※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-10 00:17:35
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [爆卦] 其實台灣漁船掛的是五星旗
時間 Thu May 9 23:56:01 2013
※ 引述《ee77 (金城武耶!啊原來是鏡子)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/cbjoqnc
China fishing boats cordon off Spratlys | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com A Chinese fishing fleet composed of 30 vessels sailed on Monday from Hainan province to the disputed Spratly islands in the West Philippine Sea for a “40-day operation,” a report in the state-run China Daily said yesterday. ...
: 而且新聞裡面直接是說「中國的漁船」,不解釋
: 還有誰想要靠中國撐腰的嗎?還說什麼要掛五星旗,要靠大陸什麼的
: 不要再想著當中共的奴才了,中國人難道不知道什麼是「與虎謀皮」嗎?
: 以下是內文:
: MANILA, Philippines - A Chinese fishing fleet composed of 30 vessels sailed
: on Monday from Hainan province to the disputed Spratly islands in the West
: Philippine Sea for a “40-day operation,” a report in the state-run China
: Daily said yesterday.
: “The 40-day operation is the second of its kind organized by local fishery
: associations after Sansha city was established in June last year,” the
: report read. Each vessel in the fleet weighs more than 100 metric tons. The
: journey is expected to take four days.
: The first fishing expedition, also comprising 30 boats, was held in July last
: year. China Daily quoted Li Nianyou, deputy director of the Hainan provincial
: department of ocean and fisheries, as saying that his office would “make
: every effort to guarantee the fleet’s safety.”
: At Malacañang, deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said the
: Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), the Armed Forces of the Philippines
: (AFP) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) were verifying the report.
: Sought for comment, Department of National Defense spokesman Peter Galvez
: said China should limit its operations to international waters.
: “Everybody is free to fish in international waters,” Galvez told The STAR
: in a phone interview.
: Headlines ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
: “We remind all parties against conduct of activities that may affect the
: current stability and peace in the area,” the defense official said.
: Last year, China announced that it had elevated to prefecture from county
: status Xisha (Paracels), Zhongsha (Macclesfield bank), and Nansha (Spratlys)
: islands under the management of the newly formed Sansha City.
: The Philippines said the establishment of Sansha violates the country’s
: sovereignty over the Kalayaan Group in the Spratlys and Panatag Shoal, also
: called Scarborough Shoal or Bajo de Masinloc.
: Kalayaan is a fifth class municipality in Palawan and is located on Pag-Asa
: Island in the Spratlys.
: Panatag Shoal, meanwhile, is located 124 nautical miles from Zambales.
: The report said a 4,000-ton supply ship and a 1,500-ton transport ship were
: supplying the fishing vessels with fuel, food, water and other necessities.
: “Experts estimate there are 3.5 million tons of fish in Nansha waters, with
: less than three percent explored,” the report read.
: Valte, meanwhile, said the government would act accordingly if reports on the
: deployment of Chinese fishing vessels turn out to be true.
: “We are checking that out. I communicated with the DFA precisely about that
: particular report and we will wait for confirmation from the AFP or the PCG
: about that reported movement,” she said.
: “As of now we want to verify first, as we always do when we receive reports
: like this from different media entities. And we’ll see what happens from
: there because you’ve seen this happen in several instances,” she added.
: “Of course, if it’s international waters we have no problem… It is only
: when there is presence in the disputed areas where we do express concern. As
: of now, we are verifying,” Valte said.
: ‘Preposterous’
: Meanwhile, a US professor and expert in maritime laws and security issues
: called China’s nine-dash line concept “preposterous” and not in Beijing’s
: interest.
: “The nine-dash line has absolutely zero basis in international law and
: ocean’s law” and is “defenseless,” said John Norton Moore, Walter
: L. Brown law professor and director of the Center for National Security Law
: and of the Center for Oceans Law and Policy at the University of Virginia
: School of Law.
: Moore raised the observation last May 6 at a forum on the South China Sea
: dispute at the Stimson Center in Washington.
: He said China’s position reflects that of the former Soviet Union which was
: “very coastally oriented” and did not promote navigational freedom.
: “The long-term interest of China lies in the compromise that is set in the
: UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) that protects
: freedom of navigation around the world,” he said.
: “UNCLOS is in the interest of China, I have no doubt whatsoever,” Moore said.
: UNCLOS, he said, is a mechanism for international trade and it is one of the
: most important multilateral treaties in the world.
: He also emphasized that the US should also subscribe to UNCLOS.
: Without the UNCLOS, Moore said the US is crippled in its ability to deal with
: maritime issues.
: The Pentagon, for its part, said in its annual report to the US Congress that
: Chinese vessels maintain an almost continuous presence at Panatag
: (Scarborough) Shoal in the West Philippine Sea since the standoff with the
: Philippines over ownership of the disputed territory last year.
: In its report to the US Congress entitled “Military and Security Developments
: Involving the People’s Republic of China 2013,” the Pentagon said Chinese
: officials consider protecting China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity
: a “core interest.”
: “All officials repeatedly state China’s opposition to and willingness to
: respond to actions it perceives as challenging this core interest,” the
: report said.
: Beijing claims its maritime rights extend to virtually the entire South China
: Sea and West Philippine Sea and often illustrates this claim using a
: “nine-dash line” that encompasses much of the sea.
: The report said Chinese maritime law enforcement vessels and Philippine coast
: guard vessels engaged in a protracted standoff at Panatag after the
: Philippine Navy attempted to conduct a fishing enforcement action against
: Chinese poachers.
: Although overt tensions between China and the Philippines subsided by year’s
: end, both sides continue to claim jurisdiction over the reef. Chinese law
: enforcement vessels have maintained an almost round-the-clock presence ever
: since. - With Delon Porcalla, Pia Lee-Brago, Lito Katigbak, STAR
→ :因為官校的勢力太大無法改革 真正重點在打破官校的近 04/21 23:20
→ :親相姦 04/21 23:21
→ :親繁殖 美軍軍官會強 很大一部分就靠ROTC打破官校體 04/21 23:21
→ :位 04/21 23:21
→ :打錯 是近親繁殖不是近親相姦 04/21 23:21
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :真的很怪,板上有菲律賓人?1F 05/09 23:56
→ :被份成功?2F 05/09 23:56
→ :都刪文了 給人點面子吧3F 05/09 23:56
→ :馬來西亞人都有了4F 05/09 23:57
→ :XD5F 05/09 23:57
→ :備份了6F 05/09 23:57
→ :重點是他說的是錯的...YAHOO那邊明明有照片7F 05/09 23:57
推 :備份推XDDDDDDDDDDDD8F 05/09 23:57
推 :鞭屍XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD9F 05/09 23:57
→ :有些人的文 噓他就好 不用看10F 05/09 23:57
→ :板上一定有菲律賓人,整天說禁止引進菲律賓外勞沒用11F 05/09 23:57
→ :609?12F 05/09 23:57
→ :這算鞭屍嗎....人家都刪文了...13F 05/09 23:57
→ :有馬來人 菲律賓人 中國人 香港人 瑪雅人 熱鬧啊14F 05/09 23:57
→ :只能說馬這種程度的當台灣總統剛剛好囉 只要人民比他笨就好15F 05/09 23:57
→ :恭喜成功備份即將獲得一份精美小禮物16F 05/09 23:57
推 :備份無誤 剛看完 根本跟這次漁船沒關係 亂貼17F 05/09 23:59
推 :我英文爛啊我承認,不過我也沒說就是那艘被射的漁船啊18F 05/09 23:59
推 :妳真狠XD19F 05/09 23:59
→ :XDDDDD20F 05/09 23:59
→ :我只有說「台灣漁船掛五星旗」,我有說是哪艘嗎?21F 05/09 23:59
※ 編輯: goodman5566 來自: (05/10 00:00)
推 :別再出來了啦...22F 05/10 00:00
→ :拜託貼之前也看一下自己貼甚麼吧 都說30艘海南省出發23F 05/10 00:00
→ :被打一次臉就躲久一點吧24F 05/10 00:01
→ :麥片校啦 大家都知道你只哪艘 呵呵25F 05/10 00:01
推 :硬凹 超好笑...26F 05/10 00:01
推 :對那id認真是你不對wwww27F 05/10 00:01
→ :別在凹了 至少你的中文大家都看得懂...28F 05/10 00:01
推 :XDDDDD29F 05/10 00:01
推 :本日最會凹30F 05/10 00:02
推 :好丟臉XD31F 05/10 00:02
推 :掛內褲32F 05/10 00:02
推 :(σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ阿哈哈 你看看妳33F 05/10 00:03
推 :原PO好壞XDD34F 05/10 00:05
推 : =.=35F 05/10 00:05
推 :那ID超丟臉的36F 05/10 00:10
→ :第一段都寫海南了 不是根本沒看過原文就是英文程度太差37F 05/10 00:12
推 :都刪文惹 打臉打好痛38F 05/10 00:17
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