※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-04 09:22:15
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作者 標題 [外絮] Doublelift IPL5賽後談
時間 Tue Dec 4 05:19:02 2012
Wanted to make a pretty long analysis post about IPL5 before I make a vlog.
I'll just go team by team since it makes the most sense.
CLG.NA lost because we have no laning phase. Our team relies on Chauster to
carry us through the early game and me to carry us into lategame. However,
against top tier teams that are on their game, we will lose all 3 lanes and
have no chance to make a lategame for ourselves. There's not much to say
about our team. We're competitive enough to take games on foreign teams, but
if we played WE in 100 games we would lose 30-70 or 20-80 in our current
World Elite won because their team has no weak links and they abuse the OPs.
They're dedicated and practiced enough to know what's strong and force their
players to abuse it, but I'll come back to this later. What's most important
about WE is that they're legitimately good players COMBINED with the fact
that they're dedicated enough to learn the strong picks.
Fnatic's top side of the map is extremely versatile and strong. sOAZ and
xPeke are one of the best tops and mids in the world. sOAZ not because he
plays the OPs but because he has his own pool of weird champions that nobody
plays and they happen to do very well against the conventional tops. He's a
smart player and nobody will know how to deal with his playstyle or champion
choice for a long long time. Their bottom lane is weak in lane and it's
mindboggling that nobody was able to capitalize, but the European style of
bot lane is extremely unsafe and disrespectful of the jungle, which caught us
and very likely TPA offguard.
I want to specifically point out xPeke because he went under the radar when
he couldn't carry his team through European Regionals. He's always been a
good mid, solid and versatile. The difference now is that he works better
with his team to apply his lane pressure (since he's generally wins lane).
You'll see that he picks mid Katarina with Teleport on blue side because when
the enemy team switches top and bottom and dives the 2v1 lane top, he can
teleport in and kill everyone. I would rather play against Froggen than xPeke.
As for TPA and M5, they've played their same tried and true style. They're
good teams, and they abuse strong champions, but they both have weak links. I
think in the long run, M5 will fall off their pedestal without roster
changes. I still don't know what to think about TPA.
Anyways, CLG has the potential to beat anyone. All we need is to make some
changes and practice harder, considering we practiced next to nothing for
IPL. There's no such thing as best team in the world, Season 3 will have a
bunch of top teams that can go 50-50 with eachother, but you'll never see a
team with the 90% winrate that M5 had during S2.
1. CLG太依賴前期老查carry、後期我(DL本人)carry這套打法,導致當三線都輸的時候
2. WE和FN都是支好隊伍。
3. xPeke很強,我寧可面對froggen也不想對xPeke。
4. 如果M5的成員沒換,將來的成績會比現在更糟。
5. CLG還是有擊敗任一隊的潛力。
6. Season3 將不會有近乎稱霸的LOL隊伍,像之前S2的M5那樣。
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◆ From:
推 :真的難得= =1F 12/04 05:19
→ :這次xpeke沒腦衝 侵略型ap的好處發揮的很不錯2F 12/04 05:20
推 :第四點根本是離間計lol3F 12/04 05:21
→ :DL覺得M5會換人? 還是有什麼換人八卦@@?4F 12/04 05:21
推 :不得不承認DL的汎真的很厲害5F 12/04 05:27
推 :應該是偷偷表示M5有一個人拖後腿吧6F 12/04 05:27
推 :感覺講S2之前 怪怪的 應該是之前S2的7F 12/04 05:28
推 :甘蔗嗎8F 12/04 05:28
推 :我也想到甘蔗9F 12/04 05:28
推 :genja10F 12/04 05:29
推 :大家都想到同一個人=_=11F 12/04 05:31
推 :被冥燈了 M5要起飛了12F 12/04 05:31
推 :Jonte Bergendahl So if the Fnatic bot lane is bad13F 12/04 05:35
→ :DL覺得M5很爛,以後有M5的比賽我都要壓他們贏!14F 12/04 05:36
→ :and they smash you and loco, does that make your15F 12/04 05:36
→ : bot super bad?
→ :DL:yes, it makes us complete shit in lane
→ :很謙虛呀
→ : bot super bad?
→ :DL:yes, it makes us complete shit in lane
→ :很謙虛呀
推 :現在很期待S3的比賽 S3的道具組合很有變化性19F 12/04 05:41
推 :第四點跟之前版標的死哥好像呀XD20F 12/04 05:52
推 :他到底哪裡說M5 很爛了啊? 他甚至表明S2 M5稱霸很久21F 12/04 06:24
→ :他只是說M5 不換人 不太可能繼續維持90%勝率這種霸權
→ :他只是說M5 不換人 不太可能繼續維持90%勝率這種霸權
推 : 絕對是離間無誤XDD23F 12/04 06:38
※ 編輯: bret2631 來自: (12/04 06:47)推 :這個DL發出了聖光..忍不住要推文阿!!!24F 12/04 06:53
推 :這沒有敗人品阿 真的是DL發的嗎26F 12/04 07:15
推 :根本不需要換人 CLG就是一直頻繁換人 成績才起不來27F 12/04 07:30
→ :整天說可以打敗誰打敗誰 結果到底做了些甚麼?
→ :整天說可以打敗誰打敗誰 結果到底做了些甚麼?
→ :CLG是這次北美表現最好的29F 12/04 07:39
→ :不過有人會說北美都很爛啦..
→ :不過有人會說北美都很爛啦..
推 :有人可以翻譯一下TPA那段嗎 看不太懂31F 12/04 07:42
推 :TSM這麼久沒換人 現在看起來也不怎樣啊32F 12/04 08:04
推 :tsm不需要換人...?regi bro表示33F 12/04 08:05
推 :DL難得沒有直接指出是Genja的問題........34F 12/04 08:08
推 :至少CLG是除了WE之外唯一在FN手上奪走勝利的隊伍
→ :還是worship一下 lol
推 :至少CLG是除了WE之外唯一在FN手上奪走勝利的隊伍
→ :還是worship一下 lol
→ :DL : 我不是指genja是個____,而是M5每個人都是____37F 12/04 08:11
→ :我以為他會說M5該換個AD 看來他不想去俄羅斯38F 12/04 08:28
推 :DL難得沒說屁話 推39F 12/04 08:28
推 :xDDDDD看來她不想去俄羅斯40F 12/04 08:33
推 :XDDDD41F 12/04 08:46
→ :Doublelift發出了一陣白光後,42F 12/04 08:47
→ :DL通常就類似WWE那種美式風格放話,喜歡的人很多43F 12/04 08:47
推 :他只是說他對TPA目前還沒有具體想法y44F 12/04 08:49
推 :DL的想法就是讓人覺得他看不起TPA呀,嘖嘖45F 12/04 09:05
推 :TPA也不需要他看得起46F 12/04 09:09
推 :他完全沒有提到看不起TPA啊...他就說 不知道而已47F 12/04 09:14
→ :表現出來的意思是 他完全不懂TPA 所以不知道該說什麼
→ :可惜我中文太爛了 只能等人翻譯了!
→ :不然鄉民對本篇誤會還滿深的...
→ :表現出來的意思是 他完全不懂TPA 所以不知道該說什麼
→ :可惜我中文太爛了 只能等人翻譯了!
→ :不然鄉民對本篇誤會還滿深的...
推 :我是說態度,我沒在翻譯= =51F 12/04 09:17
推 :他態度比較像...不懂TPA 又很想說點什麼52F 12/04 09:19
→ :可是完全不知道 該說什麼 只好一直敷衍了事
→ :可是完全不知道 該說什麼 只好一直敷衍了事
推 :我猜,因為他們能從FN手中獲得一勝,而TPA被4:054F 12/04 09:19
→ :他們輸給M5,TPA卻壓M5打出3:0
→ :他們輸給M5,TPA卻壓M5打出3:0
→ :他是說他覺得m5若不換人表現還會繼續往下掉,不是說不56F 12/04 09:20
→ :換人沒法維持s2的90%,90%他是認為任何隊都不會再作到
→ :換人沒法維持s2的90%,90%他是認為任何隊都不會再作到
→ :加上又沒正面交手過,所以DL比較難做出預測58F 12/04 09:21
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