※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-24 12:30:06
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 台灣入選2013年冬季最佳旅遊點
時間 Mon Dec 24 12:08:29 2012
Best Winter Trips 2013
哈爾濱冰雕節 Harbin Ice Festival, China
貝里斯大堡礁 Mesoamerican Reef, Belize
搭高鐵玩遍台灣西部 Western Taiwan by Train
坦尚尼亞Ruaha國家公園 Ruaha National Park, Tanzania
開曼群島 Cayman Islands
巴西薩爾瓦多市 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
阿拉斯加 Chena River State Recreation Area, Alaska
奧地利薩爾斯堡 Salzburg, Austria
黃石國家公園 Yellowstone National Park, Montana
多倫多 Toronto, Canada
推 :麻美有漏打馬賽克的片段 ○還挺美的01/06 18:49
→ :真想知道麻美那部漏打馬賽克的是哪部!!!???01/06 20:25
→ :請問肯德基像屎大大!!!
→ :請問肯德基像屎大大!!!
→ :另外我是kfc likes hit 是指它的雞肉經過許多敲打很韌01/07 13:03
→ :很好吃 別誤解意思了 感恩
→ :很好吃 別誤解意思了 感恩
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :台灣火車上可以開派對!1F 12/24 12:09
推 :台灣那是在幹嘛?2F 12/24 12:09
→ :沒列城市出來怎麼戰!?3F 12/24 12:09
推 :西部火車之旅是要體驗台鐵誤點嗎4F 12/24 12:09
→ :火車可以開派對5F 12/24 12:09
→ :有沒有搞錯??6F 12/24 12:09
→ :性愛派對阿7F 12/24 12:09
推 :CCR酒池肉林之旅8F 12/24 12:09
→ :真瞧得起台鐵啊....9F 12/24 12:09
→ :西部火車之旅有什麼好的 東部還有討論空間 我看是灌票吧10F 12/24 12:09
推 :西部火車之旅11F 12/24 12:10
推 :西部火車之旅是啥?12F 12/24 12:10
懶得翻了= =
Hop a high-speed (186 miles an hour) bullet train in Taipei to zip across
western Taiwan’s valleys, plains, and Central Mountain Range foothills. The
Taiwan High Speed Rail western route winds through 48 tunnels and over 152
miles of elevated rail from Taipei south to Kaohsiung. The southernmost rail
stop serves as the gateway to tropical Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area,
Kenting National Park, and Maolin National Scenic Area, home to four
indigenous groups—the Rukai, Paiwan, Bunun, and Tsou. A roundtrip western
bullet train loop from Taipei and back is an easy day trip, getting travelers
back in time to sample crispy salt and pepper chicken or mini soup dumplings
at the city’s famous night markets. For a longer train tour, stay overnight
at urban station stops like Banciao, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, Chiayi, and
Tainan. From February 23 to March 10, the neighborhood surrounding the
Hsinchu High Speed Rail Station hosts the 2013 Taiwan Lantern Festival,
pictured here. During each night of the festival, thousands of soaring and
animated lanterns illuminate the night skies of northern Taiwan’s oldest
※ 編輯: ghtwht 來自: (12/24 12:12)
噓 :人家是在說高鐵13F 12/24 12:11
推 :西部火車之旅=性愛派對14F 12/24 12:11
→ :老外來台的時候,可以像在美國西部一樣的輕鬆騎馬(子)15F 12/24 12:12
推 :火車便當之旅16F 12/24 12:12
※ 編輯: ghtwht 來自: (12/24 12:13)推 :我覺得台灣很美 可是火車之旅也太喇叭了點17F 12/24 12:13
→ :那是高鐵吧= =18F 12/24 12:13
推 :是高鐵呀。19F 12/24 12:14
推 :重點好像是燈會20F 12/24 12:23
推 :可以幹嘛21F 12/24 12:24
推 :是高鐵22F 12/24 12:24
推 :所以台灣的景點是高鐵...?23F 12/24 12:26
推 :這甚麼廉價旅遊 對外國人來講24F 12/24 12:27
※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 261