInsurance 彙整過去手機產品的理賠報告,另外發現一點有趣的是,白色的智慧手
: 機索賠率高於黑色或銀色手機,但保險公司對此並未做出原因解釋。
: 公司針對用戶產品過保固後,以保險申請故障賠償的情況,列出 10 大最容易出問題的手
: 機清單:
: 1. Samsung Galaxy S III
: 2. HTC One
: 3. Nokia Lumia 610
: 4. iPhone 4
: 5. BlackBerry Bold 9900
: 6. iPhone 4S
: 7. Sony Xperia S
: 8. BlackBerry Curve 9220
: 9. Samsung Tocco Lite 2
: 10. LG Nexus 4
: 榜上排名亞軍的是宏達電 (HTC)(2498-TW) 旗艦機 HTC One,季軍則為諾基亞
: (NOK1V-FI)(NOK-US) 採用 Windows Phone 系統的 Lumia 610。
: 緊接在後的是 iPhone 4,其繼任機 iPhone 4S 則拿下第 6 名。
: 至於故障問題最少的優秀手機,蘋果 2009 年推出的 iPhone 3GS 獲得最高讚譽,黑莓的
: BlackBerry Torch 9800 則被認為第 2 穩固。
: MobileInsurance 主任 Jason Brockman 聲稱:「我們已經查過哪些手機最容易意外損毀
: ,但那責任得歸於用戶本身。至於手機內部的故障當機問題往往無法避免,我們希望消費
: 者可以知道哪些機子最容易壞,作為選購時的參考。」
: 『新聞來源/鉅亨網』
: 3.新聞連結:http://ppt.cc/Zap0
英保險商列「10大容易故障手機」三星Galaxy S3奪冠 | 財經新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 【鉅亨網編譯李業德 綜合外電】英國科技雜誌《PC Advisor》報導,根據保險公司 MobileInsurance.co.uk 發表數據,在最容易故障遭申請理賠的 10 大手機排行中,三星 (005930-KR) 的 Galaxy S3 登上榜首,而蘋果 (AAPL.. ...
有沒有英文新聞翻譯之後 手機名稱會變的八卦?
11 Apr 2013
Claims data from a leading mobile phone insurance website in the UK has revealed the top 10 handsets that are most prone to experiencing faults, according to user experience. The handset most likely for a user to experience faults with is the Samsung Galaxy SIII.
In order to provide consumers with a list of phones to potentially be wary of, based on the handsets that experience the most faults, a leading mobile phone insurance website in the UK has gone back through past claims data right up the present day to find out which mobile phones are better off being avoided.
www.MobileInsurance.co.uk decided to release the information after noticing a pattern in the handset models that were reported as having faults. Therefore, the team behind the site decided to collate existing claims data to form a list of the top 10 mobile phones most prone to faults.
According to the claims data, the 10 handsets that something is most likely to go wrong with, in terms of having a fault, are as follows:
1. Samsung Galaxy S III
2. HTC Desire S
3. Nokia Lumia 610
4. iPhone 4
5. BlackBerry Bold 9900
6. iPhone 4S
7. Sony Xperia S
8. BlackBerry Curve 9220
9. Samsung Tocco Lite 2
10. LG Nexus 4
When looking at the phones that, historically, were least frequently reported as having faults, the site found the iPhone 3GS to be amongst the most reliable; along with the BlackBerry Torch 9800 in at second place.
The site data also revealed that users with white coloured handsets were more likely to experience handset breakdowns or faults than those with black or silver coloured phones; yet the reasons why remained unclear.
Jason Brockman, Director at MobileInsurance.co.uk, said the following:
“We’ve already looked at the phones that get accidentally damaged the most, but that tends to be down to the user. Breakdowns and faults with the handset itself often can’t be avoided, so we wanted to let people know which phones most commonly experience faults so that they can avoid them!
“It seems those looking for reliability need to forget about having the most modern phone and revert back to trusty older handsets like the iPhone 3GS. Perhaps that’s where I’m going wrong, as I’ve never been the proud owner of an Apple phone! If you have a phone that’s prone to faults, like one of those 10 in the list, be sure to get your handset a decent insurance policy. We cover handsets up to 12 months old and, as part of that cover, we insure against phone faults and handsets breaking down,
effectively picking up where the manufacturer’s warranty ends!”--
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :HTC命名太繁瑣了 也有可能是一時誤值 很難說2F 04/12 15:51
推 :我就在想ONE也太早上榜了吧 非常奇怪4F 04/12 15:52
→ :像我們連公文都會誤值了 何況無關痛養的生活新聞5F 04/12 15:52
→ :我笑了6F 04/12 15:52
→ :可能記者買到機王不爽XD7F 04/12 15:52
推 :超威的...連複製貼上都可以出錯8F 04/12 15:52
推 :HTC不是都一樣嘛!!?? XD9F 04/12 15:53
推 :記者不是只會復制貼上嗎?貼錯蠻強的10F 04/12 15:53
→ :翻譯問題啦11F 04/12 15:53
推 :台灣妓者不意外12F 04/12 15:53
→ :抓到了!13F 04/12 15:53
推 :這記者被HTC告的話,不知會賠多少錢14F 04/12 15:54
推 :超扯的!幫高調15F 04/12 15:54
推 :太明顯了,只能說***$$影響16F 04/12 15:54
→ :剛剛好又是HTC耶.....這也太巧了吧17F 04/12 15:55
推 :複製貼上都可以搞錯XDDDDDDD18F 04/12 15:55
推 :噗~難道這是HTC敵對陣營請的寫手又在誤導嘛?20F 04/12 15:56
推 :剛開賣就上榜~ 拼音也差太多21F 04/12 15:56
→ : ***:死也要拖一個下水 你說是吧(砸錢22F 04/12 15:56
推 :啪~啪~啪~XDDDDDDDDDDDD23F 04/12 15:56
推 :可以告了欸24F 04/12 15:56
→ :可以告了!26F 04/12 15:56
推 :XDDDDDDDDD28F 04/12 15:57
推 :不意外29F 04/12 15:57
推 :HTC V.妓者 我都不知道比較討厭哪一個QQ30F 04/12 15:57
→ :只有寫one又沒說是哪一個one31F 04/12 15:58
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDDD32F 04/12 15:58
推 :這篇不備份起來怎麼可以呢XD33F 04/12 15:58
推 :太好笑了 全世界用這招來玩XDDD34F 04/12 15:58
推 :我就想說奇怪剛上市還缺貨可以這樣?哪個記者謝罪啦35F 04/12 15:58
推 :靠也太不要臉了吧36F 04/12 15:59
推 :太扯拉 告死他37F 04/12 15:59
噓 :簡單疏失錯了嗎38F 04/12 15:59
推 :desire 跟one最好是會搞錯,夜配蚊39F 04/12 16:00
推 :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD40F 04/12 16:00
推 :HTC是中低階機長的很像 爽爽是高階機長的一個樣41F 04/12 16:00
推 :真是太垃圾了42F 04/12 16:00
推 :XD43F 04/12 16:01
推 :XDDD 都一個樣44F 04/12 16:01
推 :這記者想紅喔/45F 04/12 16:02
推 :亂寫一通, 真以為是無冕王勒~ XD46F 04/12 16:02
推 :這HTC可以提告了吧 李業德先生47F 04/12 16:03
推 :S3過保了? 不是去年5月才上市的嗎...是我弄錯嗎@@?48F 04/12 16:03
→ :雪紅快告啊49F 04/12 16:03
推 :120億美金花得真值得50F 04/12 16:03
推 :告下去了啦51F 04/12 16:03
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD52F 04/12 16:04
→ :真的覺得很可悲 記者這職業53F 04/12 16:04
推 :這記者也太爛了吧54F 04/12 16:04
→ :抄都可以抄錯 難怪只能當記者55F 04/12 16:05
推 :56F 04/12 16:05
推 :幫高調XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD57F 04/12 16:05
推 :記者水準真差58F 04/12 16:05
推 :記者真有心59F 04/12 16:06
推 :會被告的飛高高嗎60F 04/12 16:06
推 :笑翻~ 這記者今天會上頭條嗎?61F 04/12 16:06
噓 :連複製貼上都弄不好 故意的啦62F 04/12 16:07
推 :這位記者本身沒翻錯拉 但是英文網站有一大票錯誤的...63F 04/12 16:07
推 :這真的是誤寫嗎?64F 04/12 16:07
推 :月月鳥發威了 XD65F 04/12 16:08
推 :路過幫高調!!!66F 04/12 16:08
推 :快上新聞吧哈哈67F 04/12 16:09
推 :一年一百二十億不是開假的耶68F 04/12 16:09
→ :這表示很多英文網站也收到很多經費吧?69F 04/12 16:09
推 :高調70F 04/12 16:10
推 :可以提告了71F 04/12 16:10
推 :高調72F 04/12 16:10
推 :太搞笑了XDDD73F 04/12 16:12
→ :有靈魂的公司果然不一樣74F 04/12 16:12
推 :外國都沒賣就會出問題也太神75F 04/12 16:13
推 :月月鳥觸手伸到新聞界了喔76F 04/12 16:14
推 :S4要出,s3就犧牲打 頗ㄏ77F 04/12 16:15
推 :月月鳥不意外78F 04/12 16:16
推 :這波很大79F 04/12 16:17
推 :這真的太誇張80F 04/12 16:18
推 :哈哈 也太詭異了81F 04/12 16:19
→ :一方面罵記者爛,一方面又相信記者的報導。82F 04/12 16:21
推 :打死我都不信記者是自己key的!!83F 04/12 16:23
→ :所以外媒也會抄錯(?)...然後外電就照翻..84F 04/12 16:24
→ :這可以提告了吧85F 04/12 16:26
推 :86F 04/12 16:28
推 :贊助宏達電一塊錢提告 一塊錢就宏達電~~~87F 04/12 16:29
推 :他只是照翻而已不是嗎 出錯也是pc adivsor出錯88F 04/12 16:30
→ :樓上 原來記者可以跟網友一樣不查證阿 那記者跟網友有什89F 04/12 16:31
→ :麼差
→ :麼差
推 :恭喜hTC勇奪第二名91F 04/12 16:36
推 :肯定有鳥92F 04/12 16:53
推 :臉有點腫93F 04/12 16:53
推 :超扯~ 打臉文94F 04/12 17:06
推 :三爽迷滿地跑~95F 04/12 17:10
→ :我只確定最後一名是 Nokia 331096F 04/12 17:11
推 :哈哈~只能說三爽塞了不少錢給記者吧~拖 htc one 下水97F 04/12 17:11
推 :XDD這故意的吧 太明顯了98F 04/12 17:12
推 :告他拜託~~ 連貼上都會錯??99F 04/12 17:12
推 :趕快告一告,順便查出 記者幫三星改新聞 能收多少100F 04/12 17:17
推 :幹月月鳥泰阿101F 04/12 17:24
推 :網友不查證: 遭函送 記者不查證: 繼續發新聞102F 04/12 17:47
推 :!!!!!103F 04/12 17:53
→ :打得舔韓爽迷滿地找牙
→ :打得舔韓爽迷滿地找牙
→ :反正白賊說3和8差不多嘛,那S和O看起來也差不多?106F 04/12 18:17
推 :這記者是收了多少錢啊?107F 04/12 18:25
推 :最神的3310呢108F 04/12 19:10
→ :恭喜Hㄒㄈ怒得第二名109F 04/12 19:13
推 :XDD110F 04/12 19:41
推 :幫高調111F 04/12 21:25
推 :全都對 唯獨HTC錯了XDDD112F 04/12 21:34
→ :htc有oneX,oneJ,oneS....new one,就是沒有單叫one的113F 04/12 21:51
推 :這記者應該被告..... 素質差!114F 04/12 21:54
推 :告死他 吃裡扒外115F 04/12 22:01
推 :可惡!116F 04/12 22:02
推 :記者應該是這幾天被2498嘎到眼花了117F 04/12 22:33
推 : 網友不查證: 遭函送 記者不查證: 繼續發新聞118F 04/12 22:54
推 :有問題119F 04/12 23:24
推 :one 跟 desire x 會搞錯嗎?120F 04/12 23:25
推 :鉅亨網編譯 李業德121F 04/12 23:50
推 :SAMSUNG:叫S3去點球122F 04/12 23:55
推 :太扯誰派來的 高調!123F 04/13 00:12
→ :再高調
→ :再高調
推 :素質真差 幫高調 告他啦125F 04/13 00:19
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 134
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