※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-29 12:39:20
看板 LoL
作者 標題 Re: [情報] Jiji 新訪問
時間 Wed Aug 29 12:10:35 2012
(翻譯得不好 請各位多多指出其中謬誤 orz)
I have had the pleasure of speaking with the mid lane player for CLG.NA
Bigfatjiji we speak about his experience in Korea things he has learned and
his hopes for the future.
Hi Miko thanks for this opportunity. Firstly I wanted to ask you what things
have you realised you need to practice after your time in Korea?Jiji: We need to make more team comps and same functioning comps that we
can use confidently over and over again.
問:首先我想問的是 在韓國行之後 你們覺得練習上須加強什麼?
答:我們需要做出有自信可以重複使用 更多的團隊組合技能及同樣有功能的組合技能
Is there any strategies that you have picked up in Korea that you think could
help you win the regionals or even the season 2 finals?Jiji: There are definitely strategies that we have developed while being
here :D
答:無疑的 我們在韓國有開發出新策略 (謎之聲:CLG創意無限?
What kind of strategies are there you have found?
Jiji: I can't tell you that now can I?!
Teams such as TSM think that the Korean teams may be good but they are
nothing special. You first hand have experienced the Korean teams do youthink they have a real chance at the season 2 finals?
Jiji: I think the Korean team's chances at taking season 2 finals are just
as high as possibly M5's!
問:有些隊伍例如像TSM 覺得韓國隊很好 但是沒甚麼特別之處 而你們算是很早就與韓國隊
交手的隊伍 你們覺得韓國隊有機會問鼎S2冠軍嗎?
Do you think the Season 3 that riot have announced may hinder future trips to
places like Korea as teams are tied down?Jiji: Definitely, however not necessarily a bad thing I think.
問:你覺得就RIOT已經宣布的S3計畫 是否會阻礙到類似像你們這次的韓國行 使之成為絕響
答:當然 但我認為不全然為壞事
Is there a champion at the moment that you would consider overpowered in the
middle lane whether it’s a jungler who snowballs your enemies or a mid thatis just strong?
Jiji: Diana is pretty broken, even with the new latest patch's nerfs.
問:你有沒有覺得哪隻英雄在中路對戰中太OP? 比如說是超級滾雪球的將狗角或是就是很強
答:就算最新版本被nerf 這隻黛安娜肯定是作壞了
When we last spoke you mentioned that you hated the GP10 Meta, is there
anything about the current Meta that you dislike?Jiji: I don't have anything specifically that i dislike about the mid Meta
atm, except maybe non-push-capable champions are usually at some form of
disadvantage normally. They can’t farm jungle as well, can’t push and roam
as well, or prevent your opponent that can push harder to roam as well either.
問:上次的訪問中你說你討厭跳錢流meta 那你現在有什麼討厭的meta嗎?
答:對於現在的中路我沒有什麼特別不喜歡的meta 若要說有 推線不強的英雄現在通常弱勢
他們不能去農野區 不能推完線去各線支援(roam) 也不能阻止對方推線後去支援
Is there any champions that are not often played mid that you think can work
in competitive play with a few buffs (e.g Lux)Jiji: First off, Lux is definitely very viable and strong even right now,
and any buffs to her i think would make her OP. Morde, Yi, malphite, .few
more.. huhu
答:Lux現在就很強了 如果再buff Lux就是隻OP角 另外我覺得魔鬥 易大師 石頭人
Do you think that top teams are now at the highest level that wins only often
come from mistakes that need to be capitalized on?Jiji: No, I think most top teams still are first trying to not make as
many mistakes their selves, while trying to capitalize on enemy mistakes.
問:你認為是否現在幾隻頂級的隊伍的勝負關鍵 都在於利用對方的出錯?
答:不 我認為現在頂尖隊伍的首要目標都放在降低自身的錯誤 同時利用對方的出錯
When you are behind in mid from say early jungle ganks what mentality to you
keep to stay in the game?Jiji: Stay in lane, don’t get chunked. Usually results you being pushed
in fairly hard, so you have to then also try to keep him in lane and not
roaming and keep track of his location for your team.
問:當你比如因為早期的將狗gank 造成你在中路落後時 怎樣讓自己保持有用?
答:待在線上 別又被幹掉 通常此時你會被瘋狂推線 所以你要盡量把對方hold在線上
不讓對手可以藉由支援去威脅其他線 並且持續追蹤對手動向
Now you have had enough time to fully settle in with Voyboy do you think your
team is overall stronger than it was before the changes?Jiji: I think it is about the same, but in some aspects like how our
arguments erupt when mistakes happen is somewhat more efficient and more
controlled now.
問:現在你已有足夠時間與VB磨合 你覺得現在的CLG有比調整陣容之前強嗎
答:這就要看你怎麼想了 施主 (大誤 (被毆
答:我認為伯仲之間 但當有人失誤 開始爭執出現的時候 現在比以前容易控制住情況也較
Thanks for this interview Jiji is there any shout outs or links you wish to
share with us?Jiji: of course, thanks for all the fans that support me and CLG! And
own3d.tv, razer, xmg for making everything possible.
問:感謝你的回答 還有什麼想要和大家說的嗎?
1.幹勁,心態,技巧。 5.用快樂的心情去做完,發現好的一面。 9.@#$%&^%$# (戰吼)
2.尊重你的隊友。 6.你打得很好,是我的錯。 ψ蘋果獸
3.我的隊友很棒。 7.我們再一起加油吧。 SK gaming - 聖˙奧瑟勒
4.我愛我的粉絲。 8.我們可以的。 =聖光阿 你有看到那位更生人嗎=
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→ :HS跟jiji都在線上待太久了 根本不知道SV的水準之高13F 08/29 12:24
→ :放走 或說趕走SV 完全是CLGNA最大的損失
→ :放走 或說趕走SV 完全是CLGNA最大的損失
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→ :結果.....? SV好像滿容易讓隊伍一起承受後果
據某版民指出→ :結果.....? SV好像滿容易讓隊伍一起承受後果
sv在情勢好的時候常常作出top call
※ 編輯: applemonster 來自: (08/29 12:30)
推 :HS將狗可以練,但SV個性無法改。18F 08/29 12:31
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→ :call的好被當神 call的濫就是戰犯 caller背負蠻多的
→ :call的好被當神 call的濫就是戰犯 caller背負蠻多的
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 61