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※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-11-30 09:57:24
看板 LoL
作者 swwf (十字路口)
標題 [新聞] IGN官網: TPA強壓M5拿下D組二連勝
時間 Fri Nov 30 09:25:42 2012


Group D - TPA faces down the M5 and goes 2-0 in the group

by Jaszon 'Lightblind' Alexzander November 29th, 2012

Two of the teams generally thought most likely to end in the top three of
IPL5 clashed. TPA proved the stronger where it mattered- in the teamfights.



TPA             M5

    Lee Sin             Maokai
    Evelynn             Dr.Mundo
    Diana               Blitzcrank


TPA                             M5

    Rengar (top)                        Olaf(top)
    Orianna (mid)                       Sona(support)
    Skarner (jungle)                    Katerina(mid)
    Miss Fortune (ad)                   Amumu(jungle)
    Zyra (support)                      Ashe(AD)


M5 succeeded in taking TPA's blue buff at level one, without losing theirs.
However, It took awhile and Rengar used the time by himself to free-farm.
This put put Olaf quite far behind in exchange for hurting Skarner, quite
badly. To put even more body-blows into Skarner, they took his red as well
his second blue, setting him massively behind Amumu in levels and delaying
his level six gank until much later than usual. Amumu hit level six while
Skarner was still level four and he went straight to midlane to help secure a
kill for Kat. M5 followed this up with Ashe getting a kill on Zyra. However,
at the same time Rengar had twice the CS of Olaf and even with two kills the
gold was even. Rengar pushed down his first tower at 12 minutes, clearly
crushing his lane, using his early advantage to the fullest.


雷格爾則趁此時在下路農兵。這使得壓迫史加納的歐拉夫落後很多。 M5則持續打擊史加納


常多,並且無法及早上六等去gank。 阿姆姆六等時史加納還在四等,於此阿姆姆逕往中路

幫助並確保了Kat的首殺。 M5趁勝追擊,上路的艾希也擊殺了迦蘿。 然而,在同時雷格爾

已經有了兩倍於歐拉夫的CS數,M5雖有兩殺優勢,但雙方金錢數堪勘打平。 12分鐘時雷格


Skarner lost yet another blue buff, but did manage to finally pass level six
and took his shiny new ult to midlane. A nice Impale took Kat low, but a
fantastic flash got her out before the Ori ult could land and Kat walked
away. TPA evened up their botlane with a really nice play from Miss Fortune,
using her burst and ult to melt Sona. A quite extended teamfight ended with
M5 getting two kills for one loss, but TPA managed to take a tower and pulled
a little ahead.


。Kat雖然被打到快要死,但他一個精采的閃現躲過了Ori的大絕並撤退成功。 TPA的MF在

上路精采地用他的爆發力融掉Sona,扳回一城。 之後中路有個精采的會戰,M5拿下2:1的


Shortly after, a spectacular teamfight in midlane became the closest and most
well-played fight of the event so far. With great positioning, aggression and
damage from both teams, it could have gone either way so easily. In the end
it went four kills for M5 to three for TPA, so the gain was minimal but it
was still just a joy to watch.




TPA decided it was time to attack and marched down midlane. They caught Kat
with an Ori ult, ended her instantly and then pushed down another tower. TPA
moved on to Baron and M5 took the fight to them with an attempt to steal. It
failed however and TPA got Baron and picked up some more kills in the
aftermath. After the dust settled they had a 5k gold lead and Baron buff on
most of the team. TPA with momentum is a TPA winning games and M5 gave up
their mid Inhib without a fight. Trying to catch TPA off-guard after letting
the Inhib fall for free, they attacked. TPA were just too strong however and
aced M5 relatively easily and took the win. From about even to victory in two
team fights.


。緊接著轉頭去打巴龍。 M5開啟了偷巴龍的會戰但是不僅沒偷到巴龍,還被TPA拿下兩殺

。在比賽塵埃落定前,TPA取得了經濟上5K的優勢。 TPA利用這個雪球優勢持續壓迫,並讓

M5在無法會戰下拿下了中路兵營。 此時M5想趁著TPA拿下中路兵營略有鬆懈時反打一波。



MVP: Stanley takes this one. He took a small CS and Exp lead and used it to
totally crush his lane. While he got no 1v1, kills he took the tower early
and just stomped CS-wise. Getting a lot from a little is why Sta is the man
for this game.

單場MVP:史丹利。 他在取得少量的CS和經驗值的領先下,持續滾雪球滾到壓倒下路。

他下路沒單殺過對方,但早早就拆掉下路外塔,並在CS數上狠輾對方。 累積許多小優勢


Overall this was a really close game for most of the duration. Ups and downs
for both teams, but TPA showed that they have not gone soft since the Worlds
and came here to win.



- Jaszon “Lightblind| Alexzander

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◆ From:
h45279802   :推翻譯1F 11/30 09:30
usoko       :TPA came here to win, they came to have a tour(誤2F 11/30 09:30
johnnyjaiu  :M5真的很給聖光球尊重啊...小會戰三大絕放他身上3F 11/30 09:32
johnnyjaiu  :就是要他死了掉洞水
※ 編輯: swwf            來自:        (11/30 09:34)
QuickIceMan :\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/5F 11/30 09:34
solo0724    :犧牲球球 成就帝王!6F 11/30 09:34
gox1117     :\推上路帝王史丹利/7F 11/30 09:35
nanako81240 :推8F 11/30 09:35
trf222290   :最近不買造型跟英雄了!!等特價!!!!!!9F 11/30 09:36
Subway1668  :突然覺得玩台服很爽 一直有機會特價XD10F 11/30 09:37
linceass    :雷葛爾真他X的噁心11F 11/30 09:44
s4511981    :獅子要特價了嗎12F 11/30 09:44
ZETA821     :獅子被史丹利玩到不像被nerf過13F 11/30 09:47
worldtree   :不可質疑你的上路帝王史丹利14F 11/30 09:49
ctjh900805  :上路帝王OP  bj4   不對  這場是下路15F 11/30 09:49
justlaver   :下路帝王 不容置疑16F 11/30 09:50
flyphoton   :睡過頭了阿>"<!!哪時候會有重播>"<!有好心人可以貼17F 11/30 09:50
tomylee78   :讚!18F 11/30 09:51
fautumn     :不可質疑你的下路帝王 絕對的帥!19F 11/30 09:52
artz6030    :要是獅子沒被nerf過  史丹利今天就噁心到爆了20F 11/30 09:52
shinman11   :這也要很佩服球球 被搞成這樣還是沒有打醬油21F 11/30 09:53
vul3nj04    :@flyphoton 你往上看幾篇就有VOD了22F 11/30 09:53
tensinya    :TPA真的OP23F 11/30 09:54
stf32002    :眾人請膜拜史丹利!m(_ _)m24F 11/30 09:56

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