※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-31 15:30:06
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作者 標題 [情報] Own3D明天關閉
時間 Thu Jan 31 10:07:37 2013
own3D.tv - Company Blog
own3D.tv - Live! Your Game - Video Game, Live, VoD, Streams, Videos, Fragmovies, Frags, Broadcast, Livestream, MMO, RPG, Shooter, League of Legends, Call of Duty, Black Ops, Mordern Warfare, Battlefield, World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Gameplay,Gameplay Trailer ...
own3D.tv - Live! Your Game - Video Game, Live, VoD, Streams, Videos, Fragmovies, Frags, Broadcast, Livestream, MMO, RPG, Shooter, League of Legends, Call of Duty, Black Ops, Mordern Warfare, Battlefield, World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Gameplay,Gameplay Trailer ...
Dear gamers, dear own3D community,
own3D and its management, having evaluated the future of own3D, have decided
to cease operations on January 31st, 2013.
As the first livestreaming portal for gamers own3D had a turbulent start with
unexpected growth. We have tried to drive the company into profitability but
due to the capital intensive nature of our industry and increasing
competition, we have not been able to reach it despite our best efforts.
This is a difficult decision for all of us at own3D. However, after much
deliberation this seems to be the best course of action despite the impact it
will have on all the employees, clients and partners who helped build this
We are grateful for your support as our pioneering ride comes to an end. The
own3D team has always aspired to provide the gaming community with the best
tools for sharing their gaming experiences and growing their projects. We
therefore hope that you have enjoyed watching a few epics over the years.
The day has almost arrived when professional gamers are as recognized as
other athletes. We hope to have shown what is possible for the future of
eSport and competitive gaming.
The gaming revolution will not be televised - it will be streamed.
Your own3D team.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :翻譯XD1F 01/31 10:09
推 :這翻譯XD2F 01/31 10:09
推 :!!3F 01/31 10:09
推 :這翻譯俗擱有力XD4F 01/31 10:10
推 :想過很久5F 01/31 10:10
→ :這官腔翻譯的簡潔有力XD6F 01/31 10:11
推 :完完全全點到主旨的翻譯XD7F 01/31 10:11
推 :XDDDDDDDD8F 01/31 10:11
→ :比圖奇順多了 可惜9F 01/31 10:12
推 :這翻譯太酷了 XDDDDDDDDDDD10F 01/31 10:13
推 :翻譯OP...........11F 01/31 10:14
推 :X1翻譯簡潔有力哈哈哈哈哈12F 01/31 10:14
→ :同樣設定的上傳,實際觀看畫質 OWN 3D > Twitch13F 01/31 10:14
→ :你這樣翻譯 我反而去看原文寫了什麼14F 01/31 10:14
推 :own3d畫質真的不錯 又不容易LAG 可能還是打不贏老鼠15F 01/31 10:16
→ :真的 OWN3D弄串流的技術比Twitch好 本來lol這塊也是16F 01/31 10:16
→ :不就畫個大餅給知名玩家看,但是連個爛餅都不給17F 01/31 10:17
→ :比較強 怎麼打輸圖奇也許背後有更多你不知道的秘密18F 01/31 10:17
→ :付不出錢來一切免談阿 畫面再順也沒用19F 01/31 10:17
推 :own3d是自己吃相太難看 搞得大家都倒戈到twitch20F 01/31 10:17
→ :商業競爭 背後你看不到的東西比檯面上多很多21F 01/31 10:18
推 :gg22F 01/31 10:18
推 :這翻譯我喜歡!! 簡潔有力阿阿阿!!!23F 01/31 10:19
推 :翻譯超乾脆XD24F 01/31 10:20
推 :own3d底下有什麼運作我們不瞭 但是看的就是吃像難看26F 01/31 10:21
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDD27F 01/31 10:24
推 :就單純錢燒光拉 這種耗頻寬的網站燒錢速度不是一般人28F 01/31 10:24
→ :可以想像的
→ :可以想像的
→ :實況主收不到錢跑光光,怪不了別人30F 01/31 10:29
推 :這翻譯好好笑31F 01/31 10:30
→ :家裡看圖奇好頓=.=\32F 01/31 10:30
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDDD33F 01/31 10:34
推 :推一個哈哈哈 超簡潔34F 01/31 10:35
推 :一些老own3d玩家跑來ttv直播後.觀眾根本暴增..35F 01/31 10:37
→ :twitch有時候挺lag的Orz36F 01/31 10:39
推 :Twitch的亞洲線路似乎不太好...37F 01/31 10:42
→ :但是Own3D自己不付錢 人跑光 怪不了別人
→ :但是Own3D自己不付錢 人跑光 怪不了別人
推 :UStream不知道有人用這播實況嗎? 網站是繁體的39F 01/31 10:47
推 :不知道為啥雖然我看偶圖奇會頓 可是往往看own3d更頓40F 01/31 10:49
→ :好像和大家都不太一樣XD
→ :ustream算是老牌的實況網站了吧 還算蠻穩的 只是遊戲
→ :好像不是主力
→ :好像和大家都不太一樣XD
→ :ustream算是老牌的實況網站了吧 還算蠻穩的 只是遊戲
→ :好像不是主力
→ :超級翻譯姬XDDDD44F 01/31 10:49
→ :ustream好像很吃記憶體.以前看一看都要重開..45F 01/31 10:51
推 :twitch的分類做的很讚 純看遊戲實況很好找46F 01/31 10:53
推 :own3d的聊天室不會用- -47F 01/31 11:09
推 :twitch我在美國看很少lag 感覺是給亞洲頻寬太小?48F 01/31 11:10
推 :我前天用網頁看Twitch..跳出來說給Asia的頻寬滿了49F 01/31 11:11
→ :跳出付款的畫面出來 =.="
→ :跳出付款的畫面出來 =.="
推 :我只曉得Own3D的聊天室爛到爆51F 01/31 11:16
推 :之前看歐洲球賽還是環法常用USTREAM52F 01/31 11:16
推 :番的簡潔有力 讚53F 01/31 11:19
推 :˙推翻譯懶人包54F 01/31 11:26
推 :推翻譯55F 01/31 11:27
推 :翻譯達人 有笑有推56F 01/31 11:30
推 :好像中國的看不到 揪少了重要的金主57F 01/31 11:51
→ :twitch人一多就會lag 大型比賽常lag很嚴重58F 01/31 11:55
推 :只怕沒有競爭者 twitch會越來越擺爛...59F 01/31 11:58
推 :我推你翻譯!! 10秒解釋!!60F 01/31 12:08
推 :own3d真的輸在營運....原本贏老鼠不少的....61F 01/31 13:06
推 :淚推 遙想當年own3d比twitch順多了62F 01/31 13:51