※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-12 03:04:17
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作者 標題 [外絮] Alex Ich 訪問
時間 Fri Oct 12 02:30:08 2012
俄文應該蠻多人看不懂 我也是
Request: Alex Ich AMA! : leagueoflegends
As title says, I know we all have some questions to ask. I am pretty upset they lost, but Gl TPA in the Finals! ...
As title says, I know we all have some questions to ask. I am pretty upset they lost, but Gl TPA in the Finals! ...
We couldn't analyze the situation correctly after the 2nd game. Nidalee
got free fb there and we were stuck with the idea that fb is what impacted
the lane. We should have banned her in the 3rd game. Besides, we should have
first picked Sona instead of Nunu in the 3rd game. These two mistakes played
huge role in our loss. All in all though, we had to win the 2nd game. Well,
not much we can do about it now, you win some, you lose some.
The problem was we sucked so hard in the 2nd game that it was very hard to
assess the core reason of losing, there were far too many misplays. Basically
we lost both 2nd and 3rd game absolutely similarly though
What should i type, we sucked hard. After disscusion we found some minor
issues, but the big issue was only one. With Sona it would be much easier and
not just because Sona is OP, but because Pepper is play her a lot better and
would feel himself much more confident. FB wherent an issue, the problem was
how this FB happened and how match was going further, also such hard lose at
second game leaved us in misunderstanding what went wrong. So far its hard to
say that they play significantly better, but they definitely play good. For
example Crs.EU atm playing at same level, and what the hell, whole Europe
scene play at the same level with Asia scene. But America is a total slump, i
dont even know what can help them.
1. 應該BAN奶大力的
3. 應該搶OP SONA 但我們選了NUNU
4. 他也不知第二場怎麼回事 TPA不見得玩得比他們好 但是確實打得很棒
(翻得有點卡 反正就是他覺得第二場雙方都好 但是不知怎樣就輸了)
5. 歐洲跟亞洲已經在同一個水平 但是NA根本崩掉 他甚至不知道該怎麼幫NA
6. GOSU表示:TPA我恨你們~~~ 每次都專殺我!!!(大誤
│No tank │No 3 gate exp │No 14 pool 14 gas │No proxy rax ││CARRY ONLY │4 GATE ONLY │6 POOL ONLY │3 RAX ALL IN ONLY │
│No support │No 5 gate pressure│No 15 pool fe │No 111 rax fact port││No jungler │No 1 gate robo │No 2 base muta │No 1 rax fe │
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :GOSU表示1F 10/12 02:31
→ :第五點好酸XD2F 10/12 02:31
→ :GOSU表示:不做嗎?(看向貝克3F 10/12 02:31
推 :NA GG4F 10/12 02:32
→ : 沒選到SONA5F 10/12 02:32
推 :大家一致認同:na sucks6F 10/12 02:32
推 :中肯 7F 10/12 02:32
推 :gosu第一場根本都是死他XDDDDD8F 10/12 02:32
推 :NA人人喊打XD9F 10/12 02:33
推 :每次看NA隊伍都期待有沒有哪個人神表現神carry10F 10/12 02:33
推 :NA XDDDD11F 10/12 02:33
推 :但是在之前NA高端是最具有實力的 現在該改到TW KR嗎?12F 10/12 02:33
→ :看來真的是賭TPA第三場會換戰術不用奶大力了13F 10/12 02:33
推 :電競這種東西還是美國人做亞洲人玩 最賺的還是美國14F 10/12 02:33
→ :但是現在的環境哪有那麼容易出現英雄=.=15F 10/12 02:33
→ :其實歐洲也只靠 M5撐場面吧 SK被剃光頭 EU表現也普普16F 10/12 02:34
推 :toyz:敢要我讓你先上廁所 我就專殺你17F 10/12 02:34
推 :eu哭哭 第三/四名普普 那M5也普普啦18F 10/12 02:35
推 :一定要補NA一下刀 XD19F 10/12 02:36
推 :我等M5對比賽看法等超久了20F 10/12 02:36
→ :其實這篇出一段時間了 只是我剛剛才發現(遮21F 10/12 02:37
→ :+1 對M5比賽看法等很久 他們超自信!22F 10/12 02:37
推 :他是講Pepper對sona比較熟,我也覺得這遊戲除了ban23F 10/12 02:37
推 :會嗎,我覺得gosu的nunu也很靠北啊...24F 10/12 02:38
推 :m5是不是智商很高的隊伍阿? 之前好像有聽說過?25F 10/12 02:38
推 :NA最後防線TSM也打得不好...26F 10/12 02:38
→ :main角,搶main角之外,搶sup最重要,這遊戲下路太重要27F 10/12 02:38
推 :lol現在不是算中國貨嗎 所以賺的是中國?28F 10/12 02:38
→ :之前好像有聽說M5裡面有天才?0.0 還是記錯了29F 10/12 02:39
推 :toyz:我最討厭別人在我背後要我讓廁所(飄走30F 10/12 02:39
→ :M5是幾乎沒辦法在ban/pick佔到他們便宜的隊伍 而且他
→ :們在ban/pick上會誘導對手去選他們要的英雄再做反制
→ :M5是幾乎沒辦法在ban/pick佔到他們便宜的隊伍 而且他
→ :們在ban/pick上會誘導對手去選他們要的英雄再做反制
推 :M5!!33F 10/12 02:40
推 :原來發在俄文官網 在英文網沒放阿orz34F 10/12 02:41
推 :看一下騰訊精美的財報,YOY或是QOQ都是近幾年都是35F 10/12 02:41
→ :double再跳,但是riot收入算整體的小咖
→ :double再跳,但是riot收入算整體的小咖
推 :看佛根在台灣爬分那麼困難就知道台服有多強了(誤37F 10/12 02:42
推 :應該是美國人做亞洲人玩 可是美國人老闆是中國人38F 10/12 02:42
推 :Gosu沒搶Sona是想搭配Kog吧 可惜不能看到Sona carry39F 10/12 02:47
推 :我也很納悶為什麼不BAN乃大力~ 為什麼?40F 10/12 02:47
推 :台灣爬分困難有一半都是因為排太久XDDDD41F 10/12 02:47
推 :Alex認為Crs.EU跟 TPA同水平嗎? 還是???42F 10/12 02:48
推 :Gosu的Nunu真的保AD保得很到位...43F 10/12 02:48
推 :因為要ban傑吸機器人吧 雖然還剩一個名額...44F 10/12 02:49
→ :以為有FB的Nid才是威脅,實際上恐怖的是Stanley XDD45F 10/12 02:49
推 :我比較想知道Stanley有沒有壓箱寶,感覺他好像都是46F 10/12 02:50
→ :Nid、Shen、Jayce這三隻
→ :Nid、Shen、Jayce這三隻
推 :再等幾天就知道了XD48F 10/12 02:51
推 :壓箱寶TEEMO TOP49F 10/12 02:51
推 :不知道FINAL看不看的到STANLEY的OLAF50F 10/12 02:52
推 :Vlad 好像Stanley也玩的很強 還有GPL時期的恐怖Olaf51F 10/12 02:52
推 :還有蛇女啊(?)52F 10/12 02:52
推 :玩熟悉的最重要啦,Alex都說如果搶到Gosu比較熟悉的53F 10/12 02:52
→ :Stanley 應該是TPA有最多角色的 不太用擔心XDD54F 10/12 02:52
推 :蛇女應該會勾起Stanley不好的回憶吧XD55F 10/12 02:53
→ :Sona就不會悲劇,看那Wicked精美的瑞玟...56F 10/12 02:53
→ :雷玟無Counter,可是瑞玟......
→ :雷玟無Counter,可是瑞玟......
→ : 我回不去了58F 10/12 02:54
推 : 我們回不去了..59F 10/12 02:54
→ :俄國、亞洲:NA SUCK NA:幹!60F 10/12 02:59
推 :TSM61F 10/12 03:00
推 :因為東方的神祕力量阿~~~62F 10/12 03:01
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