※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-17 13:45:29
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作者 標題 [情報] TPA SKIN 完整版影片
時間 Fri May 17 13:21:30 2013
Full - TPA Shen League of Legends Skin Spotlight - YouTube
League of Legends TPA Shen Skin. Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Shen on his TPA Skin. All footage was taken in game. For League of Legends Relat...
League of Legends TPA Shen Skin. Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Shen on his TPA Skin. All footage was taken in game. For League of Legends Relat...
Full - TPA Mundo League of Legends Skin Spotlight - YouTube
League of Legends TPA Mundo Skin. Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Mundo on his TPA Skin. All footage was taken in game. For League of Legends Rel...
League of Legends TPA Mundo Skin. Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Mundo on his TPA Skin. All footage was taken in game. For League of Legends Rel...
Full - TPA Orianna League of Legends Skin Spotlight - YouTube League of Legends TPA Orianna Skin. Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Orianna on her TPA Skin. All footage was taken in game. For League of Legends...
Full - TPA Nunu League of Legends Skin Spotlight - YouTube
League of Legends TPA Nunu Skin. Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Nunu on his TPA Skin. All footage was taken in game. For League of Legends Relat...
League of Legends TPA Nunu Skin. Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Nunu on his TPA Skin. All footage was taken in game. For League of Legends Relat...
Full - TPA Ezreal League of Legends Skin Spotlight - YouTube
League of Legends TPA Ezreal Skin. Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Ezreal on his TPA Skin. All footage was taken in game. For League of Legends R...
League of Legends TPA Ezreal Skin. Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Ezreal on his TPA Skin. All footage was taken in game. For League of Legends R...
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◆ From:
推 :op1F 05/17 13:22
→ :QQ 還是買一下好了2F 05/17 13:22
推 :EZ依舊帥氣翩翩美少年3F 05/17 13:23
推 :OP很大.....上上禮拜板上就po了,且PBE已經可以用4F 05/17 13:24
→ :所以買一下 應該買哪一個好呢?5F 05/17 13:25
推 :帳單全收6F 05/17 13:25
→ :除了球女跟努努其他都買了7F 05/17 13:26
推 :不算OP吧 有些腳色有些微的差異...8F 05/17 13:27
推 :本來就不太會改特效 這個價錢的skin就是這樣9F 05/17 13:27
→ :這些skin賣多少?10F 05/17 13:27
推 :樓上不是暴民台的每日觀眾嗎?11F 05/17 13:27
→ : 樓
→ : 樓
推 :EZ跟賣蔥火焰一樣 好像有些許動作延遲13F 05/17 13:28
推 :好啦,低過270,可考慮...14F 05/17 13:29
推 :EZ特效改了看起來有比較順了15F 05/17 13:30
推 :醜16F 05/17 13:30
→ :感覺有很多細微的美化 應該不算OP 慎的特效最明顯17F 05/17 13:31
推 :只有蒙多值得入手18F 05/17 13:31
推 :吃我的獎杯啦19F 05/17 13:32
推 :ez技能模組動作跟脈衝一樣的話應該不錯20F 05/17 13:34
推 :腎打人感覺不痛21F 05/17 13:34
推 :有馬尾可能還是買一下22F 05/17 13:34
推 :用腎打人...是自己會痛吧23F 05/17 13:34
→ :沒OP吧 影片是完整本 爬過聞了24F 05/17 13:36
推 :慎打人聲音是棒打 挑釁頭上有電波25F 05/17 13:42
推 :慎跟努努必買..26F 05/17 13:44
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 242