※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-10 21:33:18
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 菲律賓的各大論壇
時間 Fri May 10 21:24:43 2013
Philippines admits to shooting at Taiwan boat - Yahoo! News Philippines
The Philippines admitted Friday that its coastguard fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat in an incident that authorities in Taipei said left a crewman dead and triggered widespread outrage on the island. ...
Good Work Navy!2 Replies
幹的好! 海軍
Next time aim for the chinese!
Philippines HAVE the RIGHT to RETALIATE if THRETENED by ILLEGAL fisherman-----
Mainland chinese and Taiwanese Criminals are a COMMON sight of Arrest all
over the Philippines and NOW also in Philippine seas-----
Whats ours is ours, somebody step inside your house fence shot first ask
我們的海就是我們的海 誰敢進來就先射完再問
try sending another illegal fishing boat in the area and our navy will fire
again enought is enought
Two lessons for the stupid Taiwanese: (1) keep off Philippine territory (2)
dont use your vessel to ram a Philippine coast guard/navy boat or any other
Philippine civilian boats.
台灣蠢蛋在這事件學到兩件事: 1.別再來菲律賓領海 2.不要用你的小漁船撞我們菲律賓
Its always the Chinese or Taiwanese fishermen poaching and causing all these
problems in other countries. Their greed is whats sparking all these tensions
around Southeast Asia
This is why if China attacks Taiwan, Philippines should not help them out
假如中國打台灣 菲律賓會在旁邊開心的看熱鬧
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: lovecutes 來自: (05/10 21:25)
推 :貼網址1F 05/10 21:25
推 :網址貼出來,大家進攻啦!!!!2F 05/10 21:25
→ :幹3F 05/10 21:25
不好意思 是雅虎的菲律賓狗底下新聞討論 不容易進攻
※ 編輯: lovecutes 來自: (05/10 21:25)
→ :網址貼出來 進宮拉!4F 05/10 21:25
推 :大夥兒進攻嚕5F 05/10 21:25
推 :幹 打爆他們 看他們叫什麼6F 05/10 21:25
噓 :快貼網址7F 05/10 21:25
→ :賓狗XD 聽起來蠻順耳的8F 05/10 21:25
→ :菲律賓Yahoo....只能用文字 不能DDoS9F 05/10 21:25
→ :全台灣的菲奴都是我們的人質 差不多該殺雞儆猴了吧10F 05/10 21:26
→ :三流國家也懂用網路?11F 05/10 21:26
→ :種族主義者不都是這副嘴臉嗎?? 小孬孬到底要不要開打12F 05/10 21:26
推 :菲狗:下次射他們的飛機,歐不用了,是中國製的會自己墜機13F 05/10 21:26
推 :黃春雄該出來了吧14F 05/10 21:26
推 :幹15F 05/10 21:26
推 :把台灣的菲傭都趕回去16F 05/10 21:26
→ :第三個意思是菲律賓國內有很多華人、台灣人罪犯,現在菲律17F 05/10 21:26
推 :媽的!!雖然不想讓臺灣多一個敵人...但忍不下這口氣!!!18F 05/10 21:26
→ :菲律賓鄉民啊XD19F 05/10 21:26
→ :賓海也開始出現(罪犯)了。20F 05/10 21:26
→ :正在攻擊雅虎菲律賓21F 05/10 21:26
噓 :英文哪裡有手無寸鐵?22F 05/10 21:27
推 :真的很不要臉,對手無寸鐵的人開槍還這麼得意,可憐的是23F 05/10 21:27
推 :幹啦 召一召了啦。為什麼要活在這沒國格的鬼島24F 05/10 21:27
→ :第五個根本沒提到台灣漁民,只是說「違法漁船」25F 05/10 21:27
→ :這不就是開戰了嗎26F 05/10 21:27
※ 編輯: lovecutes 來自: (05/10 21:30)→ :落後爛國家....27F 05/10 21:27
→ :我們國軍就沒力,真幹28F 05/10 21:27
Yahoo! Philippines News - Latest 2013 Philippine Elections News and International Headlines
Get your latest 2013 Philippine elections news and stories about your Senatorial candidates from Purple Thumb. Apart from breaking news, we offer interactive information, photos and video you need to decide who to vote in the coming Philippine elections. ...
→ :海盜國家...從政府開始都是海盜..30F 05/10 21:27
→ :這種文章偏偏不能翻錯,建議還是修一下。31F 05/10 21:27
推 :台灣海巡出海抓賓狗啦,抓到一個就關個二十年再放人32F 05/10 21:27
推 :台灣漁船到底有沒有進到領海?33F 05/10 21:27
推 :垃圾爛國~操34F 05/10 21:28
→ :我覺得內容看起來是菲律賓政府給國內的消息已肯定台灣是錯35F 05/10 21:28
→ :台灣仇韓仇中仇日都有 現在又要多一個仇菲了XD36F 05/10 21:28
推 :幹麻關 這種劣等人種抓到就殺掉就好37F 05/10 21:28
→ :的……38F 05/10 21:28
→ :只好把滯台賓賓給ㄎㄎ39F 05/10 21:28
→ :賓賓水準不意外40F 05/10 21:28
推 :Balilo(菲律賓海岸防衛隊發言人) has Balls!! 56個讚41F 05/10 21:29
推 :各位冷靜...不能DDOS YAhoo= =42F 05/10 21:29
→ :民打民 無意義 要軍打軍43F 05/10 21:29
推 :就酸民而以阿XD 這裡不是一堆??44F 05/10 21:29
→ :讓那些傢伙明白沒有人可以擾亂菲律賓人還逃脫的 54個讚45F 05/10 21:29
推 :菲律賓嘴砲酸民也很多46F 05/10 21:29
噓 :才幾個人的言論能代表全部?47F 05/10 21:30
Philippines admits to shooting at Taiwan boat - Yahoo! News Philippines
The Philippines admitted Friday that its coastguard fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat in an incident that authorities in Taipei said left a crewman dead and triggered widespread outrage on the island. ...
推 :ph.yahoo.com很順,不打麼?49F 05/10 21:31
推 :菲律賓有這麼討厭臺灣?50F 05/10 21:31
推 :沒水準垃圾 馬的51F 05/10 21:31
推 :明天去中壢街頭找幾個阿菲來洩憤52F 05/10 21:31
推 :廢國無誤53F 05/10 21:31
推 :689表示欣慰54F 05/10 21:31
→ :球賽輸台灣太多次 所以開槍洩恨?55F 05/10 21:31
→ :那我們菲傭看到幾個打幾個也可以囉?56F 05/10 21:31
推 :ph.yahoo.com的IP在新加坡...ddos也沒用= =57F 05/10 21:32
→ abe10 …
推 :幹 沒水準的國家 沒水準的國民59F 05/10 21:32
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